Steer prices

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New member
Jan 13, 2007
what do ya'll think about the rising prices of show steers, and how much is to much. I just wanted to know how much you spend on your show cattle

we have a little county show and when i say little i mean about only 8 steers in the whole show and i'm still in high school i'm about to get a job and i'm pretty sure that family will help like always but i want to know what would be realalistic prices

i want to win grand but if spend to much i dont even make profit


Staff member
Mar 26, 2006
It is really tough because you have parents that want to win at all costs and will drop serious bucks to do so.  Makes it tough to compete.  In your situation I spend time look for the best steer that you can find in your price range.  Keep your options open and if you can travel a little, you might be able to find a good deal on a great steer. 

Also make sure you are on top of your game in showmanship and grooming. 

Don't overspend out of your budget, you won't be able to recoup especially if you are just showing at 1 small show.


New member
Jan 13, 2007
what do you think is a good price

do you know any place that would be worth looking at,,i wouldnt mind spending a little money but i would have to make sure it was a good enough steer to win are show


Well-known member
Jun 21, 2012
If you really take the time you can find cheap steers that with the right management can turn out to be pretty good. I got reserve in Nebraska's highest paying county fair with a $2,000 steer. We also got reserve in our division at State fair with a $2500 steer.

Ms Ray

Well-known member
Jan 21, 2009
How much are the other kids spending, I have seen small fairs where people spend a lot and all want to win and I have seen where there are a lot of range steers.  Also how are auction prices I personally would not spend more than you know you will get back


Well-known member
Nov 14, 2007
I had a steer that won our state fair that I paid $900. I also had steer that originally sold for $28, 000 that I bought late in the season that couldn't get out of his class. People assume big dollar calves are always better...but in honestly if you have a good eye you can find a good buy. Personally I wouldn't pay over $2500 for a steer.


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2007
Rhome, TX
Don't assume what you see selling on the online sales is what show steers in general are selling for.  For every steer you see for sale in an online auction, there are a hundred more that are for sale by small breeders that don't have the big name or a sale.  There is no reason you can not find a very competitive steer in the $1500-2500 range.  Check out the websites of all the club calf breeders within a 100 radius of you, then call up several of the names you have never heard of.  So many of these breeders are willing to sell a good calf to a good home for a reasonable price.  Though you will still come across some that want "big name" prices for their cattle.

On a second note, prices in general are going to be higher for show steers when the price of feeder cattle go up.  It costs extra to halterbreak, feed, clip, picture, and promote cattle, so breeders will factor in all these costs to determine if it is worth messing with a calf vs. taking it to the sale barn.

Good luck with your search!


Well-known member
Jan 21, 2009
southwestern Kansas
Don't know where you are but Kevin Denniston just had a sale yesterday  on breeders world and some really nice steers sold for less than 2500.. there are some left that would probably be for sale for less than 2000 for sure

but it is unlikely you are going to buy someones best steer for market plus 200... market for a 500 pound calf is 1000 or so now

lots of people are looking for a cheep steer  what they really want is a really good steer cheep!!


Well-known member
Mar 13, 2008
The truth is there are way more steers out there than there are kids to show them.  You just have to be creative and to find good steers at great prices.  You need to think like a trader, follow the model of the tv show "American Pickers" and insert the word "steer" everytime they talk about how they find "rusty gold". Everything they do can be applied to finding the next great one: ask for leads, bundle, trade with something they want(semen, embryos, a heifer, labor, free advertisement) complement quality when you see it, know what stuff is worth, bring in an expert, walk away when its not right, flash some cash, get on the phone, put some miles on your car, take rejection like a pro and move on. Don't be afraid to walk through some feedlots, backgrounders or sale barns where the clubby ranches send their calves. Ask to see the cull pen at the "big boys sales"(everybody has one). Watch the sale reports from the clubby bull and breds sales and give them a call(it doesn't cost anything to look). Sale barn managers have a ton of information and they love to talk(however, Vets and ET centers are very tight lipped). Ask the feed rep whose buying the most creep and show feed. Talk to the AI rep and find out whose buying the clubby semen.
One of the best steers I ever sold was from a guy that had a crazy high price on him and wouldn't budge off the price. It was close to the end of the season and I knew he had done the same thing to everyone that had come before me. When I left his place I called the local sale barn and asked them to call me when he sold his calves. Long story short, when they came in the ring I asked them to split off that steer and I bought him for market price.
There is always more than one way to skin a cat.


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2011
SE Oregon
My kids are in a similar situation as you.  Our fair is tiny, but we do usually have between 30-40 4-H and FFA steers. It's really all about your area and your sale in the end.  Our fair sale average price was $2.25 per pound X 1300 pound average steers comes out to $2925. We don't have the luxury of getting those $5.00-$10.00 per pound winners, our community and economy just can't support it.  So it's easy for me to do the math. My kids can't even remotely come out even if we pay more than $1200 for a steer.  I've made it a rule that we won't pay more than $100 or $200 over market price in our area, regardless of breeding, etc. And for that $1200 the steer has had some exposure and sometimes started towards being halter broke.   
But if you are in a "high" competition area, or you plan on hitting the jackpot circuit, it might take a superior bred steer.  Not necessarily a higher dollar steer IMO.  Someone mentioned earlier that there are way more steers out there than kids to show them.  Use that to your advantage. Let the folks with $ go get theirs and then see what is left.  You might find a hell of a deal, because ultimately those breeders will just be selling (the left overs) at market price.  And just because they are "left overs" does not mean they won't have the same genetics / breeding as the high dollar ones.  Time, effort, and feeding can make up the difference!
Let us know where you are and maybe we can throw you some ideas or breeders to contact.


Well-known member
May 7, 2007
Jay Ok
Davidsonranch said:
My kids are in a similar situation as you.  Our fair is tiny, but we do usually have between 30-40 4-H and FFA steers. It's really all about your area and your sale in the end.  Our fair sale average price was $2.25 per pound X 1300 pound average steers comes out to $2925. We don't have the luxury of getting those $5.00-$10.00 per pound winners, our community and economy just can't support it.  So it's easy for me to do the math. My kids can't even remotely come out even if we pay more than $1200 for a steer.  I've made it a rule that we won't pay more than $100 or $200 over market price in our area, regardless of breeding, etc. And for that $1200 the steer has had some exposure and sometimes started towards being halter broke.   
But if you are in a "high" competition area, or you plan on hitting the jackpot circuit, it might take a superior bred steer.  Not necessarily a higher dollar steer IMO.  Someone mentioned earlier that there are way more steers out there than kids to show them.  Use that to your advantage. Let the folks with $ go get theirs and then see what is left.  You might find a hell of a deal, because ultimately those breeders will just be selling (the left overs) at market price.  And just because they are "left overs" does not mean they won't have the same genetics / breeding as the high dollar ones.  Time, effort, and feeding can make up the difference!
Let us know where you are and maybe we can throw you some ideas or breeders to contact.
One problem you may have this year last week a group of 6 weight charolias cross steers brought $2 a pound.  They brought more than $1200 at the sale barn.


Well-known member
Jan 21, 2009
Saskatchewan, Canada
I am just going to point out for that the original post here was made by a high school kid almost seven years ago so for those telling him to post his location I highly doubt he is still looking for a steer or at least not for himself.  There have however been some good points and suggestions made for others in the same situation.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2009
Was wondering how it was gonna take for someone to catch that.  (lol)  Same thing happened here couple years ago with some pics of calves for sale.  Everybody started asking questions about the calves and so on, only prob was they would of been 4 yrs old at that point. 


Well-known member
Jan 3, 2011
You can find  some really good ones in the  7-10 range. Seen a lot of them run anywhere. I don't think many people are showing steers to make money anyways


Well-known member
Oct 23, 2008
Quinter, KS
vcsf said:
I am just going to point out for that the original post here was made by a high school kid almost seven years ago so for those telling him to post his location I highly doubt he is still looking for a steer or at least not for himself.  There have however been some good points and suggestions made for others in the same situation.

Now I feel kinda goofy for commenting.  I just assumed since it was at the top it was a fairly recent post.  Guess I'll have to learn to pay more attention.