Bella Luna throws up anything that is not kibble. her new favorite is the crystalx leftovers in the barrels. she throws up the whole mess. she chews it out of the barrel. any bones she eats promptly get thrown up all over the place. if she was an outdoor dog at night it would be ok. she comes in about 10pm. i've given her stuff before and tried to change her diet to it with the raw meat diet covered with cereal because of tartar which i clean off all the time, but no. that dog has so much fun i've had to remove the foxtails in the pasture because she got them up her chute, eyes, in her ears, paws, she gashed herself on the fence chasing a rabbit, chews her toenails with her molars, chases crows, hawks, thankfully not the chickens, she's mostly a joy. one of those vet bill dogs. the other dog, zero problems. next steer i'll try again with the treats and will get some cabeza, which i gotta say IS THE BEST MEAT EVER. we have a tacqueria here in town that makes burrito's on saturdays with cabeza only and it is the total bomb. the whole burrito is meat, with two slices of avocado, some parsley, squirt of lime, minimal beans. i think my canines grow a mm every time i eat one.