Sullivans Hair or Horse Hair Bundle

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Well-known member
Aug 18, 2007
Looking through the web site the other day and saw these products?  What is your opinion of these products to build legs?    How do you go about using these products?  Basically, how do you blend this in with the leg hair and not have it really noticeable?  What step do you do it in?  If you go tail adh., ultra white, Auburn Tup, Blck Tup and Blck Fin on a black calf.


Well-known member
May 1, 2007
parts unknown
Twine works better for building legs than the horse hair does, unless you want to take the time to cut up the hair like twine.  As far as blending it in, it takes lots of practice and time, but basically you put a little on at a time then clip it then add a little more then clip it again.  Be sure to put a good coat of glue on so it doesn't fall off.  You pull the leg/flank/tailhead like you normally would then use tail adhesive, spray it on the tailhead (offside) and place your horse hair on the side of the tailhead where it is needed to fill in the holes, then spray more adhesive, let dry then paint black.  Search this topic I have explained it before on here better when I wasn't so tired and sleepy.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2007
sw Oklahoma
Generally speaking, twine is for building legs and horsehair is for tailheads. However, if you pull the leg hair forward to a point in the front, and back to a point in back, you can add horsehair (by laying and glueing it in carefully in the same direction the hair is laying) to fill in thin spots. Unless you're really, really good, it's very difficult and very time consuming to build a whole leg in this manner and make it look right.