taxing happiness is next.

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA

now if they could just tax happiness, or have an affirmative action law for happiness.  it's just so unfair.

If your beliefs don't justify gaps in status, you could be left frustrated and disheartened,          no kidding.  that's why they want guaranteed outcomes.

Research suggests that highly egalitarian women are less happy in their marriages compared with their more traditional counterparts, apparently because they are more troubled by disparities in domestic labor."

being in an area more know for this type of woman, and having an employee who is one, i gotta say, the disparity in income is a big problem.  if equality is what it's all about, women have to accept the fact that creating more loser males is just part of being equal and they should embrace this rather than complain about it.  be happy, be with your 70% less wage husband, he's excelling at being mediocre, while you are allowed to excel at his expense.  now if only men could have babies, more men would watch oprah, although the tom cruise fest was a little much.  i can't believe how boring that guy is. i guess his smile never wears off, and the little bangs thing with his hair.

really, we just need to pay an oil excecutive the same as a burger flipper and everyone will be equal.  it's just so unfair.  i think the only reason i'm unhappy at times is because of all the unhappiness legislation, that and that's all the media has to sell.


Well-known member
Feb 13, 2008
Conservatives are brought up to work for what they want.  Liberals are brought up to protest and whine for something they want to take from the producers.  End of story.

I know plenty of women who are very smart and make a lot of money.  I really don't think they can play that card anymore.  Oh and I hate pant suits, this world doesn't need any more Hillary Clintons.  I dress like a man, they can dress like a woman.

I like how Hillary wants to take a windfall tax from the oil companies, that is the most un-american thing I think I have heard her say.  It would be the same thing as levying a windfall tax on all corn sold now at record prices.

Money is one of two things that I'm all for everybody getting as much of it as they can.

Liberals think if someone is making money that they're stealing it from someone else.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2007
Springfield, Ohio
The governement is going to let you keep as little amount of your money as they have to to keep you happy, the rest they are going to take and give to people who are "less fortunate".

I really hope some people wake up.  If they manage to take the profits of the "evil oil companys" then what.  I hear they (gov) are going to try to form a pannel of experts to decide how much profit is too much and how they will determin who needs to caugh up more of their profits.  NUTS!!

Do you all think that if we split the US in half,  And we said anyone who likes paying taxes or who wants the goverment to support them go live on the Eastern Half of the US.  Those of you who think that we should go back to the basic ideals our forfathers set down for us where you support your self and think for yourself go live on the western side of the United States.  Who do you suppose would gain more people?  I would go West, Ill tell you that!



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
i think those that want state solutions for everything should go to san francisco and vallejo.  both cities are about to cave in, with vallejo declaring bankruptcy i think at the end of june.  it's a population of around 125,000.  i think they are 10-15 million in the red.

on the other hand, our parents were taxed at a much higher rate and financed the interstate highway system, the USDA, the FDA, the university sytem expansion, WWII, the cold war etc.  we have put a lot of that money into 5000ft2 mansions which are poorly built, cost thousands to heat and cool and contributed to the housing bubble, and raised prices for land, as well as the energy crisis, not to mention our increased commuting lengths.  they were allowed to do this with little fiscal accountability to cover costs to municipalities, at least in my area.

we have changed our mindset to finance growth with growth, and it will come home to roost at some point.  perhaps there will be a correction that will delay the filling of the petri dish.