The craziest thing you have seen at a cattle show

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Well-known member
Sep 8, 2007
I was thinking of the crazies thing that Ive seen at a cattle show- A few years ago a bunch of us were at a local cattle show and had about 8-10 of our calves all tied side my side
in the barn, in front of them was a narrow walkway where we kept hay and or stuff-  We were all sitting around waiting for the cattle to either stand up or take a little poo and
all of a sudden all 8 of the calves jumped up and pulled back on their halters,  the board they were all tied to broke and 4 out of the 8 calves took off running down the middle of
the isle board and all, they caused havoc, knocking every fan, chair and person over in their way.  We finally got the calves stopped but Wow were we all in panic mode. :eek:


Well-known member
Feb 13, 2008
I saw a steer one time at the county fair that was pretty fined boned so the kids tried to twine the legs.  It was about 95 degrees out with 90% humidity.  Twine was not holding well and was actually falling off in the ring for the final drive.  The steer did get reserve, but if the twine had held on better probably would have got grand.  It was pretty humorous...


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2007
Well it was not at a show but at our final weigh in for the fair this one girl came to weigh her steer with a bunch of big heavy chains around its neck hoping that it would help it make weight. Needless to say it did not make weight but it was allowed on the scales chains and all.


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2007
Back when "tall was all" and the biggest frame score animals won I saw a steer that they had glued 2" blocks to the bottom of his feet to make him taller. The problem came when half way to the show ring, one of the blocks came off and effectively made him have one leg shorter than the others. RW

Rocky Hill Simmental

Well-known member
Aug 22, 2007
One show that I go to is a week long so most of the cattle shows are when school is in session so there aren't too many stray people walking around.. mainly just people who are retired, took off work, and toddler to early elementry aged kids on field trips. The teachers do a pretty good job at watching the kids and they're generally well behaved. But still, a lot of cattle aren't used to seeing real young kids (like mine for example).
Anyway, during the angus show a couple of years ago, I saw this guy leading his heifer across the road and off in the distance, there was a line of kids walking in a line behind their teacher. The heifer couldn't stop looking at that line of kids and they kept getting closer. Finally, she paniced and jumped way up in the air and kicked her hind legs up in the area, kicking her owner in the head.  :eek: Then there she went, just jolting through the parking lot, leaving her owner laying on his back in the middle of the road.  :(
Some people went after the heifer who happened to be heading for the busy part of the city... You'll never guess where they ended up catching the heifer... At Burger King! Talk about ironic. lol


Well-known member
May 24, 2007
Not at a show but at a sale ...

Two college age girls who HATED each other with a passion were back fitting Angus cattle before the sale.  The fight might have started by accident - one sprayed the other or something...  but it turned into something special -  both were armed with adhesive and black paint and you should've seen them when the fight was over. 


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
Shelby, NE
Two different crazy stories.  First one from 2 years ago.  Our middle son Gavin Who now is almost 5, was little over a month removed from being in the hospital.  He had had a brain injury from a major car accident that took him over a month in the hospital of Rehab to go from basically completely paralized to almost back to normal at the time of the show.  We were watching him very closely keeping him with in 3-5 feet from us at the show (Juior show at the Nebraska Classic).  Someone next to us had a 900 lb steer that was not completely broke.  They had him in an Alluminum chute with the side rails up & down.  The calf popped the rails out and  got his feet on the ground and took off with the chute flying through the air about 4-5 feet off the ground,  the chute landed less than a foot from Gavin.  I grabbed him instantly and stood their quivering for about a half hour.  The gentleman next to us felt terrible but nobody was injured, he  did load the steer up after that.  Alluminum chutes are handy but they aren't meant to be used with cattle that aren't completely broke.

Second story,  over 25 years ago at our county fair, we had 3-5 inches of rain come in a very short time period when the livestock was all there and flooded all the barns with 8-10 inches of water.  It was crazy.  My parents were sitting in the hog barns on the tops of the pens with coolers of refreshments watching the livestock and waiting for the water to go down.  Some teenagers took the 8 ft water tank and emptied it and were in it floating through the alley of the cattle barn.  It was a crazy night that I won't forget.




Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
Gardner, KS
kanshow said:
Not at a show but at a sale ...

Two college age girls who HATED each other with a passion were back fitting Angus cattle before the sale.   The fight might have started by accident - one sprayed the other or something...  but it turned into something special -  both were armed with adhesive and black paint and you should've seen them when the fight was over. 
The niece and nephew got into after a show when they were breaking down, as you can see, they nephew won!


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Well-known member
Feb 3, 2008
Champaign, IL
About 1995/1996,  I was walking out of a door at the IL beef expo, where the showring was, and as I walked out I came to a brick wall and on my left there was a flight of stairs, about 15 or so.  Anyway, this hereford bull got loose and ran at me, I had to jump off this brick wall to escape.  The bull, kept going and jumped off a the flight of stairs, landed, bellered, and kept on going towards the other end of the fairgrounds.  I bet that bull dropped about 12 foot from the top of the stairs to the ground.  Funny, that it was hereford.


Well-known member
Jun 22, 2007
When I was showing in the 80's I saw a steer come in that was all white and the next day when it showed it was all black and so was the girl showing it.


Well-known member
May 24, 2007
Horse show..  This crazy girl had a brand new pickup.  She started jerking on her horse and it went over backwards on the hood - saddle and all.  What a mess.  The horse was ok.. can't say the same for the pickup & saddle. 


Well-known member
Feb 13, 2008
afhm said:
I saw a heifer go through the windshield of a car at a show.

I know a kid who hit 3 Wagyu cross fat steers that were on the highway one night with a ford escort.....


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2007
Western NC
Boy I bet thats what you could call some tender beef right there. Id hate to have seen the poor escort, probably didnt do anything to them steers.


Well-known member
Apr 29, 2008
I don't get to many shows but  my wildest experience would have been when Truman Kingsley made Champaign the champion bull at the 1973 International.There was a lot of booing and jeering and cowboy hats were flying every where.I didn't see it as I was distracted but legend has it that Truman rode the bull out of the ring.I guess its only fitting that one of the last International Shorthorn shows should end in controversy since one of the first ones was as well with one of the judges refusing to sign off on the judging book.


Well-known member
Nov 14, 2007
humm had some good ones, but one of them was when a guy decided it would be cute to go up behind my cow , grab two fisfulls of her udder and ripped down (she had a 4 mo calf so she was in milk) and my mother walks up to the guy and asks "how would you like it if someone came up to your girlfriend and did that." The guys eyes nearly popped outa his head, as did his gurlfriend who had been giggling at the obviously uncomfortable cow.


Well-known member
Jul 31, 2010
My best one would have to be when I was about a Freshman in highschool. At our pretty small county show there was a kid who just pulled a steer out of his grandfathers commercial herd every year and showed it at county.  This guy and I were pretty good friends, but he never ussually spent much time with his calf so they were hardly ever very far past green broke at show time.  We had all just washed calves this year the first day we were there, and he decided to put his steer in this OLD chute to blow him.  I asked him if he realized that the chute didnt have a floor in it, to which he responded "Its ok we have him tied, just using the che chute to keep him from going side to side since he has never had a blower on him!" About the time they flipped the switch on the blower I looked over and realized they had him tied to a Tpost that they had just stabbed into a pile of shavings and manure from the barn.  Needless to say the steer flipped out and took off with the chute, which ended up flipping over so he was standing with his legs through the sides and carrying it on his neck. This spooked him even more and the race was on.  He went through the parking lot putting a huge hole in the sideof a brand new Sundowner living quarters trailer that the people had only owned a week.  He then continued to the midway where he took out the little tent with the game where you throw a ping pong ball in a fish bowl and win a gold fish.  No telling  what else he would have destroyed but luckily he got to a tight spot between 2 buildings and got stuck.  We were able to sedate him, but it was one hell of a job to get him out of that mangled chute. Somehow though the steer didnt have a scratch on him. Never walked in a chute again though!


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2009
wow so many. Well there are these two girls I show against (I won't mention names.)
One year one of the girls made reserve showman. she was ticked that she got reserve that she she threw down her show stick and let her cow go and stomped out of the ring. The judge said "Young lady yo get back in this ring right now I am not done with you" our beef supvisor literally drug her back in the ring. the judge lectured her in front of everybody over the sound system. the judge made her appologze to everybody and then go get h showstick and her cow and go to the end of the line up.
Her sister this year after winning reserve showman took hr ribbon and threw it in a guys filed with manure wheel barrel. He grabbed the ribbon and the girl and gave her a good lecturing.
This year at WIF we had a huge thunderstorm come there was lots of damage and they almost cancled all the shows the next day, they didn't but there was extensive damage. They had to evacuat like 3,000 people, and it was durring the night when everyone was there and it was dark so you couldn't see it coming and it came so fast that there were very few signs and we didn't think anything of them cause there was a chance of rain.

Here are some links of coverage of the storm
little heifer (angel)