Cowz, if that "church" protests again, get ahold of the "Freedom Riders", which is a motorcycle group that rides their bikes in front of the protestors to shield the families from their hideious signs, and yelling.
In our community a soldier was brought home to be buried. The "church protesters" were there (maybe 30) and so were the Freedom Riders (maybe 200). They completely hid the protesters, lead and followed the family from the funeral home, to the school gym, to the cemetary. The total route, roughly 60 miles. And they were their 100% of the time. It was not only touching to know that these cyclist had taken time out of their work, and family time to support this family, but touching to see all the community support that the family and cyclist recieved. Lets just say the protesters have not been back.
I think if you google "Freedom Riders" you can find info out, or donate to their expenses that all come out of their own pockets.