Using my reciepts for embryos

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Well-known member
Jun 27, 2008
Put many embryos in for people 5 years ago.
looking to get back to this practice. What are people getting these days. Have enough cows to put in 60- 70 embryos.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
have a quote for $550 above market price at weaning.

there probably is a charge for each attempt that doesn't stick. not sure.


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2015
I saw a sponsored post on Facebook where they were selling 60 day bred cows for $2k and $150 per embryo transfer.

When I did it a few years ago for someone we agreed on them paying for all shots/costs associated with the transfer, then I got $150 for each calf they didn't pick up. The calves they did pick up were I think $1000 at 90 days? Personally I don't think that was sufficient for what it cost us in time/labor/lost time on getting cows bred back because some of the IVF embryos had a defect and caused the calves to be born with holes in them, so we didn't get paid on those and even lost a heifer (not TH/PHA, just an IVF thing that's "rare").

That's my 2 cents on the matter

Pleasant Grove Farms

Well-known member
Sep 19, 2011
having put in embryos for quite a few years now, for ourselves and for others...there are a number of costs that the receipt herd incurs that aren't real evident...avg. pregnancies achieved is 50%, so 50% of the cows are at least bred on one cycle later....(lighter and younger calf at weaning), there are some embryos that do begin to grow, but are reabsorbed after a month or two because they die...then you end up with a really late calving cow or an open cow.  We were told this by the vet who put them in...and put in a couple grade 4's (fresh) and that is what happened with those.  As stated before, quite a bit of labor and some stress on the cows. 
I don't think most ppl are paid enough for being a receipt herd.