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Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
Rogers, Ar
knabe said:
here's a chill pill.

Once upon a time, a rich businessman and his entourage visited a harbor examining some ocean-front property to buy and develop. Their business concluded, he was about to return to his helicopter and take off when he noticed a plainly-dressed middle-aged man sitting on a chair near the docks, smiling and looking out over the ocean.

The businessman approached the other and asked him what he did for a living that allowed him to simply sit back and relax even though it was only early afternoon. He replied that he was a fisherman, and that he had already caught enough fish for the day, so he was just relaxing and taking in the view.

The businessman pointed out that he could go back out and catch even more fish and make more money. The fisherman asked what that would gain him.

The businessman pointed out that he could save up enough money to buy an additional boat & crew and catch even more fish and make even more money. The fisherman again asked what that would gain him.

The confused businessman replied that he could build an even larger fleet and hire captains & managers to run it. Once again the fisherman asked what that would gain him.

The businessman told him that then he would be able to sit back, relax, and enjoy the ocean. The fisherman smiled and replied, “But that’s what I’m doing now.”

Once again, Knabe has won the war of words on a controversial thread!  Now, boys and girls, let's get back to cattle. There are too many asking to have posts removed. Please no more posts on this thread


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
Rogers, Ar
Tom Johnson, Tishomingo, OK. Tom is the Ferris' son in law, and ranch manager. Also, the young man who owns my old semen tank. I can't remember his name. At my age, I'll remember in about a week.


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
AAOK said:
knabe said:
here's a chill pill.

Once upon a time, a rich businessman and his entourage visited a harbor examining some ocean-front property to buy and develop. Their business concluded, he was about to return to his helicopter and take off when he noticed a plainly-dressed middle-aged man sitting on a chair near the docks, smiling and looking out over the ocean.

The businessman approached the other and asked him what he did for a living that allowed him to simply sit back and relax even though it was only early afternoon. He replied that he was a fisherman, and that he had already caught enough fish for the day, so he was just relaxing and taking in the view.

The businessman pointed out that he could go back out and catch even more fish and make more money. The fisherman asked what that would gain him.

The businessman pointed out that he could save up enough money to buy an additional boat & crew and catch even more fish and make even more money. The fisherman again asked what that would gain him.

The confused businessman replied that he could build an even larger fleet and hire captains & managers to run it. Once again the fisherman asked what that would gain him.

The businessman told him that then he would be able to sit back, relax, and enjoy the ocean. The fisherman smiled and replied, “But that’s what I’m doing now.”

Once again, Knabe has won the war of words on a controversial thread!  Now, boys and girls, let's get back to cattle. There are too many asking to have posts removed. Please no more posts on this thread

I bet those asking for posts to be removed are the same ones defending Phil's right to 'free speech.' O the irony. 


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2012
-XBAR- said:
AAOK said:
knabe said:
here's a chill pill.

Once upon a time, a rich businessman and his entourage visited a harbor examining some ocean-front property to buy and develop. Their business concluded, he was about to return to his helicopter and take off when he noticed a plainly-dressed middle-aged man sitting on a chair near the docks, smiling and looking out over the ocean.

The businessman approached the other and asked him what he did for a living that allowed him to simply sit back and relax even though it was only early afternoon. He replied that he was a fisherman, and that he had already caught enough fish for the day, so he was just relaxing and taking in the view.

The businessman pointed out that he could go back out and catch even more fish and make more money. The fisherman asked what that would gain him.

The businessman pointed out that he could save up enough money to buy an additional boat & crew and catch even more fish and make even more money. The fisherman again asked what that would gain him.

The confused businessman replied that he could build an even larger fleet and hire captains & managers to run it. Once again the fisherman asked what that would gain him.

The businessman told him that then he would be able to sit back, relax, and enjoy the ocean. The fisherman smiled and replied, “But that’s what I’m doing now.”

Once again, Knabe has won the war of words on a controversial thread!  Now, boys and girls, let's get back to cattle. There are too many asking to have posts removed. Please no more posts on this thread

I bet those asking for posts to be removed are the same ones defending Phil's right to 'free speech.' O the irony.

Agreed, my feelings can be summed up with two quotes from some French guy I have read a couple of times and find a bit of truth in..
"I disapprove of what you say but will defend to the death your right to say it" and "think for your yourselves and let others enjoy the same privilege to do so too"-  Francois-Marie Aruoet  "Voltaire"


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
Dallas, Texas
Did not want to insult anyone with my comments. Sorry. Those are just my feelings and my right to free speech.

Look for FR Gizmo if you cannot find Magic semen. Both Glen Ferris and myself thought he was a better bull. Glen traveled from Texas to Canada to purchase some of the very best genetics he could find. My first great producing female was a Cunia daughter that I partnered on with Glen. He was in the know when it came to Maine and Chi genetics and new the value of both when crossed with domestic cows.



Well-known member
Nov 27, 2010
AAOK said:
knabe said:
here's a chill pill.

Once upon a time, a rich businessman and his entourage visited a harbor examining some ocean-front property to buy and develop. Their business concluded, he was about to return to his helicopter and take off when he noticed a plainly-dressed middle-aged man sitting on a chair near the docks, smiling and looking out over the ocean.

The businessman approached the other and asked him what he did for a living that allowed him to simply sit back and relax even though it was only early afternoon. He replied that he was a fisherman, and that he had already caught enough fish for the day, so he was just relaxing and taking in the view.

The businessman pointed out that he could go back out and catch even more fish and make more money. The fisherman asked what that would gain him.

The businessman pointed out that he could save up enough money to buy an additional boat & crew and catch even more fish and make even more money. The fisherman again asked what that would gain him.

The confused businessman replied that he could build an even larger fleet and hire captains & managers to run it. Once again the fisherman asked what that would gain him.

The businessman told him that then he would be able to sit back, relax, and enjoy the ocean. The fisherman smiled and replied, “But that’s what I’m doing now.”

Once again, Knabe has won the war of words on a controversial thread!  Now, boys and girls, let's get back to cattle. There are too many asking to have posts removed. Please no more posts on this thread

The Big Show
This is the main discussion area.This area is NOT limited to cattle topics- post whatever you wish to discuss.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
Dallas, Texas
Let's all talk out the side of our mouths...Want freedom of expression and speech but when we agree to disagree it's all over with....

This site is interesting when others come along with different ideas that get us to thinking. We sometimes get aggravated by what other have to say. That's allright as long as it's not malicious.

I know these threads can get off track but the thought of having moderators tell us to be nice little children and not post anymore bothers me. We are just having a discussion. Remember this is the most active- entertaining thread presently on here. I suggest let people have their say and leave well enough alone.

Sorry MCC - I'm not a fan of the Robertson's and know it came across in a brutal sort of way. That was my point.



Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
The greatest issue or cause for concern to me is the inability of those who identify themselves as 'cattle people' - for lack of a better word- to express individual creativity, uniqueness and independent thinking.  I don't know that I've encountered any self-identified group in which groupthink is more prevalent. 


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
-XBAR- said:
I don't know that I've encountered any self-identified group in which groupthink is more prevalent.

Funny. I think the same thing about progressive/liberals/democrats


Well-known member
Nov 27, 2010
Telos said:
Let's all talk out the side of our mouths...Want freedom of expression and speech but when we agree to disagree it's all over with....

This site is interesting when others come along with different ideas that get us to thinking. We sometimes get aggravated by what other have to say. That's allright as long as it's not malicious.

I know these threads can get off track but the thought of having moderators tell us to be nice little children and not post anymore bothers me. We are just having a discussion. Remember this is the most active- entertaining thread presently on here. I suggest let people have their say and leave well enough alone.

Sorry MCC - I'm not a fan of the Robertson's and know it came across in a brutal sort of way. That was my point.

No problem Telos. You were expressing your opinion and I expressed mine. That's one thing that is so great about this country. (clapping)

Davis Shorthorns

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2008
Telos said:
Do people really listen to this ignoramus?

Phil Robertson is not only ignorant he's just plain stupid. His fans are also naive and stupid. 

Do some of you think this jerk has something to say? This is scary in itself.

I'm sorry but there should be laws against people that are just plain dumb.

I guess it's entertainment for a lot of folks.

So what about Phil Robertson makes him ignorant, stupid and a jerk???  The fact that he is a deeply religious man?  The fact that he helped revolutionize the duck call?  The fact that he built a empire out of nothing?  hmm yea sounds like no one that we should listen to.  I'll just go back to listening to people like Miley Cyrus, or Kayne or any of the other people that are all over the news spewing mindless garbage. 


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Davis Shorthorns said:
  I'll just go back to listening to people like Miley Cyrus, or Kayne or any of the other people that are all over the promoted by the news spewing mindless garbage.

Instead of reporting on more substantial issues.

The news now consists of the obituary report, and shock because it requires almost no labor or intelligence to make or digest.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Here's the type of stuff everyone is supposed to be ignoring while the media pushes social issues.


What this basically does is drive up your taxes, your cost of business, your ability to compete both in the marketplace and for capital, your ability to compete for capital equally with progressives.

Its this type of crony capitalism, facism, whatever younwant to call it that is consolidating power.

Its time to end this. 


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
Dallas, Texas
In Phil Robertson's case... Ignorance is bliss. I know he is entertaining, financially successful and plays off of his quirky personality but I'd rather be in a classroom learning about the human genome or the logistics of traveling to Mars. Learning the perfect duck call is pretty cool though.

The Holy Bible seems to comes in handy as a weapon for ones defense. I just don't like it when this reasoning is used. He's not only God fearing, he's fearing of the people who are unlike him. Maybe a lesson in casting stones is at hand.


OH Breeder

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
Ada, Ohio
Davis Shorthorns said:
Telos said:
Do people really listen to this ignoramus?

Phil Robertson is not only ignorant he's just plain stupid. His fans are also naive and stupid. 

Do some of you think this jerk has something to say? This is scary in itself.

I'm sorry but there should be laws against people that are just plain dumb.

I guess it's entertainment for a lot of folks.

So what about Phil Robertson makes him ignorant, stupid and a jerk???  The fact that he is a deeply religious man?  The fact that he helped revolutionize the duck call?  The fact that he built a empire out of nothing?  hmm yea sounds like no one that we should listen to.  I'll just go back to listening to people like Miley Cyrus, or Kayne or any of the other people that are all over the news spewing mindless garbage.

When you sign a contract to get big bucks and say you will allow yourself to be censored for the pay check I find nothing WRONG with censorship. YOu can't have it both ways. The past year at contract renewal there was a big deal about them "duck dynasty" got a pay raise and get $200,000 an episode. So, if you agree to HONOR a contract then don't WHINE when you get censored. He can say what ever he wants but then give back the 1.2 million a year they make off the show and don't sign any more contracts. Do you really think GQ would have drove to middle of BFE to listen to the rantings of reformed hippy?
I get tired of people's BS excuse on free speech. This has nothing to do with free speech. He gave that up. You want to know what is wrong with people it is good almighty dollar. Trade personal freedoms for personal wealth.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Apparently his stupidity was not getting paid enough for the interview to offset future earnings.

The media formula is.  Build them up, tear them down, build them up.

Each go round the person has less control.

At least in this instance the dd had control of the situation.

I mean I'd watch a show about steer planet rather than duck dynasty any day.

Lot more interesting stories and subplots that people have no idea about and all the bad mouthing that goes on would make a priest who takes confession blush.


Well-known member
Nov 27, 2010
OH Breeder said:
Davis Shorthorns said:
Telos said:
Do people really listen to this ignoramus?

Phil Robertson is not only ignorant he's just plain stupid. His fans are also naive and stupid. 

Do some of you think this jerk has something to say? This is scary in itself.

I'm sorry but there should be laws against people that are just plain dumb.

I guess it's entertainment for a lot of folks.

So what about Phil Robertson makes him ignorant, stupid and a jerk???  The fact that he is a deeply religious man?  The fact that he helped revolutionize the duck call?  The fact that he built a empire out of nothing?  hmm yea sounds like no one that we should listen to.  I'll just go back to listening to people like Miley Cyrus, or Kayne or any of the other people that are all over the news spewing mindless garbage.

When you sign a contract to get big bucks and say you will allow yourself to be censored for the pay check I find nothing WRONG with censorship. YOu can't have it both ways. The past year at contract renewal there was a big deal about them "duck dynasty" got a pay raise and get $200,000 an episode. So, if you agree to HONOR a contract then don't WHINE when you get censored. He can say what ever he wants but then give back the 1.2 million a year they make off the show and don't sign any more contracts. Do you really think GQ would have drove to middle of BFE to listen to the rantings of reformed hippy?
I get tired of people's BS excuse on free speech. This has nothing to do with free speech. He gave that up. You want to know what is wrong with people it is good almighty dollar. Trade personal freedoms for personal wealth.

OH Breeder. Have you seen the contract Phil signed? I haven't and if you have then I don't have any ground to stand on. You are correct that the almighty dollar drives most of us even to do things we don't believe in. With that being said although I do not know Phil personally I can't believe that he would trade in his faith and belief's for THE ALL MIGHTY DOLLAR. In my opinion he would be plenty happy giving ALL the money back to A@E and continue living in the woods hunting duck's and spreading the word of God. Just my opinion.