wheat prices

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Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Wheat for March delivery, which reached a record $10.095 a bushel yesterday before settling at $9.66, today rose as much as 1.1 percent to $9.77 in after-hours electronic trading on the Chicago Board of Trade.

first corn, now wheat, at this rate, why is the farm bill providing subsidies to scottie pippen?  what a joke, both the dems and repubs are so totally sold out to eliminating family farms, and coupled with the death tax, the fallout will be so complete, the size of cities in america will be above a population threshold that will not allow property ownership anymore, one must be incorporated.  of course, we all just laughed and watched it happen and did nothing.  without property rights to worry about, international socialsim is almost complete.  who will do anything, kids wake up, we blew it, hopefully there is still time for you to make a difference.