I would hate to let ya down Red!!
I have several breeds I would like to "discuss"!!
First the limis, a breed I hold dear as it is what I grew up with as a child. I can remember when a Limi had a "limi butt", and their heads were small compared to their body. They grew like wild, and although they never got "fat" like traditional cattle, they were tender due to the fact their muscle fibers were smaller than average. And they were RED. And yes, some had attitudes, but those were sold IMMEDIATELY at the salebarn. Our limis were gentle, and were easy to handle. Now they are, well, not limis. Their legs are aweful, their heads look like angus, and no where are those wonderful Limi butts! They have lost their grow due to the fact they are chasing the hair and show ring. AARRGG!
Now on to Shorties: I don't even know where to start. First off, please shorties LEAVE THE BLACK ALONE. I love the red and white, or red or white. Also, I have noticed TWO breeds of shorties, one for the clubbie world and one for the pasture/performance world. And I guess that is ok (suffolk sheep did this same thing many years ago. Now there are two "registrys". The two different breeds HATE each other, but another topic!) But I wonder if the shortie breed realizes how their breed comes off as a "show ring pretty breed" rather than the maternal breed it was. Heard a comment the other day "Lets go down the shortie isle and see where all the money is!!". Plus if they don't get TH and PHA under control, well, so much for using in a commercial herd.
Red Angus: This breed has made HUGE gains in the last 5 years or so. Not sure how, but.... I heard that the board was wanting to get rid of BW epd's. and go with CED only. Their arguement is that it doesn't matter how big the calf is, it just depends on how easy it comes out. HUH???? I understand their theory, but I can not see it working. Also, they like other breeds are chasing numbers and forgetting what their breed is about. I noticed in several catalogs that their birth weights and BW EPD's were getting huge. Could this be the reason they are wanting to get rid of that number??
I also don't like the 1A and B thing. What about just 100% red angus and then commercial red angus? (that is my grip with all breeds that allow registry to commercial cattle). Red angus were a maternal, and now since they are chasing numbers only, they are losing their milking ability and fleshing ablility.
Black Angus: Marketing Geniuses!!! Not that I agree with all of it, but man can they manipulate the market with ads!! Again though, they are chasing carcass numbers, forgetting that cattle need to WALK. I don't care how good the carcass is if the cattle can't walk in the pasture or to the feed bunk, it doesn't really matter does it??? And long gone is the true calving ease black angus.
Gelv: Again, chasing that black number thing. And while doing that, losing their maternal ability and correctness.
Of course these are generalizations, but I have found them to be true.
My overall grip: Breeds are forgetting what they are good at. Maybe trying to be angus due to their marketing? Limi's were good at yield grade and milking and lean meat. Shorties were maternal milking breed that were great mommas. Red Ang again were a maternal calving ease breed. Black Angus were the calving ease specialist, that marbled and graded. NOW THE BLACK ANGUS CAN NOT EVEN QUALIFY FOR THEIR OWN CAB PROGRAM!!

The percent of accepted carcasses is down about 8%-10%.
Maybe the breeds need to go back to what made them useful and popular in their beginning. And I don't mean give up progress, but use the breeds as they were designed to be used and not try to monopolize the cattle industry.
Hows that for an opinion??