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Who is your hero or someone you look up in the livestock bussiness? Is it your dad, brother, sister etc.? Was it a proffessor, breeder,veternarian, or whatever. Most of thr people that are my hero's are cattle breeders. Ora Erdman.Virgil Wegener, Larry Insley,Bob Dickenson and my parents. Joe Lewis of Alfalfa Lawn farms? Joe judged alot of shows. I beleive he was the first judge to use a crossbred steer at Denver.(maybe around 1972). He then used a shorthorn steer instead of a crossbred in(maybe early 90,s). Especially when you are young, some people just seem larger than life for better or worse. Have you ever been really down and had someone talk you you and you perspective. I'm kind of a history geek. Just thought I'd throw it out there. (dog) (dog) (dog)