I have used him on Angus, Chiangus and Sim's with success. The best calves we have had out of Witchdoctor have been out of low % Chi high % Angus cows.
Well I thought about using The Witch Doctor on Corriente and Highland cattle but in the end I have only used him on high percentage Maines - no matter what bloodlines in my hands the females are excellent mothers. The bulls are functional and the bull owners are happy but I mostly like his females - can't comment on the use of him in crossbred cattle...I also like his longevity - bulls that die at 2 or 3 make me nervous about either the bull or the owner ;D
I plan to use him on some SH heifers to get that first calf out of the way and possibly have a nice one for the showring. I've been using Angus and selling the calves as replacement heifers or feeder steers. I think using him would give me more options.
He would give you way more options, the cavles could be double registered as Maintainer and Shorthorn Plus and your chances of a showable calf I would think would go way up.