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  1. RenFarms

    Bull Opinions?

    These aren't the best photos I guess, but all I have I think. This is the 10 month old Galloway bull,  "Cochise", that we took to Denver. Any opinions or observations? Thank you. *Updated. I found another photo. He's standing kind of silly, but hopefully not too distracting?
  2. RenFarms

    Pretty Girl

    One of our Denver heifers struck such a nice pose the afternoon before the show, I just had to share.
  3. RenFarms

    Beet pulp or cottonseed hulls

    Full Tank isn't available around here it seems, not in a timely manner anyway. Looking for filler for use with 2 heifers and a bull calf while they are at NWSS. My objective is keep manure firm, keep feed intake good, keep them full and with a happy rumen without having to haul a bunch of hay...
  4. RenFarms

    Full tank and winning fill

    Full tank and winning fill were suggested to me recently. I have read through SP archives, but my question is, when feeding it, is it in addition to their ration, or is ration reduced and replaced by one of these products? Thank you.
  5. RenFarms

    Fitter in Eastern MT

    Hi. A breeder in Eastern MT is looking for a fitter to prep her cattle before Denver. This will need to be a professional, with an indoor wash facility. Their climate is to unforgiving in December and January to be able to count on doing it themselves, though in years past they have had brief...
  6. RenFarms

    Galloway Bull Calf

    I'm back. I ran this bull calf, "Cochise C2" through his first wash and clip cycle today. He was weaned October 1. I'm not a great fitter, but clip job aside, what opinions can you share?
  7. RenFarms

    Galloway semen.

    RFLTD XENON, Fullblood Galloway bull. As deep bodied as they come. He will add muscling and smoothness. Very correct bull, nice hair. Imparts excellent disposition, docility to his offspring. $30/straw. 620-343-6757. breedingstock page.  Phone, PM or email [email protected]...
  8. RenFarms

    Current Frame Size Trends

    What is the current frame size trend in the show world these days?
  9. RenFarms

    Sire of posted heifers

    Here is a photo of the sire of the heifers posted a bit ago, RFLTD Xenon.
  10. RenFarms

    Heifer opinions

    Hello. I don't post here very often, though I do drop in and read through some of the posts from time to time. I would appreciate viewing these heifers through your eyes! I know how I see them, but wonder how they look to producers in other parts of the cattle world. They are all purebred...
  11. RenFarms

    Need young bull hauled from MT to KS

    Bought a young bull at a sale in Canada. He is now across the border in MT. Thought Lathrops would be able to haul him, but now they don't know when a truck will be through MT. So if anyone knows haulers that work the Great Plains states, kindly PM me or post. Thanks much.
  12. RenFarms

    East Central Kansas looking for hoof trimmer and fitter

    If anyone knows of a hoof trimmer in Eastern Kansas, please pm me. Same for a fitter.  Three head needing clipped around first of year for Denver. One heifer needing a mild hoof trim. Thank you.
  13. RenFarms

    A pretty little gal

    A promising heifer (at least in our opinion) from April of this year. Outside opinions always appreciated!
  14. RenFarms

    Project calf

    Due to recent knee surgery, we are downsizing our Denver entries. We had planned on taking this steer in hopes of finding a home for him. I really do think he will make a nice project calf for some one.  If you know of someone who might be interested, feel free to point them my way ;)  I sure...
  15. RenFarms

    Opinions on this bull

    This is our other bull, a home raised fellow.  He has been on grass for about 4 months in this photo, with only light breeding duties. We are planning on collecting him this fall. 
  16. RenFarms

    Prospect Calf?

    We are getting some very nice calves from our newest bull. I am wondering if this calf would make someone a nice club calf. I would appreciate your opinions! update 8/2  Took some pix today, he is a month older than in previous pix. (he just turned 4 mos).  Tried to show his neck more...
  17. RenFarms

    Even the cattle are turning brown

    LOL    ;)  But at least we are getting rain now  ;D 
  18. RenFarms

    New Galloway Bull Purchase

    Here are some photos of our newest Galloway bull, Brass Ring Yellowstone.
  19. RenFarms

    New Here

    Hi All... Just a quick introduction.  We are Galloway breeders (not belted galloway) in east central Kansas with a small low input grassfed beef operation. Looking forward to reading more of theses forum posts and seeing what the rest of the cattle world is up to!  ;) I'll take a stab at...