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  1. G

    breeding suggestions

    This is my Ace of Diamonds heifer out of a Blue Tool cow. She is currently bred to I-67 and we are looking at bulls for next year, I was thinking about using Monopoly Money or Walkie Talkie. Anybody have any other suggestions? 
  2. G

    Unstoppable birth weights

    I have a really good Shorthorn Plus heifer that just needs a little more width and some more length, so I was thinking about breeding her to Unstoppable for her second calf. I was just wondering what some of his calves birth weights are and if they are easy coming out or if they need a lot of...
  3. G

    thoughts on Grow and Shine

    I bought a steer for next show season and was wondering what supplements worked well for hair. I was recommended Grow and Shine for the last thirty days of the show season and I was just wondering if it is worth using or is there a better supplement for hair growth?
  4. G

    Sull Fed Ex

      Has their been any Fed Ex calves born yet.
  5. G

    DF Talladega calves

    Does any one have pictures of DF Talladega calves