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  1. 4

    Help with stiff pasterns

    We go to the fair with our steers on Monday.  We have one steer that has become very stiff in his rear pasterns.  The problem originated after a corrective hoof trimming in mid/late June.  Before and since then, he is tied in the barn on 8 inches of sand covered with 6 inches of wood shavings. ...
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    Warts.  Where do they come from?  How can you stop them from showing up?  Is there anyway to safely get rid of them w/o calling the vet? Warts - I figgin' hate them!!!
  3. 4

    Red, ya got one of these???

    (dog) <party> (thumbsup) Red, I just came across this and thought of you.  Just had to pass it along. Pete
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    Question: Has anyone used either and/or both of these products and can/will you make a case for one or the other. It appears to me that show shake would be much less expensive over the long haul with significantly less waste.  But, does it work as well? Or, is there another better product...
  5. 4

    Opinions on pumping

    We just took our Herf heifers to get hooves done, and the guy said that we should pump them to give them more shape and volume in the rib.  We have never done anything like that before! How would one go about it? And if we do it, do we just do it once? Or do we have to repeat it every so often...
  6. 4

    How about the top Hereford sire?

    This last summer, our best black got it's butt whooped by a herf!  Truth be told, he should have.  This was the most complete county fair to come through our fair in some time.  I know, it's hard to believe since it's a herf, but to anyone who saw it there is no argument! My question is, what...
  7. 4

    Help make our steers clubby!

    Hey all.  Greetings from the frozen upper midwest!  How is it that I just found this website today???  Well anyway, we have been showing our home raised, bull bred cattle at county fairs for a few years now, and have been fairly successful (only one year did we not have a top 10% calf in shows...