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  1. squirt71

    Ways to attract new customers

    We've been trying to brainstorm on ways to attract new customers.  We're purebred breeders (who show a little on the side), and in the past have sold bulls and females on a first come basis.  We'd like to have a private treaty weekend (or something along those lines) but are at a bit of a loss...
  2. squirt71

    What to AI Angus heifer to?

    We got some disappointing test results on our Angus heifer, and now cannot register her due to being an AM carrier.  We think she's too good to send to the feedlot, and are exploring some options on breedings.  We're throwing around breeding her to a clubby or Simmental bull and selling the...
  3. squirt71

    Yearling Bulls For Sale

    Yearling Bulls For Sale Angus, Red Angus, and Tarentaise yearling bulls for sale.  Priced $2500 - $3500. Videos, pictures, EPDs, and pedigrees available at PM me with questions. More Information
  4. squirt71

    Yearling bulls for sale

    Yearling bulls for sale Purebred registered Angus, Red Angus, and Tarentaise yearling bulls for sale. Pictures and pedigrees at Videos will be posted on the website within a week. More Information
  5. squirt71

    red angus heifers~opinions welcome

    We rough clipped our red angus show calves this weekend so we can see their progress a little better. These are just a few pictures, the other 2 open heifers didn't want to stand real well for pictures. Opinions welcome We're debating on whether or not to kick this one out of the show pen...
  6. squirt71

    Newly Updated Website - opinions please

    I've been updating our website and am looking for some opinions.  Does everything work well?  Is it easy to navigate?  Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!
  7. squirt71

    Pics of Red Angus ET Calves - Update (last page)

    These are purebred Red Angus Red Northline Fat Tony heifers, born in February.  I'm going to try and get more pictures, since there's 6 ET more calves, but with them being in new grass, they don't want to stand still. 1st pic is the donor 2nd and 3rd pic is the natural heifer 4th and 5th are ET...
  8. squirt71

    Feeding calves

    I know it's a little early to bring this up, but what do you feed your calves that are still on mom for show?  The way some of our calves are looking now, we will be taking them to some state fairs (just calves, not cow-calf pairs). So what do you give them to help make them "bloom" and...
  9. squirt71

    Heaven or Bust Red Angus bull

    Anyone know the semen price on LCC Heaven or Bust 1000B?  Or possibly where I could find some?
  10. squirt71

    Comments please...Update

    Here's a  couple pictures of my sister's RA show heifer. The first isn't that great, just another angle. Excuse the clip job, I only had a couple hours to do it the day before (we're both in college). She was on a show ration only 2 weeks before the show she was pictured at.  Any comments...
  11. squirt71

    Too high bw for a breeding heifer?

    I have a relative who had a shorthorn x calf (I'm not sure who the bull is, all I know is he is a half hereford club calf bull).  The heifer came out weighing 120 lbs, she's a really thick, big boned heifer.  He's thinking about selling the heifer as a breeding heifer prospect this fall if she...
  12. squirt71

    NCC Jr. Show

    Are there pictures up anywhere?
  13. squirt71

    What to breed RA cow to?

    With all the possibilities in the Red Angus bulls, I'm having a hard time deciding what to flush this cow to.  I thought about Hamley, but am not sure.  I want to keep the calf a purebred and possibly get some show quality animals out of the flush.  This is the best picture I could get.  What...
  14. squirt71

    Fitting red cattle

    I have a PB Red Angus heifer this year, and I am having a hard time finding touch-up that matches her color.  I've tried using some of the red paints that Sullivan's has, both on their own and mixing them. What is the best way to fit the red cattle like this?  Do I just pull up the hair with...
  15. squirt71

    NECC Show

    Did anyone go to this?  Who were the winners?  I missed the end of the heifer show.