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  1. L

    who to use

    Okay I'll join in the "what bull to use".  We have a chimaine/angus, she'll be 2nd calver.  Pretty much a big ol 1400 lb girl. Got a table for a top, and great length.  Could use a bit more rib volume and better lower quarter. Her front isn't bad, but could stand to not be quite so heavy. We had...
  2. L

    From bad to worse

    okay, we had the calf that had the white scours, got him sulfa boluses from the vet and never cleared.  Took new sample to vet, of course we have a second infection due to the first (the first infection is clear now)- clostridium. vet gave Baytril and we've been hitting him with probios and...
  3. L

    Is it scours?

    Got a bull calf will be 8 weeks old Thursday.  Been healthy as can be, today noticed he's got a white butt.  I've seen scours but they've always been the yucky green color.  Could it be scours?  Grass is coming on, so didn't know if maybe mom's milk is too rich.  Also, sometimes with horses if...
  4. L

    almost time

    First time heifer, took a look this morning.  She's due March 15, but the baby has dropped - she has that slab-sided look on the right. Hips are just starting to sink a little, vulva's a little floppier than yesterday.  I'm guessing no longer than Sunday - what do all the steer planet experts...
  5. L

    new here - angus sire question

    I've been lurking for a while and finally decided to jump in.  I'm curious about angus sire K G Power Design, an older model bull.  We AI'd an ex-show heifer to him, due in March. EPD's look good, phenotype okay for her design.  Main concern is live calf and some maternal qualities if we get a...