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  1. C

    what semen to buy

    her calf was out of a pb charolais bull and it ended up the calf came out at over130 lbs and we had a real rough time pulling it. we lost the calf and we nearly lost her. We were all at work when she decided to calve and it took nearly 48 hours just to get her to stand again.
  2. C

    what semen to buy

    yes she is a Pb charolais. sorry i should've put that in to start with.
  3. C

    what semen to buy

    we gave this cow the year off because she had a little trouble with her last calf, so now i'm trying to decide what to breed her to next time and would like to know what you would think she would work best with. ???
  4. C


    warts are viral, what works good if the calf is young is cut the wart off make them eat it. they build of an immunity and the warts wont come back.
  5. C

    Energetic American?

    i would try a donkey and if all else fails just put a nose ring in him. that's usually the best thing to do with americans anyway
  6. C

    agriculture majors

    TCU- ranch management. Otherwise go ag business with a minor in ansci
  7. C

    popping pasterns

    a tube of Replamin gel fixes it pretty quick