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    Which shorthorn bull

    I just had a Capiche heifer about three weeks ago she was unassisted out of a first calf heifer and had a 94 bw. 
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    Hoffman Bull Sale

    Is anyone at the Hoffman Bull Sale? Which bull will be the overlooked bull in the sale?
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    Sullivan Bulls

    What are anyone's opinion on SULL Sinister bull?  I have a two year old pb shorthorn cow that i am looking to breed to him after she calves this spring. 
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    T - 84 Blade

    I just received a T-84 blade for my andis clippers and i was wondering what the best use for them are?
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    A.I. with Walks Alone

    I have two shorthorns so i think i will breed one to Walks Alone and the other to Sinister or Achiever.
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    A.I. with Walks Alone

    I have had a couple calves in the past out of Walks Alone and have been really impressed with them.  I really want to breed him to some of the cows in my herd. All I have are purebred Herefords and Shorthorns.  Would he breed well to some of the Shorthorns?
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    Sullivan Fan Misters

    What kind of timer do you have. Is there certain brand that works well?
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    Feed Preference: Heifers

    What are your guys preferences for a show heifer grain ration? Ik there are so many variations you can have but is there a specific brand you believe has the best ration for heifers or even a custom mix?
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    Sullivan Fan Misters

    That's perfect. I was just looking for a good way to keep the air a little cooler that way they don't need to deal with high temps. Also I heard some people say you will just make a mess in ur bedding, but I could imagine it being that bad if its just misting. Thanks for the reply appreciate it.
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    Sullivan Fan Misters

    I do not have a cooler to keep my calves in but I was wondering if the sullivan fan misters work well enough to keep temps down?  Also do they make a big mess if i have they running for a majority of the day?