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  1. S

    Bad Bad day yesterday (kind of long)

    Bless your heart! That was really bad. We, who have hauled animals of any kinds, all fear the same thing happening to us. But, I would be on the look out on You tube for a video on your situation...
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    Hair Dye

    Def. dye the hair. Clip first then dye and dye again if needed. We have dyed many times. I do not like to cut the dye with anything, apply it with a brush and leave it in 45-60 min.. It will last longer that way through many washes. We have used Sullivan's and various dyes from Wal Mart. Just...
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    Opportunity ...

    Nice set of calves.
  4. S

    Southwest Iowa Club Calves

    Nice set of cross bred calves. Good luck in your sale.
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    FALL CALF---

    Wow...really nice calf. Looks like it will be really thick.
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    Alias heifer

    Nice heifer. Good luck.
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    Shaving Cream on Legs?

    Shaving cream won't hurt their skin. I found that the cheaper creams work well for everday stuff like hair training. Blow in with cattle blower. I do like the menthol the best. It also washes out easily.
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    Help!! Bedding question

    Cedar pellets... Their great.
  9. S

    suggestions! what should i breed her to??

    Select a proven herd sire that has low birth weight and also refer to his epd's for further info on the bull. Be sure to check out the bulls disposition. Meanies are no fun.
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    Pregnancy rates?

    Good, sound breeding cattle should calve once every 11-12 months. AI once then go to the bull to keep your cows on track. Buy a high quality sound bull for clean up. Not all cattle can be AI'd. And, of course AI success goes down in the high temperatures and heat stress like when the cows core...
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    Safe daily gain should be 2.5 to 3.5 lbs per day on the avg. Of course the weather will play a huge role in daily weight gains. Good luck.
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    New Fall Borns

    Nice. Looks like your cows are hanging in there. Good job.
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    Spread the word my agricultural community.  Message to PETA: P stands for People E stands for Eating T stands for Tasty A stands for Animals PEOPLE EATING TASTY ANIMALS!  Spread the word and enjoy your delicious and nutritious animals large and small!
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    PETA at the CO state fair.

    Spread the word my agricultural community.  Message to PETA: P stands for People E stands for Eating T stands for Tasty A stands for Animals PEOPLE EATING TASTY ANIMALS!  Spread the word and enjoy your delicious and nutritious animals large and small!
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    Come on people! Obviously you all have some sort of computers! Do a little research on these feed additives. They are all over the internet.
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    Interesting piece of info for all you Zilmax fans!!! This exerpt is brought to you by After reading this info you have to ask yourself, Do I really want to risk my health for a little more weight gain?  Please pay close attention to handling risks for humans in the warning section...
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    This bothers me-

    Lets face it the show cattle world can be unethical... However, there will always be someone that will feel the need to cheat so they can get the upper hand or the number one place. If everyone would just get back to the basics--do your homework. Use proven top genetics that really work. Get...
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    Tigar Wood X Meyer bull calf

    Very nice steer calf--What a HIP!