Boston Marathon!!

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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2011
West Virginia
knabe said:
So why can't Janet napolitano follow YouTube to look for potential terrorists instead of law abiding gun owners.

Must be because they really want to ban guns with legislation as slow as necessary.

There are enough dhimmicrats willing to submit to the UN with gin control and Soros is funding that as well.
Well said!!!


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
knabe said:
So why can't Janet napolitano follow YouTube to look for potential terrorists instead of law abiding gun owners.

Must be because they really want to ban guns with legislation as slow as necessary.

There are enough dhimmicrats willing to submit to the UN with gin control and Soros is funding that as well.

We all agree there some should be some 'gun regulation.'  The only question is where the line should be drawn.  Quit positioning yourself as if you feel all firearms should be legal to the general public; you know you don't. 


Well-known member
May 5, 2010
Western Colorado
Not that I disagree with you Ryan but I would like to know your reasons for thinking we need gun regulations? I completely understand and agree with the back ground check but beyond that I would like to know your thoughts since you are a self admitted liberal? Do you even know any of the current gun laws? I know I am learning quit a little by reading some of the current laws and as far as I know this is the first time I have ever tried to sit down and understand what they were. Obviously felons and the like not being able to posses a firearm makes total sense but when you read that law it is more than just convicted felons, it also includes anyone with a class 5 misdemeanor or that was punishable with at least 90 days of jail time. (I think I read that right)

I'm not trying to start an argument but I have been reading some of the gun laws trying to figure out if they are truly out dated and why they were originated to begin with. Talk about a bunch of jargon that is really very boring.  Since I read somewhere in a thread that you are a lawyer maybe I can learn something.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
-XBAR- said:
We all agree there some should be some 'gun regulation.'  The only question is where the line should be drawn.   Quit positioning yourself as if you feel all firearms should be legal to the general public; you know you don't.  

the current problem is enforcement of current laws.  

more laws equals more work for lawyers.

the threshold for a felony gets lower every year.

it's a backhanded technique for gun control.

i'm pretty sure you would not like to have a gun if you lived in boston and the two suspects broke into your house and sought to harm your wife, kids or yourself.

quit acting like you feel as if all fire arms should be banned by the public.  you know you don't.

EXACTLY what gun laws make sense that deter criminals rather than hassle non-criminals.

what laws that exist today are not being enforced should be enforced that would reduce gun crime.

mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
knabe said:
-XBAR- said:
We all agree there some should be some 'gun regulation.'  The only question is where the line should be drawn.   Quit positioning yourself as if you feel all firearms should be legal to the general public; you know you don't.  

the current problem is enforcement of current laws.  

more laws equals more work for lawyers.

the threshold for a felony gets lower every year.

it's a backhanded technique for gun control.

i'm pretty sure you would not like to have a gun if you lived in boston and the two suspects broke into your house and sought to harm your wife, kids or yourself.

quit acting like you feel as if all fire arms should be banned by the public.  you know you don't.

EXACTLY what gun laws make sense that deter criminals rather than hassle non-criminals.

what laws that exist today are not being enforced should be enforced that would reduce gun crime./// WUTS THE HASSEL IF YOU ARE A RESPONSIBLE GUN OWNER?  PS-they found those 2 T45678rds in short order-and it turns out-partially by profile-what if they gotten 2 blackmarks for 1: Being suspect on basic principal(which the older one had been questioned before) and 2:Got found with some of those weapons prior to committing the stuff they did?  Its like being a cry baby over renewing your drivers licens-nobody is taking all your guns away; and it is childish to twist that deal around into some sort of big-brother conspiracy etc-I think MILLIONS of  Americans are proud of the fact that BECAUSE of some of the issues you are wining about-that these SOBS got tracked down so quickly-and it goes back to the same tired crap-what if they had bought an assault YATTA YATTA and the person respnsible for selling it was on a watch profile? And the cops caught them with the  ied materials before all this occurred-if thats comnunism-than I along with alot of law enforcement people;and alot of Americans -are all for it


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Girlfriend had terrorista on her license plate.


One of the two was deportable and we didn't do it. But we need more communism

We immigrate people without adequate screening or health screening.

We don't need more communism to screen the appropriate people more instead of grandma.

The problem is we have the tools now to profile but we don't due to liberalism and diversity, even though the diversity we seek most is enclave creating people who don't want to fit in.


Well-known member
May 5, 2010
Western Colorado
So I suppose that now the ATF and HLS should start monitoring the purchase of pipe nipples, end caps, Teflon tape and ball bearings? And what law provides for that? So your okay with them taking some of your guns? And making some unavailable for purchase? So where does it end? I think this is the point, when do we as a nation say enough? If they can't enforce the laws that are presently in place in what world does anyone think they can enforce new laws? So by proxy it makes good honest law abiding people criminals.

There is no simple answer to any of this and bad people are going to do evil things no matter what laws there are. If there is a will there is a way.

brick hollow

Active member
Feb 1, 2010
We need to stay out of places like Iraq,Afghanistan! These people have been fighting for thousands of years. What makes people think we need to go in there and americanize their country. Stay out of their country and keep them the heck out of ours! We bring them to the US on a student visa, pay for their education, then they try to blow us up! We give millions of federal dollars. We have our own problems! These people hate us! Leave em alone. Makes no sense to me? We have one nation beside ourself  that we need to take care of and that is Israel!

mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
I agree with staying out of some of this as much as possible-wish it was that simple. At least Isreal is gonna get flush on natural gas-and if they team up with the Turks-Katy Bar The Door for any country that messes with them-probably the 2 baddest armies on earth-when it comes to dealing with RUGBEETERS. A congressperson does not have the time to process millions of people on You-Tube etc and niether does anybody else-thats what agencies and data bases are for.The FBI etal will look up the trail on these 2 and the docs from Russia and if they flew under the radar -at least they caught them. Dealing with millions of data is not a Polyanna Perfect situation-and the priorities may have shifted to stopping alot of other immenent actions-MANY OF WHICH YOU WILL never be aware of. It makes alot more sense to me to get as many as you can-and improve the odds than to DO NOTHING:and I think intelligense related TO REAL( NOT IMAGINED OR POLITICALLY RE-CONSTITUTED )national security has allways been somewhat of a seperate area of expertise for a number of reasons-particularly when the wrong (or mis-lead) people have knowledge (or mis- knowledge,mis-interpretation,and misuse) enough to jeaprodise necessary actions to stop a threat against us. O0


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Dzhokhar even went to a college party two days after the bombs wreaked havoc at the finish line. According to fellow students, he “looked relaxed” as he joined in a party at the campus on Wednesday night.

they are told that killing the dhimmi or apostate will give them peace.  stating where that comes from is islamophobia.  they are also told that lying to the dhimmi or apostate is not lying.  i'd like to see feinstein address that issue.  i'd like her to see video after video of imam's stating that fact and see her response.  i'd like to see her respond to poll numbers taken in the muslim world addressing that issue and then argue that the numbers are really one order of magnitude or less. 

i'd also like to see if she thought mosconi, milk, or herself if they had a gun would they have shot dan white to save their own lives if given the opportunity. 


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Former NBC News anchor Tom Brokaw strongly suggested Sunday that America is partly to blame for the gruesome terrorists attacks in Boston, because the young, Muslim men involved may have felt “alienated” and angry over U.S. drone strikes on “innocent civilians” in Muslim countries abroad.

Imagine how the rest of the world feels under islamic rule.

The left has no concept of the goals of islam.

Now, consider the clear, unequivocal words of Dr. Muhammad Badi, the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood. According to Al Masry Al Youm (as translated by Coptic Solidarity):

Dr. Muhammad Badi, supreme leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, said: "The Brotherhood is getting closer to achieving its greatest goal as envisioned by its founder, Imam Hassan al-Banna. This will be accomplished by establishing a righteous and fair ruling system [based on Islamic sharia], with all its institutions and associations, including a government evolving into a rightly guided caliphate and mastership of the world." Badi added in his weekly message yesterday [12/29/11]: "When the Brotherhood started its advocacy [da'wa], it tried to awaken the nation from its slumber and stagnation, to guide it back to its position and vocation. In his message at the sixth caucus, the Imam [Banna] defined two goals for the Brotherhood: a short term goal, the fruits of which are seen as soon as a person becomes a member of the Brotherhood; and a long term goal that requires utilizing events, waiting, making appropriate preparations and prior designs, and a comprehensive and total reform of all aspects of life." The leader of the Brotherhood continued: "The Imam [Banna] delineated transitional goals and detailed methods to achieve this greatest objective, starting by reforming the individual, followed by building the family, the society, the government, and then a rightly guided caliphate and finally mastership of the world" [emphasis added].


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
Cottontown, Tennessee
knabe said:
Former NBC News anchor Tom Brokaw strongly suggested Sunday that America is partly to blame for the gruesome terrorists attacks in Boston, because the young, Muslim men involved may have felt “alienated” and angry over U.S. drone strikes on “innocent civilians” in Muslim countries abroad.

Imagine how the rest of the world feels under islamic rule.

The left has no concept of the goals of islam.

That's freaking unreal that anyone is dumb enough to say something like that.
It's amazing that people think that islam is a religion of peace , when their goal is to kill all non-believers.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2011
West Virginia
Our own president has yet to call this an act of terrorism. Everyone is so afraid to offend anyone of muslim faith these days. Hes definately offending me. Also, just this morning i was setting in a waiting room and a tv was on CNN ( i couldnt help but look) and they were talking about the bomber in custody and the headline read "Youger accused brother may have been turning radical".... MAY HAVE BEEN TURNING???? i consider laying a backpack with a bomb in it behind an 8 yr old boy, way past turning radical. the mainstream media makes me sick anymore!!


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Unapologetic bomber/Obama fundraiser essentially did the same thing and he's a teacher. Saul alinski is essentially the left's imam. Obama taught it in school and is imposing it on America.

That is the liberal agenda.



Well-known member
Feb 24, 2011
West Virginia
knabe said:
Unapologetic bomber/Obama fundraiser essentially did the same thing and he's a teacher. Saul alinski is essentially the left's imam. Obama taught it in school and is imposing it on America.

That is the liberal agenda.
Are you talking about bill Ayers?


Well-known member
May 5, 2010
Western Colorado
I received this in an email so take it for what it is worth but it looks like the police will have ways to keep tabs on suspected criminals with much more ease than ever before.

This Is Not A Mosquito!! Look closely....................Incredible

Is this a mosquito? No. It's an insect spy drone for urban areas, already in production, funded by the US Government. It can be remotely controlled and is equipped with a camera and a microphone. It can land on you, and it may have the potential to take a DNA sample or leave RFID tracking nanotechnology on your skin. It can fly through an open window, or it can attach to your clothing until you take it in your home. Given their propensity to request macro-sized drones for surveillance, one is left with little doubt that police and military may look into these gadgets next.

(And to think we were worried about West Nile virus!)

And now you know why our government has requested the law be changed to allow drone surveillance in the United States...


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Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
knabe said:
Unapologetic bomber/Obama fundraiser essentially did the same thing and he's a teacher. Saul alinski is essentially the left's imam. Obama taught it in school and is imposing it on America.

That is the liberal agenda.

The majority of Americans welcome it  ;)

The GOP will play second fiddle until they grasp Saul's second rule of power tactics-

mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
Very coool Mtn Man-we need to load a couple of them up with super poisen and send them to the foo foo bathhouse in North Korea where the fat little sausage is running his mouth-Next thread:As for Obama being a Muslim bomber-teacher whatever-GET A GRIP DUDE,how many Muslims has he (meaning the adminstration so I can place the blame on him)bommbed the s243567t out of-and now we are headed to new territory  bringing support to new rebels:the military guys appreciate what hes tried to do:and they are not stupid grunts that cant think for themselves,I was just talking with a couple of them 2 hours ago-THEY KNOW WE ARE HURTING FINANCIALLY,and said alot of other things in support of an overall effort to get things back on track,including sacrifices,which they have done way more of than the big clip Camo wannabes. Mccain and ALOT of others,have said the same thing Re not standing down,and he aint no liberal.-GET REAL O0


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Saul's second rule of power tactics-

Translation. It's always easy to be a follower and a taker.