Cattle injected with air

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Well-known member
Nov 7, 2007
Is there any way to find out if a steer has been aired? I don't think that our county fair allows airing, but I know that several steers have been aired behind the shoulder and in the butt area.


Well-known member
Nov 7, 2007
I'm going to have to find hard evidence to report them, and I don't have paper proof, I just have what they have told me. I know from them and the actual person that did it, but I am trying to find out if there is any way at a show to check them.

BH Showcattle

Well-known member
May 16, 2007
I would make sure you have all the facts straight before you start accusing people.We won our steer show and someone complained that we had switched out the steer with a better one 10 mins before the show and then switched back after he won and it made a mess of the rest of the fair.


Well-known member
Nov 29, 2008
Most shows have a protest procedure.  Use it.  But if you do use it, make sure that your evidence is strong and do not blab it to everyone you know.  If someone saw it or felt the air under the skin, make sure they will agree to be a witness.  Your show superintendent should have the protest procedure or check your fair book rules section.  The show superintendent should assemble an investigative team if your protest appears to have good grounds.


Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
As was mentioned earlier, make sure your facts are correct, before you accuse anyone of doing this. A steer that has been pumped with air under the skin can be identified fairly easily to someone familiar with what an animal is supposed to feel like. A few years ago, when I was Chairman of the Beef show at Canadian Western Agribition, I received a complaint that a steer had been pumped with air. I was not sure how to prove that it was, so I took a long time steer jock with me to inspect this steer. When we put our hands on the steer it was very obvious, as the animal's hide was noticeably raised and you could actually feel the air between the hide and the animals body. I asked the steer jock I had taken with me, how I could prove that this steer had actually been pumped, and he suggested that I just go to the steer owner and tell him that we felt that we could prove the steer had been tampered with.

Fortunately, this complaint came to me prior to the show, and the steer was just being dressed to go to class when I approached the owner. I told him that we had received a complaint, and I was just following it up. I gave the owner the option of showing the steer and having him inspected by the show veterinarians immediately after he came out of class, or he could leave the steer in the stall and not show him. I felt that he had not tampered with the steer he would have shown him and allowed the vets to inspect the steer, and if he had tampered with the steer, he would not show up at the ring. I went back to see if the steer was at the show ring a few minutes later, and found out that he had gone directly from the fitting chute to the washrack, rather than to the show ring. That is the only time I have experienced air injection in a show animal, and I think I would be able to identify it now if I ever saw it again.


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2009
Weatherford, OK
harrisonshowgurl said:
Is there any way to find out if a steer has been aired? I don't think that our county fair allows airing, but I know that several steers have been aired behind the shoulder and in the butt area.
I don't understand why everyone is out to get someone else thrown out, mind your own business. Your only upset  and want to turn someone in if they beat you.If you turn them in your just asking for them to try and find something to get you on. There is not many people thet do everything by the book,If they do they don't win very often. They will just do it to the next one earlier so it has time to fill in with fat, They'll beat you and you can't do anything about it.If you can't beat them join'em


Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
Baileyfarms, I hear what you are saying, but at the same time, I do not agree with turning a blind eye to exhibitors who are openly breaking rules. I also have little time for people who constantly complain about others without facts to back them up, which was why I said to make sure your facts are correct, before you accuse anyone. I also do not agree with the " if you can't beat them... then join them" mentality. If that is the case, toss out all the rules books so that it as level playing field for everyone, and have just one rule for every show " if you ain't cheating, you ain't competing".

There have been cheaters since there were cattle shows, but I like to think that integrity and hard work always trumps the bozos that have to cheat to be competitive.


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2008
Usually the only way to prove it is when there hanging on a rail dressed.  Your not gonna usually see someone shoot air a week before the show. They do it 2 months so fat builds up in the pocket


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2009
Weatherford, OK
justintime said:
Baileyfarms, I hear what you are saying, but at the same time, I do not agree with turning a blind eye to exhibitors who are openly breaking rules. I also have little time for people who constantly complain about others without facts to back them up, which was why I said to make sure your facts are correct, before you accuse anyone. I also do not agree with the " if you can't beat them... then join them" mentality. If that is the case, toss out all the rules books so that it as level playing field for everyone, and have just one rule for every show " if you ain't cheating, you ain't competing".

There have been cheaters since there were cattle shows, but I like to think that integrity and hard work always trumps the bozos that have to cheat to be competitive.
I understand that most people don't want to cheat. But i would put a hundred bucks up that most of the steers that win a major have been aired at some point in their lives. Lets face the facts that if they did throw out all the rules you would still have the people that aired and win, and the people that don't air because even if its not against the rules they don't think it is right and lose to the ones that do and complain about it  because it just ain't  right.Just my thoughts, not saying its right or wrong, just the facts coming from a fair superintendant.

cowman 52

Well-known member
Jan 16, 2009
San Angelo Texas
The way to end this is get some real cattle peoplw to judge the thing these college judging team coaches change their concept of what cattle are supposed to look like about as often as I buy semen on a  bull-  THEY have no clue-  the old timers around the country would bury some of these man made supposedly great steers and this garbage would slow down,  it will never end but a revolt every now and then would be great

TMJ Show Cattle

Well-known member
May 11, 2008
Not even any oldtimers can tell if a steer has been aired. Most calves are aired up to six months before they are shown.If it isn't airing,it is something else.These practices have gone on for over fifty years.They will go on for fifty more.Hell,airing is the least of your problems with show cattle.Showing steers especially has been a cut throat bussiness for many many years. If you don't believe in some of the practices that occur in showing steers,may I suggest a different hobby. This business is like the big time drug dealers,they keep in business cause there are always someone to buy the product.Steer jocks,the one's that are really good in most circles will always stay one step ahead.You don't heaqr from many of the people in Texas and Oklahoma complaining about what so and so does to steers or pigs or sheep.You know why? It's because they love what they do and take pride in trying to beat one another,whether it's right or wrong.most of the complainers are folks who would not win even if they cheated and told everyone they cheated.This business is not for the weak,and if you think you or a bunch of you will put a stop to some of the things that go on with show cattle or hogs or sheep or goats,well I'm sorry it ain't going to happen. There has been hundred's of complaints with Lawyers and courts getting involved and it still happens. Sooner or later when your money runs out,and you get disgraced for being the complainer,you will realize that you didn't really stir anything up that hasn't been stirred up before,with the same result. If you can't beat them,join them or keep to yourself and keep trying as hard as you can and every once in a while you might beat the one's your complaining about. The biggest problem with complaining all the time,ninety percent of the time it's jealousy.A lot of people just can't understand that their steer really wasn't as good as the calf that beat them any ways.You have the god given right to complain at anytime,but you must realize that it can backfire if your accusations are wrong.If you think the cattle showing business is crooked,why in gods name would you try to compete?the repurcussions to you or your family members can be devastating if you accuse someone of something you can't prove.It's just the way it has always been and there is very little that can be done....Good Luck.


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2008
Larkspur, CO
I agree with so many things that have been posted on this thread. Showing cattle isn't for the faint of heart. It's a tough, accusation filled, competitive world. Do your best to bring good solid cattle that have been feed and taken care of to the shows and keep your mouth shut. Our fair is in 6 days. I felt a steer at hoof trimming 3 weeks ago that belonged to a family. It was full of air. I know that there are folks that air their cattle and it's hard to tell if they have been aired once they fill in with fat. However there are people who don't have a clue what they are doing and don't do it properly and their steers look totally out of proportion. I guess I'd like to see judges that know the difference and start putting those steer further back in their classes.
We show in several shows besides county fair. The biggest complainers are usually the ones who only show once a year at county fair. I have to be honest, I'm a little nervous about going in to fair this year. We have 2 steers and 2 heifers a cow calf pair and a feeder heifer that are all really high quality. I'm sure there are going to be a lot of people there who aren't going to like it. We've busted our butts to get a good breeding program going. 5 of the 7 cows we are bringing in were born at our place. We've worked our hinnies off feeding and working their hair. I can pretty much guarantee you there are going to be a lot of people crying sour grapes.
You have to stick with your agenda. Do what's right, work hard, and present the best cattle that you can. Our goal is to breed great quality club calves and sell them to the local 4-H kids. What better way to display your products than at county fair.
Cowboy Up, keep your mouth shut. Believe me you'll be sorry if you start anything.


Well-known member
May 1, 2007
parts unknown
cowman 52 said:
The way to end this is get some real cattle peoplw to judge the thing these college judging team coaches change their concept of what cattle are supposed to look like about as often as I buy semen on a  bull-  THEY have no clue- 
I agree on the judging coaches.  If we are to continue to use them as judges we need to limit the classes and divisions to 4 animals each so they don't get so lost.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
so why doesn't someone have the guts to hire a packer or someone who looks at them on the hoof and in the locker for a living for a show? 

when i quit showing, the big one's were just starting to die out, ie 1450-1500 unshrunk weight.


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2007
Rhome, TX
The responses to posts like this really shed a light on the integrity of some members on this board.  It seems like some feel that airing cattle, along with multiple other unethical practices are just part of showing cattle, and that anyone that doesn't do it either can't compete or is a complainer.  I totally disagree.  I know several people that air cattle, i even know where they get it done, but I chose not too.  I don't approve, defend, nor accept it, but I don't complain either.  Heck, I even beat these counter-fit's now and then.  I choose integrity in what I do both for myself and the cattle I work on for other families.  This is the role model I want to be for my daughter and her friends and family.  If someone does not want to do business with me because I won't do ANYTHING to make them win, then so be it.  They can go find someone that will.  That's fine with me. 

I love to win, but love being known as someone with integrity even more.  I hope all of you use the posts you see on this board when determining where you are going to look at calves this fall and winter.  I think another recent post has already covered the need for local role models.  BE ONE!


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
Dallas, Texas
ZNT, very well said. That is why you're one of the few people I love doing business with.

The Driver

Well-known member
Sep 10, 2008
Mt. Airy Maryland
harrisonshowgurl said:
Is there any way to find out if a steer has been aired? I don't think that our county fair allows airing, but I know that several steers have been aired behind the shoulder and in the butt area.
I don't understand why everyone is out to get someone else thrown out, mind your own business. Your only upset  and want to turn someone in if they beat you.If you turn them in your just asking for them to try and find something to get you on. There is not many people thet do everything by the book,If they do they don't win very often. They will just do it to the next one earlier so it has time to fill in with fat, They'll beat you and you can't do anything about it.If you can't beat them join'em

Wow what a great thing to teach our young peolple. maybe people ought to try hard work and good feeding program and stick to the rules. the fact that you would suggest that they shoild join the cheaters is absurd
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