We have had very good conception rates over the past 3 years, running 80-90 per cent each year. We've used Stout and Grid Topper with good success rates, including split straws on Stout. We only used 5 straws of each though. Monopoly was 2 for 2 for us, although they aren't due until the end of January. WMW is always good, lots of split straws, we have a dozen coming this year, 3 of which have hit the ground. We have used Ali, All About You, Manchild, Doctor Who, Sin City, Hannibal, Net Worth, New Horizon, and Emblazon, successfully as well.
Some of the cows we have missed on didn't click with the bull the first time either.
We have also changed our feeding to our cows prior to and during breeding by trying to feed dry hay only and limit how much haylage they get or least make sure it is some of our drier stuff. We have a free choice breeding mineral at all times for our cows as well.
In Canada, we deal with Semex, ABS, and Genex.