Heatwave genetics

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Well-known member
Nov 25, 2008
If all horses are unicorns does that mean all unicorns are horses? If so then that is a horned black horse not a black unicorn.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2010
All this talk of unicorns has reminded me of my  "Unicorn moment" where digging for useless information is detrimental to all childhood beliefs! :(   (It is widely believed to be a Indian rhinoceros which Ctesias had seen).

Greek writers of natural history were convinced of the reality of the unicorn, which they located in India. The earliest description is from Ctesias who described them as "unicorn's body is white, the head is dark red, the eyes dark blue; the base of the horn is white, the upper part crimson, the middle section black. He refers to the animal as the wild ass of India, capable of outrunning the common ass, the horse or stag. He also comments on the healing properties of the horn."
quote taken from Elmer G. Suhr "An Interpretation of the Unicorn"



Well-known member
Mar 5, 2007
Has anyone else stopped and thought about how few Heat Wave or Heat Wave clone calves are making this year's online sales line ups?


Well-known member
Jul 14, 2010
under the X in Texas
No but now that you mention it I have.  To many good bulls out there right now that can do the same thing. Alot of good bulls and a lot of good breeders out there.  On a side note, I'm really impressed with our Thriller calves.  He is free x2 and has put a lot of good in his calves.

CAB said:
Has anyone else stopped and thought about how few Heat Wave or Heat Wave clone calves are making this year's online sales line ups?


Well-known member
May 17, 2007
San Antonio, Tx
He's still the 2nd most represented sire of show steers in online sales this fall.  The big difference has been the insane amount of Monpoly's this fall.

The previous peak was about 12% of all steers by Heat Wave last fall.  This year Monopoly accounts for more than 20% of steers.


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2007
knabe,  like Sheldon says on The Big Bang Theory, "was that sarcasm?" Careful what you say, because EVERYTHING on the internet is true. (lol)


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
knabe said:
there's no need to report to the moderator.  nothing in the thread is controversial. 

we all just wish you would raise an alternative if it's such a problem or in need of a solution.

The problem is too many people showing cattle that are disconnected from the reality of raising cattle .  Too many people showing calves that don't know wtf is goin on in the cattle business. And no not the show cattle business - the grass in front of the cow bull behind part.  Start only having bred and owned classes and it will become self-evident as to why real cattleman despise hw type genetics.  As long as you can go out and buy a hw type calf and not have to assume any of the risk of producting it (low conception rates, high bw, no milk, just poor maternal instinct in general) - you'll have these type of cattle.


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
As long as the Heat Wave type cattle win, people will breed them and people will buy them. You have to put the blame squarely on the judges shoulders for that type of cattle winning. Right wrong or indifferent that's the way it is. Do i think Heat Wave type cattle should win the breeding heifer class, no, but the steer that carries the most product and has eye appeal, that can walk around the ring should win. It is a beauty pageant beauty wins, I am going to bet there allot of kids who's parents have a commercial operation but bring HeatWaves types to the show, they want to win.
You have to separate show cattle from real world cattle, they are different, just like race cars and family cars, show horses and ranch horses, Real women and super models. Breed the type of cattle you want and leave the rest to do the same, if your desire is to win in the show ring, then you may have to change your approach, if you do not care about showing cattle, then what other people show should not bother you.
As far as assuming the risk of producing, no they do not assume that risk but they pay good money to the guy who did.

Woodland Farms Show Cattl

Well-known member
Dec 14, 2011
Deckerville, Michigan
vc said:
As long as the Heat Wave type cattle win, people will breed them and people will buy them. You have to put the blame squarely on the judges shoulders for that type of cattle winning. Right wrong or indifferent that's the way it is. Do i think Heat Wave type cattle should win the breeding heifer class, no, but the steer that carries the most product and has eye appeal, that can walk around the ring should win. It is a beauty pageant beauty wins, I am going to bet there allot of kids who's parents have a commercial operation but bring HeatWaves types to the show, they want to win.
You have to separate show cattle from real world cattle, they are different, just like race cars and family cars, show horses and ranch horses, Real women and super models. Breed the type of cattle you want and leave the rest to do the same, if your desire is to win in the show ring, then you may have to change your approach, if you do not care about showing cattle, then what other people show should not bother you.
As far as assuming the risk of producing, no they do not assume that risk but they pay good money to the guy who did.

competely agree! 100%  <beer> no need to complain about something that isnt going to change, and i wouldnt be blaming the shawman for this. definatey the judges fault if anyones.  (lol)


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
I think it is important to realize that the showring is a joke,a circus, a zoo as far as the real world is concerned........basically because of technology and such super nutritional products. Cattle normally turn low quality forage into protein. Now cattle get fed better than most peoples kids. They get oxy and super fill and steroids and melotonin and air injections super shag hair growth pellets........live in an air conditioned room better than most people's house's. Show cattle are a continenet away from the cattle industry as far as natural selection is concerned. The natural selection part deals with the maternal aspect of cattle.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
I hear weddings are are all fake as well. The wife doesn't vacuum cook and clean in her gown and the groom is always home helping instead of out with his buddies.

We should end those as well.


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
Implants and Paylean were both developed for the commercial feed lot, where they not trying to get more out of the cattle. Is everything you mentioned AJ any different than what goes on in sports, Olympic swim team with their enginered suits, special diets, training 8 hours a day or more. Even little leagues have bats that are loaded up so a kid that should only hit the ball to the out field now hits it over the fence.

I think it is like everything else, when people compete they look for an edge, You and I feed the same and are calves are always close, I find a new product out there that helps my calf grow faster than yours, I beat you, you find a product that grows hair, and start using the same feed I do, so you beat me the next year, this go on and on and on. When showing an animal you want to have it at its best at the right time, that only makes since, and why not use everything available to you to do that.

Terminal genetics, maternal genetics, show calf genetics, all of these gentics where developed with an end gaol in mind, they are just differnet goals for each. I think it comes down to envy, you work your behind of on your cattle and think they are good, sale off your top heifers for 2000 each and then see a shorthorn steer go for 40,000, kind of burns a little.

Does it get out of hand sure, but so is making little 9 year old Tommy spend 2 hours a day at baseball lessons before baseball practice.

Like I stated before, raise what you like and get off the backs of the people who raise something different.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
I'm not angry and I don't care what the show ring does....that is a fact. It is also a fact that there there is a huge gap between the beef industry and show ring industry. The two products are getting so far apart. Show cattle people don't like to hear this stuff and thats not my problem. I agree let the show cattle do there thing and let the beef industry do something else. But they are barely connected to each other at this time. Lethal genetic defects,c-sections.....150# calves.......drugs and products to cover up structural problems. I was just pointing out a fact. I'm not saying the show ring is bad..........but you would have to lie to yourself to claim that the show ring has merit in the beef industry any more besides structural correctness issues or the basic femine or masculine evaluations.