I bred a hard core heifer to him last year with sexed heifer semen but it didn't stick. I have one straw (sexed heifer) left and was trying to decide what heifer I should use it on. I have a Who heifer out of a PB simi cow, a sunseeker heifer out of a commercial angus and a sunseeker heifer out of a strickly business simmi cow. The Who heifer is in a real pretty package with nice hair and bone. I am hoping she makes me a heck of a cow. But my only concern with using it on the Who heifer is that King Meyer is out of Harrietta (Who). The sunseeker/angus heifer is real pretty profiling but not over powering and a bit bigger framed. The sunseeker/strictly business heifer is a tank with tons of hair. I am pretty cautious us it on her because she is so thick and she also toes out a little on her front. Any opinions?