OK Planeteers.....Time 2 USE Your Brain AGAIN.........

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
i think that the public in general doesn't go to these shows because we market shows for the next prospect bull rather than an outreach to the community.

one thing i would like to see is an exemption created for custom locker beef with the blessing of the USDA so that local small butcher shops can operate without USDA supervision on every carcass and that their focus should be custom beef according to a set of rules.  these places should be able to test for residues in carcasses, report results etc to a governing body and be more subject to the customer rather than regulation which has all but killed custom beef in america.

custom beef would be a great idea to cut down on E. coli poisoning and a whole host of other crap that goes on with consolidated industrialization.

custom locker beef could get a shear test tool and producers could test their own carcasses, they could bypass the big packers to improve their herd faster.  all kinds of good things could happen.

but then, all kinds of bad things could happen as well, except on a much smaller scale.

will that custom butcher refuse a carcass that has residues or obviously "mishandled" to make it show better and will they have the guts to refuse it?  technology is improving and these smaller producers should be allowed to use technology.  but... since all these big packers right all the laws, it will never pass.

why does government hate commerce so much?

freedom is bad.  forget it.


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2008
diesel said:
the claim idea is absolutely ridiculous people cmon brad u no that is the worst thing to do so kill the idea for these people not gonna happen u will kill showin all together

Why is that? I think it would allow more kids to get involved. Isn't that what we want to happen?


Well-known member
Feb 3, 2008
Champaign, IL
Torch said:
diesel said:
the claim idea is absolutely ridiculous people cmon brad u no that is the worst thing to do so kill the idea for these people not gonna happen u will kill showin all together

Why is that? I think it would allow more kids to get involved. Isn't that what we want to happen?

the claim idea is STUPIEST thing I  have ever heard of on this board--this is kid based project!!!!

Horse racing is ENTERTAINMENT, not something kids need to be involved with.

If you want do something constructive, teach the kids something. It will reward them later.



Well-known member
Nov 29, 2008
simtal said:
Torch said:
diesel said:
the claim idea is absolutely ridiculous people cmon brad u no that is the worst thing to do so kill the idea for these people not gonna happen u will kill showin all together

Why is that? I think it would allow more kids to get involved. Isn't that what we want to happen?

the claim idea is STUPIEST thing I  have ever heard of on this board--this is kid based project!!!!

Horse racing is ENTERTAINMENT, not something kids need to be involved with.

If you want do something constructive, teach the kids something. It will reward them later.

Seems a little touchy here -- are these the ones who take their $20,000 steer to the $500 punkin roller jackpots?


Well-known member
Oct 15, 2008
I am not a big fan of the claim idea.  I would not want someone to be able to claim one of my animals after I have done all the work to get that animal ready to show.  It doesn't matter how much I spend on an animal it still has to be worked with the same amount.  If I am going to work my butt off on the project I want to see it all the way through.



Well-known member
Oct 24, 2008
simtal said:
Torch said:
diesel said:
the claim idea is absolutely ridiculous people cmon brad u no that is the worst thing to do so kill the idea for these people not gonna happen u will kill showin all together

Why is that? I think it would allow more kids to get involved. Isn't that what we want to happen?

the claim idea is STUPIEST thing I  have ever heard of on this board--this is kid based project!!!!

Horse racing is ENTERTAINMENT, not something kids need to be involved with.

If you want do something constructive, teach the kids something. It will reward them later.

Again, why is it the stupidest thing? (Thanks herfchic for actually reading and answering the question.)



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Torch said:
the claim idea is STUPIEST thing I  have ever heard of on this board--this is kid based project!!!!
Why is that? I think it would allow more kids to get involved. Isn't that what we want to happen?

because it didn't entice them to participate.  that's what i usually call things i don't participate in.  it's not really a judgemental thing.

holding a balance on credit cards is stupid for me.  doesn't mean it isn't for others.

the claiming scenario will simply remove the upper outliers. now if you could mandate participation of the upper outliers like obama would do, then you would have something and that, in a nutshell, describes why, to some people, it's stupid.  


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2008
Knabe thanks. Already figured that but it just to easy to say something is stupid and not quantify why. Not trying to be mean just want people to reason.

The claiming scenario was mention in conjunction with the idea to allow more competition. It is used in some auto racing organizations. What it does is limit the time that something can be used. For example race team A spends 20K on an engine that leaves all the competition in the dust on race day. The claim is 3K. So race team B gives A 3K and gets the engine. Thus the engine was only used for one race by team A.

So team A looses 17K and has no engine. Very expensive.

Dusty had the idea which is out side the box. But it would most likely deflate prices of the top end animals. And would that be all bad? Depends on what your roll is in the industry.


Active member
Apr 16, 2008
so all u claim genious when i go by a calf for my 10 yr old in oct work and get it ready to go show in feb then the day before we leave u explain to them if u do good u may just come home with a halter in ur hand and not have antyhing to show at ur county fair lol thats a good idea and certainly will help the show industry not!!!thats how u want people to see us around the world i can see it now on rfdtv a 10 year old crying in the ring because she did good and now she is gonna loose her calf that might just make sportscenter now thats stupid and rediculous people!!!!!!!


Well-known member
Jan 12, 2009
Instead of b!$%^&* and moaning let come up with POSITIVE IDEAS.  (argue)

I don't like the claiming idea that someone came up with myself, but, if their was a claiming show,WHO SAID YOU HAD TO ENTER IT?

I think the kids would have a good time dressing up an ALTERNATE steer, It would not be like it was every weekend, mostly once a year opportunity for a team, something different, something fun. Why don't we ask the kids instead of being critical, and telling everyone else how smart we are.   <party>  


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2008
diesel said:
so all u claim genious when i go by a calf for my 10 yr old in oct work and get it ready to go show in feb then the day before we leave u explain to them if u do good u may just come home with a halter in ur hand and not have antyhing to show at ur county fair lol thats a good idea and certainly will help the show industry not!!!thats how u want people to see us around the world i can see it now on rfdtv a 10 year old crying in the ring because she did good and now she is gonna loose her calf that might just make sportscenter now thats stupid and rediculous people!!!!!!!

Thanks for recognizing my brilliance ;) (There really isn't any need for the derogatory remarks. But there is a need for spell checking.)

So you don't like it, I get that.


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2008
Don't be so narrow minded people.  The claiming idea doesn't have to be one that the kid has raised all year.  It might be something that a single producer provides 60 steers for a show of similar like and kind and each kid claims theirs to get ready and show - for that show only.  Furthermore the only thing stupid that I've heard so far is calling someone else's idea stupid and then not providing any ideas of your own.  This entire thought process is going to require thinking outside the box a bit.  I haven't seen an idea yet that wouldn't take some sort of refining.  So rather than calling someone else's idea STUPID, create your own idea.  It's easy to call someone else's idea stupid.  Not nearly as easy to put your own idea's out there.
Lastly, if you don't think the problem is a real problem - Have fun showing your $50K steers against no one else because that's where this is headed.  Also someone earlier made the comment that the showing industry doesn't resemble the family farm.  The family farm doesn't resemble the family farm anymore either.  Big Corp farming is part of the problem folks.  There are less and less kids growing up on a family farm.  That's another reason a lot of your county fairs don't have as many home raised steers show up.  That's why I think the claiming idea IS genius.  You could have kids that aren't raised on a family farm - CITY KIDS - show up and claim an animal to get ready and show.  Just an opinion.  


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2008
One more thought - most Bull Riders don't bring their own bulls to the Rodeo - maybe that's a good way of thinking of this????


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2008
RSC said:
linnettejane said:
cookcattleco said:
Why not try and get the major shows IE Denver Fort Worth Kansas City Louisvlle all on tv like the dog shows.  I dont know how much it would cost but I think this would make things even more intersted.

i think that would be an awesome idea!!!!!! ive always wondered why rfd didnt jump on that and run....
I like this idea as well.  IMO, you can't put a show from start to finish televised on RFD.  This would appeal to us the cattle people but would be to boring for the general public.  If you had a show called the cattle show with Highlites from a major show mixed in with human interest stories of the participants like the one JBH did on Larry,  this would grab interest from the general public and get the Women of the general public to show interest as well.  If they would see real people raise and show beef, they would be more willing to support, IMO.

Good thread Brad.


Has anyone besides me ever watched the BBQ Pitmasters show on TLC? It is the exact format that would be required to generate human interest and a public following of show cattle. They travel from one show to the next competing against each other in these BBQ competitions, just like someone would, like on the OCA BEST circuit here in Ohio, when they are showing cattle. They don't show a lot of the actual food preparation or judging, then at the end they just announce or list on the screen how each person did at the competition. It is mostly about the people involved. Once you take an interest in the individuals, you tune back in to see how things are going for them each week. I think it would work just as well with show stock as most of the other Discovery/TLC type reality shows, but it would have to be on a mainstream network like that to make a difference in the general public. I'd say generally, you would be preaching to the choir on RFDTV

Show Heifer

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2007
diseal, you sound and act like your 8. Stop throwing a fit, and come up with a good idea if you don't like this one.  Or take your ball and bat and go home.
How is this any different than the "rent a kid" program that unofficially runs most shows and show operations? Or the "rent a calf" when the family wants the glory and not the work?

Many are missing the point,(I think). I am hoping brad was looking for ideas from the ENTIRE industry, not just your little protected show world. He is not looking for another cattle show idea. He is looking for a PR (public relations) idea. You know, a "kiss the butt of the people who are trying to control us" idea.

If you want to change the image of the show ring, CHANGE WHAT YOU HAVE NOW. Yes, that would mean stopping the cheating, the animal abuse, the illegal drug use, the misuse of prescription drugs, but if you want to change the image of the show ring to the public, you better get off the front page after major shows...

IDEA: How about promoting the ease of cooking beef compared to a microwave meal? It takes me 5 minutes to grill a hamburger from start to finish. It takes that long to microwave a "quickie" unhealthy meal.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2008
9605 weston rd custar, ohio 43511
As the author of the claiming idea I would like to thank all who realized that it was just an idea, which is exactly what Brad asked for, I clearly understand there are some problems with my idea as with many ideas, but to have a beggining point there must be an idea, saddly today our country has become more about condemming ideas instead of comming up with a better idea,  like it or not our industry is in decline and our shows are losing their participation, partly due to the increase of other options available to our children, but also due to the unbelievable inequities we see in every show.
How can a kid feel good about going to a show when they know that unless dad has a money tree and buys a $5000+ calf you probably don't have much of a chance.  Would it be more fun if you only had to compete against $1500 calves, remember we don't ask high schools with graduating classes of 50 to compete in football agaist schools with classes of 500.
Ultimately shows need to be fun for kids to want to go, and there is nothing fun about getting beat before you even step into the ring.
My idea would hopeful allow the "littles" to compete against the "littles" and the big$ vs the big$,
As to you diesel if my idea is so stupid, Please please please come up with a better idea!