Potential genetic defect in Shorthorn cattle

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
leader without 13th, checking on improver.  need to make sure they are on both sides.  pedigree is full of fullbloods and dead ends so it whittles it down nicely.

need to type it out.

improver on both sides.

triple stuff a carrier?


Well-known member
Dec 15, 2008
Industry, IL Ph #: 618-322-2582
knabe said:
leader without 13th, checking on improver.  need to make sure they are on both sides.  pedigree is full of fullbloods and dead ends so it whittles it down nicely.

need to type it out.

improver on both sides.

triple stuff a carrier?
DL said:
coyote said:
Is there a common ancestry to Aj's calf and fullblood's calf?

appears so ....

DL_ is my theory proving correct? 

knabe- does it come from triple stuff's father?

Who's DA MAN, or just a great guesser...


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
I think there are at least two options on top and bottom without triple stuff.  Will go relook. This calf is awesome for this defect as it provides a lot of disparate DNA.  I wish I was 20 again and could do this stuff again.  This has got to be one of the best times to be in grad school as more new technology has come out recently than at any time I can remember. At work we are working with chipless chips, chips and all sorts of cool stuff.


Well-known member
Dec 15, 2008
Industry, IL Ph #: 618-322-2582
knabe said:
I think there are at least two options on top and bottom without triple stuff.  Will go relook. This calf is awesome for this defect as it provides a lot of disparate DNA.   I wish I was 20 again and could do this stuff again.  This has got to be one of the best times to be in grad school as more new technology has come out recently than at any time I can remember. At work we are working with chipless chips, chips and all sorts of cool stuff.

I don't know the pedigree of AJ's calf's mother-- I can guess as to what it might have- and what your second option is...

i still forsee that defect stemming from something known to carry a double shot of defects- and being a changer-- in now more than 3 ways.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
I posted a full pedigree on both sides of Aj's calf. I guess you must be getting old.

Pride may not be a carrier.  Pretty hard to believe he's not.  Pretty hard to believe triple stuff ain't either. If he is, it's really amazing/annoying that there would be so many ignorant and/or deceptive breeders/multipliers as tripling up on him would would so increase a defective calf. Maybe they were just classified as one since most people just buried the calves, especially a while ago.  Been there done that when I didn't understand defects.  Its why I am not amazed there are so many people who don't understand them and always blame the animal they don't own or if they own both they are buried fast and rarely is something said. Thanks fullblood.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
Cut the BS said:
DL_ is my theory proving correct? 

BS - can't remember your theory OMG - it is either way too cold or I am getting way too old  :)


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
from calf scours.

fI am going to call it right now.... I've been doing some pedigree reading...

The bull in question, that might possess this genetic defect- is double bred to Irish Pride...

I'm going to guess and say that this bull was mated to a ton of shorthorn females, who were daughters, granddaughters, etc.. of Irish Pride's most famous son... He was the king of club calf shorthorns-- and these females are believed to work really good on the bull in question...

I'm going to guess and say-- this genetic defect is derived from Irish Pride...

Just speculation though at this point...


will double check if it's irish pride or his sire or sire's sire.

after a quick look, if double stuff is not triple stuff, pride may not be it, but improver.

will go back to the other one's, couldn't find irish pride in aj's cow.

oops deleted stuff.

improver goes all the way to the front in all parents from fullbloods calf and aj's calf.  no pride in fullbloods calf.

if improver, probably duke of dublin and his sire.

could be wrong on all above.  kinda tired.


Well-known member
May 1, 2007
knabe said:
sue said:
Could it be maine influence?   

if it is, that would be annoying, but not because it came from maine's.

if it does, hopefully it's in the same gene.
At this point I just want a marker so we can move forward as registered breeders..  so thank you breeders that have submitted samples. 


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
sue said:
knabe said:
sue said:
Could it be maine influence?   

if it is, that would be annoying, but not because it came from maine's.

if it does, hopefully it's in the same gene.
At this point I just want a marker so we can move forward as registered breeders..   so thank you breeders that have submitted samples. 

AMEN to that sue!!

What I always find so interesting is how breeders and associations (yup those cross bred registries LOL) want to point the finger at a breed, any breed that isn't in their name but they allow (encourage) registration of those other breeds - hmmm you register it you own it - the point is to find the mutation and deal with it - not find a different breed to blame so we are blameless because we have hidden all our defective calves in the dead pile UGH!


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
I think it's pretty safe to say the beef industry has made more progress finding defects than they have all else combined and allot took was a few people.

Goes to show a single person, and a few of them together can do great things

To me its sample  submitters, dl, barrel racer and the Beever.  

Its really amazing that the technology moved faster than the associations.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
knabe said:
I think it's pretty safe to say the beef industry has made more progress finding defects than they have all else combined and allot took was a few people.

Goes to show a single person, and a few of them together can do great things

To me its sample  submitters, dl, barrel racer and the Beever.  
Its really amazing that the technology moved faster than the associations.

Well said knabe - may have to steal that line  ;)


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
Any new news? I sent in blood samples on my goofball steer and his mother. I heard they were getting ready to run a bunch of samples through a 50k chip deal. My particular calf.......don't know how he tested out dna wise.......but he is almost dwarfy looking. I deciided I'd turn the yearling steer out with the cows this summer just to see how he grows out. This calf can get around pretty well. Maybe I have a new, new goofball defect. Maybe the calfs mother ate some ditch weed. I don't know.

Davis Shorthorns

Well-known member
Feb 8, 2008
aj said:
Any new news? I sent in blood samples on my goofball steer and his mother. I heard they were getting ready to run a bunch of samples through a 50k chip deal. My particular calf.......don't know how he tested out dna wise.......but he is almost dwarfy looking. I deciided I'd turn the yearling steer out with the cows this summer just to see how he grows out. This calf can get around pretty well. Maybe I have a new, new goofball defect. Maybe the calfs mother ate some ditch weed. I don't know.

aj if your calf has a new defect we shall call it the AJ defect then we can just keep it at TH, PHA and AJ.  Would you try to have a AJ free herd?  (lol) <beer>


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
10-4....that would be aok with me. Now I have to go to my D.A.M.M meeting and discuss our aarp coverage.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
aj said:
Any new news? I sent in blood samples on my goofball steer and his mother. I heard they were getting ready to run a bunch of samples through a 50k chip deal. My particular calf.......don't know how he tested out dna wise.......but he is almost dwarfy looking. I deciided I'd turn the yearling steer out with the cows this summer just to see how he grows out. This calf can get around pretty well. Maybe I have a new, new goofball defect. Maybe the calfs mother ate some ditch weed. I don't know.

hey aj - still waiting on samples ..good idea to keep the calf - wonder what else goes on with DS - this will be a chance to find out - don't know about naming it after you - maybe the nick name but they are pretty stuck on using the scientific name and then abbreviating it - aj could be "abnormal joints" :) ala foyt


Well-known member
May 29, 2008
I was wondering if there were any more abnormal calves appearing this year.  Calving season is in full bloom, so I would think there should be more examples showing up.  I have been made aware of a couple in another herd.  I am helping them get samples, pictures, etc. to send in and would encourage everyone else to do likewise. 


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
If anyone wants to shoot the bull on the deal pm me or whatever. I don't know much. It will be interesting to see how my calf grows out?