Starting a new Shorthorn Association for Cattle Breeders

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Well-known member
Jun 12, 2007
Rice TX
knabe said:
-XBAR- said:
Outside of a little more sheath than I'd prefer, you'd be hard pressed to pick a hole in him.

Why did you point one of them towards the lens?

I seriously had to think about this one for a minute.... (lol)


Well-known member
Jun 12, 2007
Rice TX
Well, time to start another 6 month sabbatical from this site. See you later.......


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
Show stopper 95 said:
It's "daddy FFA" to you mrs chandler

Keep denying what we all know you get on a show forum and say you have world champions when you choose to sit at home and not show the world your cattle are inferior phenotypically

Only reason any sensible person would be like you

Either lets start seeing some phenotypical merit from your calves, or stop critiquing others, if your going to chirp on show cattle forums

Why don't you chirp alittle bit with someone on the end of a halter with your cattle in the ring

You can't because your world champ crown would be stolen before you drove up

Last time I checked commercial cattlemen in your real world didn't care about the token of world champion, you must have something to prove to the club calf boys

And stay at the lake as far as I'm concerned, because it will be the snot nosed kids like myself that wil laugh you out of town

Let make something very clear- with the exception of a few of the 'most coveted' SH donors in the breed, I can go write a check right now for any damn cow I want. For you to suggest that I don't have the means to compete is just asinine.  I buy the type of cows I have because I feel they are the best the breed currently has to offer. I bought Vanguard because I feel he is the best Shorthorn bull offered in the last three years.  I value cattle in terms of functional beef cattle characteristics; not by what some 4h judge deems the 'coolest' or the 'freakiest.'  Any trait that doesn't directly translate to production is of no value to me- regardless of the premium commotion and promotion place on it.  Try to convince the likes of Barry Jordan, Les Mathers, Jungles, Marty Loving, or Keith Lauer - try to convince any of these BREEDERS that their cattle are somehow inferior to the Sullivan, Cates, or CYT cattle just because they aren't 'competing' or winning shows.  At this point, the joke will be on you.  You see, the genetics the latter group PLAYS with can't hold a candle to the prior's in terms of production. 'Phenotypical merit,' as you've put it, is only one, among many, aspect involved in breeding functional cattle and, like a typical 4her, your inability to distinguish genetic superiority from intervention leaves you with a false sense of...well, cattle sense. 

aj said:
The color of the bull is a issue. IF you decide to go red are 3 generations from getting there. I've been down that road.
I have no interest in producing 'red only.'  If I did, I'd be breeding Red Poll cattle. But I'm not.  I purchased a roan bull to continue to assert Shorthorn breed character in my herd. 


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2010
Central Texas
I didn't say anything about means anywhere in my post, but I do know dang good and well you can't raise one good enough  (thumbsup)

And your world renowned for throwing other breeders names out there for this and that, but never have I seen or heard anything outstanding from xbar- so why throw a million names in the pot- the only stock you should be speaking for is yours- if your not notable enough to be the only comparison needed in a post

Well then your not notable enough

Talk about everyone else's production- I could care less I want to know about yours. If there is enough there worth speaking of. You voluntarily live in the shadows of the successful. That's not generally the way to go

Not in 4h either, in FFA- something you should have focused more on in highschool so maybe you'd have some leadership and patience about yourself instead of attacking anyone who disagrees with you


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
Silly kid, I bought my first reg SH heifers less than 3 years ago.  Clearly, one doesn't have 'genetics' after 1 calf crop. I speak of the other breeders as their genetics are the foundation of my herd.  To speak of them as my own would be fraudulent.  A breeding program isn't established in a few years. You should know this, it takes time.  And while I'm holding an investment meeting with Behringer Harvard Monday morning, I'll be sure to take a moment to reflect on the leadership and patience acquired in high school FFA. Without it, I just don't know where I'd be...  (lol) spare.


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2010
Central Texas
I can tell them where you would be

You'd be a 27 year old hypocrite who spends his days arguing with "silly" kids on an online show cattle forum because your so tired of everyone else writing you off as a joke, the last resort is proving yourself to highschool America

And you still fail at it  (thumbsup)

So I know exactly where you would be! Glad I could assist you


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
No, no you cant tell them. You see, Iola FFAers w/ 2 cows are in no position to tell them anything. 

You boast yourself as, "show stopper.'  I'm curious as to what show you're referring to.  Or is that just the persona you like to display online?

Last you told me- and I quote: "And I say I haven't won like I've been last all my life- I mean we have never even come close to winning a major show."

Again, where does the credibility come from to substantiate your claims?



Well-known member
Mar 13, 2009
Iola Texas
Xbar I assure you showstopper has feed penned worked sorted alot of cattle in his young life.
That kid is from a 6 generation working ranch.
I know for a fact last year he was in the top five at the texas majors with heifers. His family also won the gert show at several Texas majors over the years? You can look it up for yourself.  The facts are there! And you have owed shorthorns for 3 years please tell me what knowledge you have for the breed. I am pretty sure showstopper has a few shorthorns that he has owed longer than 3 years. These are facts i would invite you to drive down to Iola and look around at a working cattle ranch. Take a look at the pic to the left pretty sure they don't hand out those type buckles to last place!


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2010
Central Texas
Once again your mistaken, 2 cows is sadly low for the amount of cattle I have in my name

And we have never WON a Texas major, I may be wrong but there's alot of people far more successful than you that have never won a major show, I have also never stood last, ever, in my life, we were second at San Antonio and ft worth and 4th at Houston

What room do you have to talk in the first place, you go by a screen name that's a street term for xanex? So lets not talk about screen names lol

And Atleast I have the confidence in my cattle to air them out without having to blame a judge or anyone else, your too scared to put them on a halter because you know for sure you won't be stopping any shows

So put your money where your mouth is since all you want to talk about is "means" and stack your cattle up with someone else's before you question my results at major level shows (thumbsup)

But after you run home from ft worth beat like a drum it will be the judges fault I'm sure


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2010
Central Texas
We are all just silly Freddy 4h'er kids  <beer>

Mr show cattle forum, anti show cattle will save us all


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
bart said:
Xbar I assure you showstopper has feed penned worked sorted alot of cattle in his young life.
That kid is from a 6 generation working ranch.
I know for a fact last year he was in the top five at the texas majors with heifers. His family also won the gert show at several Texas majors over the years? You can look it up for yourself.  The facts are there! And you have owed shorthorns for 3 years please tell me what knowledge you have for the breed. I am pretty sure showstopper has a few shorthorns that he has owed longer than 3 years. These are facts i would invite you to drive down to Iola and look around at a working cattle ranch. Take a look at the pic to the left pretty sure they don't hand out those type buckles to last place!

I can only go on what he says. What his 'family' has done is completely irrelevant.  Once he gets a job, buys cows, and THEN wins these shows let me know.

And here's you a little (sub)cultural knowledge, kid.  MDMA is known as X, or what you young bucks like to call Molly.  Bars or blues -as named by the 4 bars on the blue pill- is slang for xanex.   

-XBAR- ,on the other hand, was my great grandpas brand he registered in Kansas and New Mexico in the 19teens.  Both him and my grandpa were pioneers in 'bringing in' Fullblood Chars via Mexico in the 40s and then later legitimately importing French Fullbloods in the 60s.


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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
so how will we measure your credibility?

board president?
winning shows?
semen sales?
commercial bull sales?
packer acceptance of roan cattle?
world championships?
number of generations with your prefix in your cattle?
a mostly closed herd?

it's pretty clear you know how to measure everyone but yourself.

do you drive a ferrari?

you are too cool for yourself.


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2010
Central Texas
I say that because my step mother is a lawyer and xbar is street for xanex I don't care what you say, typical denial/change up that most medicinal addicts use as a scapegoat

Thank you for posting the quote ironic that it is exactly what I said before

How can you say what family has done is irrelevant, yet use other breeders who are no kin to you and feel that is a more relevant example?

Also who are you to talk about me buying cows and winning shows when you still haven't won a show yourself, not even a county show

And don't post telling me about your great grandparents cattle, family is irrelevant right, when you start buying cattle and winning shows ill care

After you JUST said family was irrelevant, you post about yours?

^the hypocritical nature I was trying to point out earlier 


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2010
Central Texas
And for the record

I didn't need to go "buy" anything

The female in Bart's profile picture was bred and owned raised by me, she was champion Santa Gertrudis In 88 of 112 rings,

And that is sanctioned and documented ;)

No family involved, no"means" or money involved, no investors, and no copy cat wanna-be-somebody-else's-program to get her on the ground, bred and owned, xanex

Where's your bred and owned cattle at? Ms 27 year old real world cattle woman


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
knabe said:
so how will we measure your credibility?

commercial bull sales?

packer acceptance of roan cattle?

number of generations with your prefix in your cattle?

a mostly closed herd?

Same ways any BREEDER is measured. 


The breeders, as opposed to your family, are relevant. Through SELECTION I chose their genetics as the foundation of my herd.  XBAR was my ggpa's brand. Only reason it was brought up. 

Come to think about it, I don't know of any master breeders that show cattle.  Tom Lasater win any shows? How bout Jim Lent? Or Larry Leonhardt? I didn't think so. All their cattle must be inferior ::)