UPDATED - 2 problems with steer(s)

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Active member
Sep 15, 2012
Northern, CA
Hello Steer Planet I strongly need your help. I posted earlier about some questions about two may born club calfs headed for a season of jackpots and then a fat show in late july with a minimum of 1.100 lbs.

Currently both calves are arounf 650 on 15lbs a day Show Rite full throttle grain. 7 1/2 AM -- 7 1/2 PM. ( Or Suppose to be eating this,)
they came to us eating 10 lbs a day of an extremely sweet show feed. We tried to get this feed ut prices were not what we wanted and the feed mill was over 7 hours away and hauling price to get feed to us was not what we wanted. Over a couple week period of time we switced them both over to a local grain mix. This mix we had fed in the past and is what a majority of the people in our area feed for their 'Fat steer shows'. Our steers in the past had eaten it just fine yet these two calves wanted nothing to do with this grain. after a month of these calves just not eating at all we were getting worried and decided maybe a sweet molasses feed like they came on is what we need to do. So we did, we ended up going to Show Rite full throttle sweet grain and again over weeks anmount of time slowly switched them over. once they were on this and were eating this feed we started slowly upping them from 10lbs a day to 15lbs a day. At one point they both were fully eating and cleaning up grain. Latley we have been seeing them go downhill. They did get sick a couple months ago and were treated with Draxxin and Bananmine and seemed to have a full recovery.

---Our problem steer, My calf, isnt showing interest in eating. they have been fully switched over to this nnew grain for over 3 months. We give them 45 minutes to eat every meal then grain is pulled. They have free choice grass/oat hay mix and fresh water. Both calves have been wormed,treated with Corrid, get probios weekly. They have room to play in the pen and get walked about every other day. they do have a pasture we can let them out in but have not let them out beacuse of flooding irrigation issues. We origiannly thought he is picky and wanted the sweet grain like the one he was 'raised' on .. now he is on a sweet grain, then we thought because he is a little bit of a nervous steer maybe that is hwy he isnt eating. Our routine is schedule and we dont know hwat to do..This calf  this week hasnt touched his grain for the past 4 days, 8 meals. To the point where this is common and expected with him. We are desperate. I dont want to make any rash decisions or change anything up too severly and mess him up  any more. Everytime I feed him daily am and pm i am getting even more worried and upset that this could happen. Advice needed. I am weighing him tomorrow and will get a more accurate weight. Also I am worried bevcause when people have come out and looked at the calf to give me more advice they have said the other calf looks like he is growing taller and bigger and this calf looks to have LOST muscle mass in his rear for one, and seems to if anything lost weight. I have never had issues like this and am very puzzled this is why I am trying to ask as many people in the industry as i can for help with this calf. Everyother calf i have fed has not had soundness issues or weight gain issues where they dont even want to eat grain and wont eat for weeks straight. I also believe e does not consume enough water. the 70gallon water torugh I refill as it goes down, yet between both calfs only drink the trough down 3 inched every 30-48 or so hours....

--- problem two, starting 1 1/2 months ago both steers started popping in their pasterns when tey walked. It is painfull for me to even watch them walk it looks like it hurts or as if a joint or bone is rubbing. The calfs were picked because they were structurally sound our judge John Edwards for our fat show preached he wanted nothing but the most solid sound calves. We are trying to push them now with weight so we can try not to struggle in the end. Yet with these young only 650 lb steers i worry we shouldnt be having these issues. We called the breeder both calves came from and asked advice and hwat to do, we were told because we are on well water that is high in iron and our county is known for being low in selenium that is our issue. We have since given them a selenium mineral block and they enjoy licking this and trying to eat it. Yet the problems have not gotten getter. The pen is  all wood chips and the shelter inside barn they can go into is concrete floors with matts and then fresh straw on top. they are not cooped up and get excersice so i dont know what we have done wrong. Looking at my personal videos of the calves when we bought them they were sound and walking fine and no issues were seen and now we have this.

If any more information is needed just say so and i will gladly tell you anything and everything about our routine and the calves if i left out a vital piece of info. We are getting desperate and worried.  These calves seemed to start out stroing and have been going downhill from here . The plan was to jackpot these calfs year loing and then go to the fat show in late july and sell them there at county fair.. we havent gone to any jackpots yet because we are worried they wont eat and will loose weight from stress AS well as these newfound popping in the pastern problems I dont want to take them to a show.

UPDATE: 1/8/13 UPDATE: i did the math right now woth weight of gain
As of last night this calf weighed 647lbs 1/7/13 if he continues at this pace his average daily gain is 1.86lbs a day.... I was told i need to gain 3lbs a day.... We have 151 days to fair as of today 1/8/13 minimum weight to be accepted is 1,000 no max.

This is how desperate i am to get them eatibg^^

UPDATE: 1.21.13  steers have both been given a shot us mu-se two weeks ago, arent seeing improvment but we will do another shot in 30 days. Wormed them both again today. They are now having Golden Flow and Appetite Express from Sullivans livestock supply in their feed the reccomended amount . As well as Calf Mana protein pellets of 1/2 lb a day for each calf. Current weights are 734lbs and 671lbs.. this was a 40lb jump in 2 weeks. So only 20lbs a week. Here is a more detailed list of weights to see whats going on. we try and weigh every two weeks but in there there was a 4 week gap at one point

tag 33-            Tag 25-
11/11 543        534
11/26 593        575
12/10 628        595
1/7    708        647
1/21  734        671



Well-known member
Aug 18, 2011
Saskatchewan, Canada
In regards to the eating problem, I would cut down the amount of hay you are feeding. That is something that was recommended to me last year and it really makes a difference on how much they eat. Good luck with your steers!


Well-known member
Dec 28, 2009
Illinois (God's country)
I don't think hay is your problem.  i would take away 1 or 1 1/2 # s of the grain for a while. If they start cleaning up the feed without stopping I would add a half pound each. Try a probiotic supplement in their feed, this will enhance rumin health and help with digestion. As for the pasterns popping - do they need their feet trimmed ? Have their feet trimmed by someone with experience doing show calves. It sounds like they might have a little too much toe on their back feet. Don't get discouraged by their eating, some calves are a little pickier than others.

carter o

Active member
Jul 16, 2012
This is a long shot but you sound desperate for help. Im no vet but i would take your calf thats not eating to your state vet. They will have a good idea whats causing this. Would he have gotten into metal or anything? You could try putting a magnet im him. It would only be a couple bucks. I can only guess. PM i may have an idea for u. Good luck!!!


Well-known member
Oct 17, 2011
Do they just not like the feed? We had a heifer that we had to try a couple of different things to get her on something she liked. I also say a pribiotic would help. I like vita ferm. If you can get some vita charge down them then use sure champ daily.


Well-known member
Feb 5, 2010
We have done B-12 liquid for about three days and that has helped. I have also done vita charge for 4days straight and that also helps getting there appetite going.


Well-known member
Mar 5, 2007
showgirl15 said:
We have done B-12 liquid for about three days and that has helped. I have also done vita charge for 4days straight and that also helps getting there appetite going.

Honestly if your cattle are healthy and feeling well, you shouldn't have to always be giving them additive 7 supplements. If they are not feeling well & you can't figure out what the problem is within a day or two, you need to get an experienced vet involved for a correct diagnosis hopefully.


Well-known member
Mar 12, 2010
try syringing some plain yogurt down his throught he may have ulcers, ulcers are a lot more comon than people think, and often go undiagnosed. the yogurt will help coat his guts and make them feel better, plus it is loaded with natural bacteria, and pro biotic cultures, which will stimulate appetite. once they start to eat,add a bit of salt to thier feed, this will help with water intake.


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
Rogers, Ar
My best guess is a Vitamin and/or Mineral deficiency.  Do you know what these are in your ShowRite?  You might try feeding an equal, dry mix of Cracked Corn, Whole Oats, and Cottonseed Hulls top dressed with a couple ounces of QUALITY mineral.  KISS Theory!


Feb 9, 2012
sounds like if u can get them to eat 15 pounds at 650 pounds you r close to being on par. we feed 3% body weight as fed so a650 lbs steer will eat 21-23 lbs total intake i know it is nice when they dive in and get at it but the picky eaters take lots of pasions trust me i have f***** them up before consitincy is everything and throwing abunch of different things at them seems to just screw their guts up or tie nutrients up.try just measuring the hay to what they need realevent to there body weight to make them eat there energy for there total ration. you can also try adding some form of natural fat in a low amount it seems to help regulate ammino acids . increase feed in smaller incrimants over longer periods of time. good luke


Active member
Sep 15, 2012
Northern, CA
gocanes719 said:
go to www.melatoninimplants.com and order a selenium bolus for each calf.

showsteernc said:
A dose of mu-se should help on the selenium deficiency.
Thank you both, gocanes719 & showsteernc
I have a friend who is a vet that can come out within the next week to give a shot of selemium. Would just one shot be effective for the popping in pastern problems. would thiss help with appetitie or eating at all or is it strictly for soundness


Active member
Sep 15, 2012
Northern, CA
Corn fed12 said:
This is a long shot but you sound desperate for help. Im no vet but i would take your calf thats not eating to your state vet. They will have a good idea whats causing this. Would he have gotten into metal or anything? You could try putting a magnet im him. It would only be a couple bucks. I can only guess. PM i may have an idea for u. Good luck!!!
  Cornfed12 - I have PM'd you. Also I dont believe they could have gotten into any metal we try to keep everything organized and clean.. we did put up a new fence this fall maybe some wire or scrap got burried in the woodchips or someone didnt clean up because there are others that have calves in pastures around us.. Does a magnet have any negative side effects? This calf also is not good with touching his face or with any paste or liquid in syringes,, but if this could be an issie and a magnet would solve it I am open to looking into it. Thank you


Active member
Sep 15, 2012
Northern, CA
obie105 said:
Do they just not like the feed? We had a heifer that we had to try a couple of different things to get her on something she liked. I also say a pribiotic would help. I like vita ferm. If you can get some vita charge down them then use sure champ daily.
Obie105- Thank you.
They didnt like the first feed so we changes to a sweeter and higher conversion rate show feed. Both seemed to eat it up in the beg. they were on this feed. So vita ferm and sure champ are two different products? would you suggest/ is it common to feed this to them until they return to normal or is it something you feed as an additive the whole time you have the calf


Active member
Sep 15, 2012
Northern, CA
renegadelivestock said:
try syringing some plain yogurt down his throught he may have ulcers, ulcers are a lot more comon than people think, and often go undiagnosed. the yogurt will help coat his guts and make them feel better, plus it is loaded with natural bacteria, and pro biotic cultures, which will stimulate appetite. once they start to eat,add a bit of salt to thier feed, this will help with water intake.

renegadelivestock - Okay thank you, when they get to eating and cleaning up grain on a consistent basis I will defenitley add some salt. Would less than a teaspoon be appropriate?

If it is stomach ulcers what are the causes of this as well as what do i look for as symptoms? We can give them some plain yogurt, does this have the same effect as a probios paste or powder? Or does the yogurt have a similar yet different effect


Active member
Sep 15, 2012
Northern, CA
AAOK said:
My best guess is a Vitamin and/or Mineral deficiency.  Do you know what these are in your ShowRite?  You might try feeding an equal, dry mix of Cracked Corn, Whole Oats, and Cottonseed Hulls top dressed with a couple ounces of QUALITY mineral.  KISS Theory!

This is the info from the online website -  Show Rite --Steer Throttled Up
Crude Protein, min 12.0%
Crude Fat, min  4.0%
Crude Fiber, max  8.0%
Calcium (Ca) 0.5 - 1.0%
Phosphorus (P),  0.3%
Salt (NaCl)  0.3 - 0.8%
Potassium (K), min 0.7%
Vitamin A, min 5,000 IU/lb
Vitamin D, min 500 IU/lb
Vitamin E, min 115 IU/lb

in the pen they also have a selenium mineral block as well as a white salt block


Well-known member
Oct 17, 2011
Sure champ is made by vita ferm. Vita ferm has a whole line of minerals and feed additives. We feed sure champ year round. I totally believe in it. We were feeding it back before it was popular at the national level lol. Vita charge is a paste.  It really helps keeping them on feed and their gut working correctly.


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2007
Western NC
I am also a believer in the Vita Ferm products.

As far as the selenium, it would be easier to just order those boluses. That should help you out

I doubt it would help appetite, but maybe if they feel better it will get better.