VOTE obama OUT !

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Well-known member
Nov 28, 2011
This appears to be false. The web site is suppose to be funny.


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
vc said:
you would be surprised the mix is relatively even, at least in California.

Then that kinda disputes your initial claim.  Unless of course you're calling Ranching Santa Fe rural?



Well-known member
Apr 15, 2007
sw Oklahoma
And this "we got through the last four alright, we'll get through the next four just the same." The 60-70 people per week in my county that are receiving foreclosure notices each Thursday would beg to differ with you on how we are "getting through this." They don't see it as just fine. Besides losing their homes, their credit, and therefor their ability to live a decent life, is ruined. All because of government policy that caused them to lose jobs and if they are fortunate enough to get one it pays half what they were making. Your statement should have read "I got through it just fine." We all see the world as how it has happened to us. The 46 million people on food stamps aren't "making it through this alright." The 1 in 6 people in America living in poverty aren't making it through this alright. It's only human nature, but somehow it seems to me that people should look beyond their own little world and understand how others in the country are making it and what is really going on. I sincerely hope you make it through just the same without feeling any effects of government policy.  But everyone isn't that fortunate.

Gonewest, you are correct that I should have said I, not we.  I can't speak for everyone else.  The last four years have not been good for me (and my family) either, but  yes, we have survived it.  I'm truly sorry for those who haven't fared as well, and I hate that the next four years won't be any better.  I'm not happy about the outcome of the election, and I am well aware of it's implications.  But at this point, I have to put some faith in our system of checks and balances to keep us from becoming a completely socialist state in the next four years.  I have to try to make the best of it and I can't live my life thinking the sky is falling.  Even if it is,  we can't change the outcome of this election now.

What we can, and must do if we want the next one to be any different, is find a more electable candidate.  Honestly, I'm a little surprised that Romney did as well as he did.  I really believe that at least a good percentage of those who did vote for him were mostly just voting against Obama. We can't go in with the attitude that there's just no way to reach certain demographics (especially not "47%"), so we're just going to ignore them.  The Obama camp has won the last two elections by making it "us against them", and the Republicans have basically responded in kind, just hoping that more of "us" would vote (in the right places) than "them".  If it's going to continue that way, then there's probably not much chance of this country having a Republican President in the forseeable future.


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2007
Rhome, TX
To kind of go along withe DLD.  I think the whole 47% video was the most damning for the Romney campaign.  I just really don't think you can recover from writing off 47% of Americans, and I would guess a good number of these 47 percent'ers live in the key swing states that you must win to win the election.  I also don't understand why Romney worked so hard to keep the far Right of his party happy.  They aren't going to vote Democrat no matter what.  I think some of this comes from the GOP itself.  You must work so hard to appease the core base of the party to get the nomination, but then when it comes to a general election, you either have to disenfranchise a large number (and growing) of the population to stick to the platform that got you there, or try to become more moderate and risk looking like a flip-flopper that appears to just be saying what he thinks the people want to hear.

I do apologize in advance, but the Tea Party movement may have allowed the GOP to grab some seats in 2010, but they have created a situation where the GOP may never be able to win a major election. The population has a mind of their own, and a movement is not going to change that.  The movement is actually moving the party away from the trend.

Just sayin' it as I see it.


Well-known member
Oct 17, 2011
I do not know what Romney did or didn't do in Massachusetts but I have relatives that live there that are very republican they are financially well off and they made it very apparent on facebook that they were refusing to support him or vote for him. These are people that always support the republicans.


Well-known member
Jul 14, 2010
under the X in Texas
Very Few??  Hmm, looked like about half the United States to me.  The country and rural communities of the U.S especially.

-XBAR- said:
Untill a secular conservative runs, the democratic party will continue to run this country.  Very few identify with the extreme religious right, why does the Republican party continually choose to embrace them?


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
ZNT said:
I do apologize in advance, but the Tea Party movement may have allowed the GOP to grab some seats in 2010, but they have created a situation where the GOP may never be able to win a major election. The population has a mind of their own, and a movement is not going to change that.  The movement is actually moving the party away from the trend.

Just sayin' it as I see it.

You are 100% correct there.  The local tea party movement actually scares me.  They do way more damage than good.  The whole basis of their platform is don't spend any money on anything.  That approach will wreck our economy faster than anything.


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2007
Rhome, TX
chiangus said:
As I read this morning.

The takers outvoted the producers

Yep, that is pretty much what Romney said, and well, it didn't work out for him.  Maybe it's time to look at tweeking the GOP message.  That's pretty much what we were saying above.


Well-known member
May 3, 2007
Everyone needs to watch the movie "Obama 2016" very interesting will change the way you look at Obama especially if you like him. They tried to get this movie out before the election but ran into complications (imagine that). We just got it through block buster.


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
rackranch said:
Very Few??  Hmm, looked like about half the United States to me.  The country and rural communities of the U.S especially.

-XBAR- said:
Until a secular conservative runs, the democratic party will continue to run this country.  Very few identify with the extreme religious right, why does the Republican party continually choose to embrace them?

No, about half the US voted Republican.  The Republican party fell short because of their staunch positions on social issues that the majority of Americans in general don't identify with.  The overwhelming majority of Americans identify themselves as being SOCIALLY MODERATE yet neither party embraces this.  Neither abortion or gay marriage are any concern of the federal government and until the Republican party realizes this, they will continue to lose.  These are issues that have to be left up to the individual for their own conscientious consideration.  Like it or not, the Republicans party's position on these matters are the sole culprit of their defeat.  Now I ask you,  do you move on to more relevant issues or do you continue to bite of your nose to spite your face?

OH Breeder

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2007
Ada, Ohio
DSC said:
Everyone needs to watch the movie "Obama 2016" very interesting will change the way you look at Obama especially if you like him. They tried to get this movie out before the election but ran into complications (imagine that). We just got it through block buster.

I would strongly suggest you read the back ground on the movie. The reason they had issues with its release was the liberties they took with some of the "facts". 


Well-known member
May 5, 2010
Western Colorado
I heard today and have not checked these facts but found it interesting none the less. General Motors was loaned several billion dollars in 2008 and 09, this money was loaned to them to reorganize and get them back on track, so now I hear that GM built a plant over seas and will be moving some part of the operations to Taiwan. So if that is true why was it not brought out in the campaign? How was it kept a secret from the American public? I am sure there are already many parts of our American made autos that are made over seas but if GM was allowed to build any kind of facility over seas with stimulus money we need to be raising H*!! with our elected representatives.

Obamacare while I understand that our health care system has lots of flaws the thing that I disagree about it most is because the government is telling me that I have to purchase a product that I may not want or need. This is the part that is unconstitutional. Now once that the supreme court has up held that decision and now that Obama has been reelected there is no end to what the government will force down our throat.

The part that scares is the part when they say you have to do this or else! This is socialism, the government knows best and this is the way it's going to be. If it doesn't scare you you better go have your head examined!

There are just so many things that I have concerns about with this administration there isn't enough room on this thread to list them all. I hope that we all can survive the next decade.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
-XBAR- said:
Wonder how much a new truck would cost  if it were all American made?

a lot less if the unions had to take 10 cents on the dollar like investors.

unions gave up NOTHING.  it was a total bribe by obama for union votes.


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
Mtnman said:
-XBAR- said:
Wonder how much a new truck would cost  if it were all American made?

So it's okay for Obama to move jobs over seas but not Romney??

Imo, its ok for either. We now live in a global economy. Businessmen should be free to source wherever they so choose.  If you don't personally support their practice, don't buy their goods.  It should be in the consumers hands, not the governments.