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  1. brenn


    Hey there, this will be my last year showing a steer at my county fair. Since it’s my last year, I want to go out with a bang. I’m located in northern California and would like to find a great quality steer. I’m not afraid to spend some $ on a steer.  The problem is I’m not sure where to go to...
  2. brenn


    Hey there, this will be my last year showing a steer at my county fair. Since it’s my last year, I want to go out with a bang. I’m located in northern California and would like to find a great quality steer. I’m not afraid to spend some $ on a steer.  The problem is I’m not sure where to go to...
  3. brenn

    Feeding Shag and VitaFirm ???

    Would feeding Shag and VitaFirm to two show steers be harmful? ???
  4. brenn

    AI COSTS??

    How much does it cost to have a cow AI'ed? Thanks!
  5. brenn

    How To Correctly Feed SHAG???

    I just received my SHAG in a bag and it says to feed 3oz daily, however I'm not sure whether I should feed it all in one feeding or do 1.5oz in the morning and 1.5 at night, i feed twice a day anyway but I just want to do it correctly. Thanks!
  6. brenn

    TH & PHA Question

    I have a question. In order for a calf to born with TH do both the cow and the bull have to be carriers? I was wondering how this works? I have a herd of clean Herefords but I wanted to AI a few to Indian Outlaw, who is a carrrier, but I dont want to risk having a TH calf born. So, any help...
  7. brenn


    I'm looking at a calf sired by "No Confusion" but I can't find any pictures or information on him. If any one could point me in the right direction I would appreciate it. thanks :)
  8. brenn

    Blue Roan Shorthorn Bulls

    Does anyone know of any shorthorn or shorthorn composite bulls, colored like Moody Blues, but PHA and TH free? I cant seen to find one... Thanks
  9. brenn

    county fairs over =(

    My county fair just ended. This year went very smoothly and went by steer weighed 1178lbs and look great, i was very happy with the way he turned out. But judge placed me dead last in my market class, but I was one of only four people, in a class of 11 pulled for showmanship. Before...
  10. brenn

    ever heard of Darryl Hanson???

    Has anyone heard of a cattle judge "Darryl Hanson" ? He's gunna be the judge at my county fair. I will be showing my Charolais steer independently and was just curious what he likes and doesn't like. Thanks
  11. brenn

    how do you clip the tail on a slick shorn steer?

    I'm not sure how to go about clipping the tail. ??? Any advice or pictures would be great, thanks.
  12. brenn

    Help! steer off feed!

    okay so, i went out to feed my steer on Sunday evening and he wouldn't touch his grain; he only ate the hay. And then Monday he still refused to eat his grain so bought a bag of calf manna and added a small amount to grain in hope that he would eat it but he still wouldn't eat. Today he wouldn't...