bad language vs bad advice

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Well-known member
Oct 3, 2007
DLD said:
Great post, Red.

I think the point of a discussion board is to look at an issue from as many different viewpoints as there are board members who are interested enough and willing to join in. Bad advice (sometimes even good advice - lol) rarely goes unchallenged on this, or any other board with much traffic. Certain subjects we pretty much know what alot of peoples opinion is going to be, but the beauty of the whole thing is that if we agree or disagree we're all free to give our opinion (within the guidelines of the board, of course). Those of us who are learning from it will take all of those opinions into consideration, and maybe they'll cause us to form or change our own opinion. Some opinions never change - that's ok, too. In the end it's up to each reader to take from a discussion what they will.
i totaly agree bad avice can be good.something u might thhink will not work for lets say grooming legs i might think the ideas great


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
but I'm sorry that you are used to it. No child should be used to cussing or foul language. It's sad that kids are exposed to it from media, music & other sources. Not here.



Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
Gardner, KS
Show Heifer said:
Thanks for answering my question red....even if I DID have to ask 2-3 times....

I haven't seen yet where anyone has been able to answer the question of where illegal substances were promoted so I'm not sure what your question actually was, but I don't see where it could have been answered if that is actually what you think is happening on this board.
My question I guess would be why would that question be directed at Red, she is a moderator not the owner of the board,  if you want to change the rules why would you not direct your questions to the people that made them?


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
spelled backwards it comes out the other end.

my 5 year old daughter says poop glaze when referring to little contests winning and losing when she "loses", i'm going to rub it all over your trophy, break it into a thousand pieces and throw it in the trash and you can't get it back (with hand motions).  as if kids didn't know the meaning of winning and losing. 


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
AJ- in your case poop is fine. You guys know what words I'm talking about. Dung, turd, pee & all the others are OK too. Knabe- I say doogie doodoo sometimes too!
Jill- Jen directed an e-mail to me asking the question. I also got a similar one from someone else. Like I said, I don't make the rules.



Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
I really think all the owners and moderators want is us to act in a polite manner.  I think its a no brainer. 


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
forget about steerplanet (we're fine), but what about bars?

Councilman Proposes Cussing Ban In St. Charles Bars

in typical fashion, the law restricts one thing hoping to restrict another.

It promises to control rowdiness, curb underage drinking and give police some real rules to enforce at area bars.  outlaw swearing to curb undeage drinking?  why not enforce that, you don't need a new law.  new laws are mostly feel good manueuvers with little thought for enforcement to get elected.  NO NEW LAWS.

Among the rules: no open bar, no drinking games or contests, no dancing on tables, and no indecent, profane or obscene language, songs, entertainment and literature.
Why go to a bar.  let's just do the next step, close them.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
no dancing on tables

Dang! I would have hated that place in my younger, wilder days! Has anyone seen a corgi dance to Love Shack?

;D  ::) Red


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2007
sw Oklahoma
I like these rules

Five Dollar Fine
Chris LeDoux 

We're a fun lovin' crowd
Kinda rowdy and loud
Our jukebox won't play no sad songs
So don't come in here
And cry in your beer
Cause we don't care about who done who wrong

We got a five dollar fine for whinin'
We'll tell you before you come in
And if it ain't on your mind To have a good time
Ya'll come back and see us again

Well, we don't really care
About your clothes or your hair
This party is open to all
We like a good joke
And it's alright to smoke
We got just one rule on the wall

We got a five dollar fine for whinin'
We'll tell you before you come in
And if it ain't on your mind to have a good time
Ya'll come back and see us again

Now there's too many fools
Makin' too many rules
That's one thing you can't say about us
Cause we all get along
When we sing the same song
There's just one thing that causes a fuss

We got a five dollar fine for whinin'
We'll tell you before you come in
And if it ain't on your mind To have a good time
Ya'll come back and see us again

We got a five dollar fine for whinin'
We'll tell you before you come in
And if it ain't on your mind To have a good time
Ya'll come back and see us again

We got a five dollar fine for whinin'



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
I read, I think on one of the other boards that, if you dont like the subject dont read it. I see nothing wrong with anything that has been discussed here. It gives both sides and lets the young people, which I think is the concern here, both sides and lets them decide for themselves which direction in life they want to go. I would let my kids read this and that is the gauge I take when I comment, if I dont want my kids to read it I dont post it.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Jill said:
I give Karma to anyone who brings Chris LeDoux into this! (clapping)

obviously ledoux don't get no air time at california schools.  everyone needs a trophy.  i put poopglaze on your trophy and tear it in a thousand pieces and throw it in the trash california.


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
I'm gonna read my bottle of generic banamine when I get home tonight, but I know it says something other than IV use.  If it says what I think I'll scan it and post it.  Just used it last weekend on a sick calf in the pasture.

I'm probably one of the ones thought of as "promoting" which I don't think I'm guilty of.  I don't like "beating around the bush" and I can guarantee you about 99% of vets and 99% of people that show calves don't think (or know) that you aren't supposed to ever under any circumstances use ace/thorazine on cattle or give banamine in the muscle.  Use of tranquilizers, etc. in show cattle has been around long before I was and its silly to pretend it isn't and not discuss it when people ask questions about it.  I've never replied on questions regarding dosage other than talk to your vet.  I will tell my OPINION on what situations I believe (and our vets have told us) its ok to use it without having a definite chance of violating residue rules and laws.  

Basically, we don't let any calf leave our control that has any kind of residue in it - whether its at the sale barn or a show - whether it is wormer, antibiotic, etc.  That's a stricter standard than 99% of commercial producers and I sleep just fine at night about it.  We also don't take sick or injured cattle to the sale barn.  I'd rather put them down in the pasture myself than pass off the problem to someone else and make an animal suffer longer.  

People get on these sites to learn something they can't learn from their ag teacher or county agent.  There is too much we are "scared" to talk about.

I cuss more than I ought to out of bad habit when speaking, but writing a cuss word takes intentional thought and isn't appropriate in any kind of written communication anywhere.  I probably use remarkably better grammar when typing than speaking also.  


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
chambero - below is a notice from the FDA re flunixin residues in cattle and appropriate usage - the web site is

ps don't shoot the messanger - I didn't create the rules I just have to live by them

fb - good post

40yo4Her - I'll get back with you on your question -gotta run (dog) (dog) (dog) (dog)

May 10, 2007

FDA Reminds Veterinarians on the Correct Use of Flunixin Meglumine

The Food and Drug Administration today is reminding veterinarians about the appropriate use of the drug, flunixin meglumine, for use in cattle.  FDA’s Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM) has received reports indicating that flunixin meglumine is being prescribed and/or administered by means of an intramuscular route (IM) in cattle.  Flunixin meglumine’s current approved route of administration is restricted to intravenous (IV) administration in cattle.

It is important for veterinarians to prescribe and use flunixin meglumine and other drugs for food animals according to directions on the label so that adulterating residues are avoided.  The intramuscular administration of flunixin meglumine has the potential to cause violative drug residues since it requires a longer withdrawal period to deplete the drug-related residue in the animal than does the approved intravenous route of administration.  It is considered extra-label use to use an FDA approved product through a route of administration other than as it is approved.  Extra-label use is not permitted for reasons such as convenience, yet CVM has learned that flunixin meglumine is being administered via the unapproved intramuscular route for convenience purposes

CVM has investigated a number of violative drug residues in meat that resulted from extra-label use of flunixin and wants to clarify that the Animal Medicinal Drug Use Clarification Act (AMDUCA) ( limits extra-label drug use to treatment when the health of an animal is threatened or suffering or death may result from failure to treat.

Only a veterinarian can prescribe a drug in an extra-label manner. In such cases, the veterinarian must establish a substantially extended withdrawal period supported by appropriate scientific information prior to the marketing of milk, meat, eggs, or other edible products to assure that violative drug residues do not occur.

The withdrawal time is the interval between the time of the last administration of a drug and the time when the animal can be safely slaughtered for food or the milk can be safely consumed. If the labeled withdrawal period is followed along with all other label directions, including route of administration, there is a high degree of assurance that treated animals or milk will be in compliance with applicable regulations, and that the edible products from such treated animals will be safe. There are established withdrawal times for approved products, such as flunixin meglumine. However, there are no approved withdrawal times for unapproved products or FDA approved products which are used in an extra-label manner.

For additional information on flunixin meglumine, please see and

Issued by:
FDA, Center for Veterinary Medicine,
Communications Staff, HFV-12
7519 Standish Place, Rockville, MD 20855
Telephone: (240) 276-9300 FAX: (240) 276-9115
Internet Web Site:
Web page updated by hd - May 14, 2007, 11:42 AM ET


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
legal drugs not a problem

Agents and experts in the liquor trade said that because it's unregulated, moonshine has been found to contain lead, pesticides and other dangerous substances. "I've seen cows basically go to the bathroom in a creek and then that same water be run through a still to make liquor," McEntire said.  (also, beer making in the old days minimized these types of dangers, it's why they made beer), but it's so politically incorrect in this country, and we are such a bunch of abusers and can't do anything in moderation, that we have to regulate it.  austrians make scnops for centuries with little or no problem.  again, it's discrimination based legislation, this time against hillbillies.

it's not like any worse than say products from china or mexico where there is basically no reach of US control.  heck, we apologize (mattel) for selling stuff tainted with lead that china made violating their contract with mattel. us is dorks.

Show Heifer

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2007
Red - I would PM you, but can't so I guess I will break the moderators request and put it here for all to see.
I have not PM you since YOU called ME.
Jill - I directed the question to red, as she told everyone if we had any questions or issues to bring them up to her. So I did. Is that a problem? She did WANT to be a moderator, and the job of the moderator is to answer questions from members. I simply ask her a question.

I am not sure how to say this, but....discussing using ace/thorazine in show cattle is illegal (ok, not discussing it, but actually using it). So I find it odd that a board that is so focused on youth, would allow discussion on something such as that.  Not really promoting, but certainly not discouraging (and those of us that do disagree - well, we just don't understand).
What about discussing cosmetic surgrey in animals? I know a vet in Texas that made is living by chopping off ears of market cattle and transplanting them on show animals. My cousin from Texas also told me of a fella who takes a metal plate in the shape of the tooth line, and whacks it a few times with a sledge hammer to keep the teeth from falling out "before the animal show career is over".  I know of several heifers that had very successful show careers after they had their necks done. So since that is "common practice" is all that acceptable also? I mean, heck, EVERYONE is doing it, so it must be ok????

But, everyone has to sleep at night, and I have decided what I can sleep over and what I can't. Everyone else has done the same. I guess this is where I'm going to disagree with a few folks and sleep at night, and I am sure they will do the same.  Good evening to you all!

By the way, Chris LeDoux was awesome in concert!!!