Hats off to Jirl Buck and other tidbits!

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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
WCC said:
Thanks DL for the invite to continue the PHA article discussion that was not welcome on SS.  I like that Buck has moved forward with only  marketing of PHA free bulls in his future production sales.  His spring catalog  supports only using PHA free bulls in the future or at least to manage the use of bulls that are carriers of PHA and not breed them to Females that are carriers. That is logical enough that even if you don’t understand the genetic defect that you could still avoid the problem. Which brings me back to the underling question.  If he is castrating all bull calves in his herd that are PHA carriers and does not ’t want to sell any more bulls that are carriers do you think he will pull of the semen market his line up BK bulls that are being promoted?  It seems that all but one unless I am mistaken are PHA carriers.  I don’t see much difference in managing AI'ing cows to  bulls that are PHA carriers and purchasing a bull that is  a PHA carrier.  Its all business and semen sales are a huge percentage of a purebred breeders financial success.  SO I honestly don’t think he will pull his line up of PHA carriers off the market but it does raise this whole new question of how you can promote your ranch only supplying PHA free bulls when your still selling volumes of semen on bulls that are PHA carriers.  What are your thoughts on this controversial issue? ??? ???  WCC

Hey WCC - I find the whole thing fascinating - the genetic and the medical side of TH and PHA are interesting, but perhaps more interesting is the human response to these recessive disorders.  In the beginning really nobody stepped up to the plate - I saw people circling their wagons and trying "to dump" for big money cattle and embryos or those animals suspected or known  to be carriers. I think $ has a lot to do with how people react and behave re these issues and everyone has to decide for themselves what they can do and still sleep at night. I know there are people out there who sleep no matter what and there are people out there who stew and fret over things others think are silly. I also thing it depends a lot on what you have in your pasture - ie if your herd is clean it is easier to say you won't sell carriers than if your herd if filled with carriers. However I also know people who have a lot of carriers and won't sell them as breeding stock but just directly to the kill floor. On the same sort of line I am aware of a man who had a Johne's disease problem in a registered herd who refused to sell any animals as breeding stock until his herd was cleaned up  and this took double digit years - I believe his sense of ethics is unusual.

I still think that the vast majority of people buying cattle don't get it - spoke to a guy at Ohio who when I asked if he knew about TH and PHA  said he was only buying negative animals - he bought a carrier bull and carrier female......if he has a PHA calf he may never again buy a Maine.

red I wasn't sure what your post was about either - I haven't seen any breeder bashing here and don't see this as a breeder bashing topic. By virtue of the fact that Buck, DeRouchey, Hartman, Collins, etc and whoever have big sales (may or may not sell/use carriers) they are "in the public domain" and open to discussion. Likewise, those selling semen including those who own the bulls like Lautner and those who just provide the product like Coover are in the public domain and I see nothing wrong with discussing the facts surrounding their endeavors or even discussing how our philosophy may differ from theirs.

Like I have said before I think not disclosing the "whole status" of a bull in a glossy catalog is not slick advertising or accentuating the positive but a sin of omission - if I was in a bad mood I would use a different phrase! :mad:, but I am not  ;D The PHA test has been around for a while, not getting bulls tested prior to a March distribution of a catalog is tacky at best. Good grief almost all the animals at the Ohio Beef Expo were tested and the word to do it came in December I think! Certainly there could have been better planning. Big letters over Draft Pick saying he is TH FREE or over Improver saying his PHA FREE is deception by omission.

WCC Re your specific question - cutting all carrier bulls but still promoting carrier bulls dose sort of smack of a double standard. I know breeders who felt it was an ethical imperative to pull their carrier bulls and stop promoting them. I personally think that is the right thing to do, particularly if you  make the statement that the condition can be managed by not using carrier bulls - kinda sounds like a politician talking out of both sides of the mouth. I would have handled it differently. And yes this is the good old US of A so people can decide to use carrier bulls if they want - I just don't want. I understand the concept of "managing females" however I suspect that many of those who manage them by using clean bulls will sell untested females and I think that isn't managing anything but the pocket book.

It appears that when $ enters the picture things become very muddy for some. I was asked over the weekend didn't I think I was missing out on some great genetics by not using Paddy O'Malley - after all 50% of his calves will be free - yeah true - but 50% will also be carriers and I am not in a position to dispose of 50% of my calves - besides there isn't a carrier bull out there that has enough of anything I want to make up for the fact that he carries a lethal genetic defect. From a purely medical point of view this is a bad deal. Then try to explain to your 7 year old daughter, granddaughter, niece etc why her heifer died and why she had this monster calf.

I think these are topics that need to be talked about and that we need to continue to try to educate people - every year new kids enter 4H - every year they have parents who are clueless and might fall prey to those who put $ on top of ethics. I find it interesting that we have been called all sorts of names - some kinda nasty - and told to "grow up" (so talking about a lethal genetic defect means we are juvenile??) - my guess is that most of the time the name callers have something to hide. If you buy a bull or heifer from me it will have an accurate BW, WW, vaccination record and it will be clean - just seems like the right thing to do and yup I sleep well at night. Others have a different perspective.

Raining here - I'd be glad to send it down to you WCC but it would probably get stuck in Ohio! Red - I believe that the Golden Knotted Panty Award will have to be split btwn you and knabe - I'll leave it to you to decide the split! Yup, Harry Truman said

gotta admit I like Show Heifers quote Bad taste is simply saying the truth before it should be said.
suspect I have a touch of bad taste too! Have a great day, DL



Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
LOl, I know why I do better w/ cows & animals rather than the 2 legged variety!
I posted my comments not directed to anyone but just as a hope that we don't go off on a tangant. I apologize to anyone that thinks I was directing it at them. My choice of posting it w/ WCC was misfortunate. We just need to remember that this is an open board. Would love to hear all view points. I just don't want to turn anyone away because they might think their opinions won't be recieved.
I've learned so much from you DL, I've enjoyed our talks & visits. I've even turned hubby onto hockey thanks to you.
We can continue educating & the discussions. I just don't want to see it go the way of the other boards.

Red (cow)


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
i concur 100% with DL.  I would like to add a few comments.  Since selling cattle for more $ than by the pound is marketing for the most part, it would be a sad state of admission that there are not individuals within the Maine and Shorthorn breeds that are not worthy of promotion without PHA/TH.  If anything, the scare has forced an early infusion of new blood and a reshuffling of breeders and direction and keeping the genetic base of these two breeds diverse.  why isn't competition a good thing!  it will let breeders with relevant individuals an opportunity.  It would be a sad state of affairs if Maines and Shorthorn's had the same problem in the quarterhorse industry with HERDA.  For my money, since i actually eat the meat and sell some, in addition to animals (i am probably the smallest "breeder" on this board), i would like to see more femininity, better udders, better soundness in the pasterns and hocks and more matched front and rear ends during a walk than what i've seen from my limited exposure and experience.  I would like to see more focus on carcass quality and longevity of cow families be promoted which makes bucks for more people and let the steer making momma's not get so highly placed since they are really a narrow segment of the market overall.  that said, i am not deriding the show steer market, i just think we could do a little better overall focusing on functionality and carcass rather than thickness for thickness sakes. at the breeding shows, i would like to see more comments and placements and enthusiasm for efficient and functional animals.  after all that useless commentary, aren't Draft Picks kind of leathery?

I refuse to believe there aren't more individuals worthy of the purveyers of the PHA/TH carriers.  Of course there is.  it will happen faster now that there is a test, rather than by barn talk.  the lost money will be where it belongs.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
Dallas, Texas
Wow, Knabe.  I don't think I could have said it any better, but I've got you beat with being to smallest breeder on the board. I'm down to one donor
cow and I only have a half interest in her. I do own part of a promo bull out of her, though.

What I find to be so sad is when a young kids "steer project" turns out to be crippled because of the way we've chosen to breed these cattle. How much
more product do we have to breed into these cattle before we wake up and decide we're doing something that we shouldn't be doing. These "steer bulls"
are designed to get that one great calf with many being referred to as "over cooked".  This concept of breeding show steers, has always made me crazy.
Is this practice, something we need to be teaching our future generation?

The question which has evolved with all these current discussions is- "Are we adults doing a good enough job teaching our young future farmers and ranchers?"

"There always seems to be a lot of good which comes from all the bad and evils in the world."  I don't know who originally said that, but have always liked
that quote. Maybe DL could chime in on the the originator. A dose of her own medicine!  ???


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
I'm not sure about yours Telos but here is one for DL & other's to ponder:
"Constantly choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil."
I'll even give you a hint-the person has a close tie w/ our unoffical uniform. (lol)



Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
Great quote - [size=10pt]Constantly choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil[/size]

Jerry Garcia - The Grateful Dead

(cow) (cow) (cow)


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
I figured you'd get it! I even gave an extra tip w/ thet tie in comment- the tied dyed shirts.



Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
Choosing evil, yes.  But you have to start somewhere right?  And if people still don't know about this, get it, or think it is a big deal, then picking up a catalog of a big guy, and seeing that he cares about is still a good thing.  Scientifically, this could all be eliminated really fast.  But we have to accept that there are people involved, and that slows everything down  ::)  So it's probably worthwhile to appreciate every positive step as just that, a positive.

Since semen is going to continue being sold on carrier bulls anyway, I wish that under every one instead of just saying "PHA carrier" (pretty easy to skip if you don't know/care) they also some nice red letters saying like "PHA is a genetic defect which causes....Breeding to a carrier female....test available...." 





Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
Oh DL we are of the same mind...our posts are melding  :D 

But yeah...I was thinking those words but I'm not succinct and was too lazy to type it all.  Skull and crossbones might be a nice touch....


Well-known member
Mar 21, 2007
Just a couple of thoughts/opinions on Jirl Bucks catalog.  I'm pretty lukewarm on the "hat's off", "better late than never",  and I'm liking the "the lesser of two evils is still evil" quote pretty well.  Did anyone notice that although PHA and Mr. Bucks PHA management strategy is given billing on the 2nd page of his catalog there is NO mention of TH or testing?  There are several offspring of known TH carriers in the catalog and perhaps I just missed where this is addressed but I wonder if TH is a concern for Mr. Buck or any of his customers? So which is the lessor of two evils? PHA or TH?


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
I've noticed that in a lot of other Maine sale catalogs. They have the PHA but not the TH. Then they have Heatseeker/wave genetics. Kind of confusing.
Great to have you Gypsy. Hope things are looking up for you!



Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
Gypsy said:
Just a couple of thoughts/opinions on Jirl Bucks catalog.  I'm pretty lukewarm on the "hat's off", "better late than never",  and I'm liking the "the lesser of two evils is still evil" quote pretty well.  Did anyone notice that although PHA and Mr. Bucks PHA management strategy is given billing on the 2nd page of his catalog there is NO mention of TH or testing?  There are several offspring of known TH carriers in the catalog and perhaps I just missed where this is addressed but I wonder if TH is a concern for Mr. Buck or any of his customers? So which is the lessor of two evils? PHA or TH?

Hey Gypsy - so good to see you! I hope you all know me well enough to realize that there is sarcasm in the hat! Good pickup on the TH thing, and of course you are right.  There is a lot of skating around issues - neither the Maines or Chis required testing for the MI Expo (am I surprised??  ;D I think time will tell and the cream will rise and the slime sink!  ;D ;D (cow) (cow) (cow)


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
Would have thought on the heels of Ohio's that Michigan would have wanted to follow the trend.
Must be those wolverines snapping at their heels that got them flustered! (dog) (wolverine)
You'll have a field day there DL!

Show Heifer

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2007
Hey there Gypsy....I sure am using that roll recipe ALOT!! Everyone loves it and it is sooooo easy. Anyway...
I agree that some breeders are dancing around a lot and making "cosmetic" efforts to look good..(even a rat looks good with make-up and a hair do!)  Can I confess a game I play and get great satisfaction from?
I find a sale bill or advertisment with maine or shortie cattle in it. I call them (I have unlimited minutes and drive a lot!) and ask about TH and PHA. I play dumb, but get more "educated" as the conversation developes. And I have heard it all! (I had a simmi breeder tell me that he didn't need to test as simmis were all clean - his sale catalog had several heat seekers, heat wave, and THEOBALD 969.) When I inquired about those, he stuttered and said, "that was news to  him." Whatever! But had one fella say he hadn't thought about testing as he thought it was too expensive, but I was 9 caller that had ask about it and he would do it next year.
By the way DL and Red, I am still waiting for our fav breeder to call back with test results....and waiting......and waiting..... ???
Mar 20, 2007
This is an actual quote from a rendered opinion of a  Federal District Judge for an actual case.  Need less to say this is one of the tamest parts of the opinion and the Judge really lets the attorneys have in the rest.  Worth the read.  I think you can google it and find it.  The name of the case is Bradshaw v. Unity Marine Corp. Inc.  and the cite is 147 F. Supp.2d 668.  The part of the opinion that is applicable to the current convo reads:

"But at the end of the day, even if you put a calico dress on it and call it Florence, a pig is still a pig."


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
Genetics LawDawg said:
This is an actual quote from a rendered opinion of a  Federal District Judge for an actual case.  Need less to say this is one of the tamest parts of the opinion and the Judge really lets the attorneys have in the rest.  Worth the read.  I think you can google it and find it.  The name of the case is Bradshaw v. Unity Marine Corp. Inc.  and the cite is 147 F. Supp.2d 668.  The part of the opinion that is applicable to the current convo reads:

"But at the end of the day, even if you put a calico dress on it and call it Florence, a pig is still a pig."

LawDawg that was a classic!!!!!



Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
dang I'm feeling left out! I don't have any good quotes!  ok from the words of my Grandpa Bowser (no jokes on the name!)

"Crap (I'm using clean language) or get off the pot!" hehehehehhe I couldn't resist


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
Ain't life interesting! Was reading the SHorthorn Country (OK was looking at the pictures) and here we have the SS Deadwood bull - nice looking bull - first time thru and I didn't read the fine pront - he is clean (TH and PHA) and apparently Schrags had a bull previously that turned out to be PHAC - so they are not only telling people that but will exchange straw for straw - now I think that is cool!

Then there are bulls that have no resulat but we are assured that they want to provide us great service - just call. And when people call they are told the results aren't available but interestingly SEK has those results.......
like I said - ain't life interesting

PS GLD - great quote - great picture - now find me a picture of the pig!

Joe Boy

Well-known member
Jan 31, 2007
Great post DL

Today in our local newspaper that was an ad for Maintainer Bulls and heifer in a sale in the next City down the road.  They sold over 400 animals last year and many of them had two different connections to carrier bulls.  The tell lots of test have been performed on the bull but no mention of PHA or TH.  They are not advertising to people who show cattle but to the commercial breeders.  It bothers me.... I am still in a dilemma.... I want to sell bulls to these people and if they get these bulls and in two year breed them to calves from the bulls they bought last year.... I will never be able to sell Maine bulls....  What are we to do to educate people?  If your house is on fire, and I know it, I am obligated to help you, but what about the bad bulls?