Is this true?

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
sanity from arthur laffer.

Because state sales taxes generally have fewer loopholes and lower rates — and therefore have a lesser impact on growth and employment — pro-growth policies should favor sales over income taxes where possible. True reform should include addressing the online sales tax loophole.

A move towards e-fairness would give states an opportunity to use additional online sales tax revenues to lower rates on more burdensome taxes, such as the personal income tax. This would create a more efficient tax system and correct a fundamental distortion of the retail marketplace, where traditional retailers must collect the sales tax and their online competitors don’t.

now, if we could just streamline federal income taxes, close personal and corporate loopholes, minimize the need for the size of the IRS and all the compliance infrastructure, all those people could be redeployed to something productive.  the dodd-frank bill and all similar bills would only have to be a couple of pages and compliance would be trivial.  more tax revenue could be used to help those who need it rather than being wasted on high paid employees who have so much time they need to investigate whether someone deserves tax exempt status, which no one does, even churches.  if federal taxes were low enough and easy enough to pay, we would need less of them. 

if we also let the states have the money, states could return to what they were designed for in the first place, incubators of ideas rather than a one size fits all federal government, basically rendering the idea of states useless.

for some reason, freedom is opposed.  for the life of me, i don't understand why.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
-XBAR- said:
I think those that share your ideology are very lucky more people aren't familiar with the works of Chomsky, Marx, and the likes.

Because at that point, their ability to reason shuts down.

When they get done getting paid to protest, they have to go home to mommy.  When mommy dies, they will be the ones who are unlucky.

Its obvious why they want to get rid of guns.

Their only skill is yelling and leaching off mom and the wealth maker/taxpayer.

Now that one is in the white house, people are starting to see the light.

Nothing like a little transparency thats real instead of just lied about.

Pelosi and obama never had any intention of turning transparency on themselves.

mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
Although the percentage of tax dollars paying (non-military)govt wages is not a large percentage of the budget:I think Laffer is pretty naive (at best)on the simplicity of: lower taxes and the states will have more money to operate-There are a huge number of directions that state or national revnenues need to be applied. But I really agree with the overall principal-(which is taking effect in sequesters approved by the communists in our midst-But lo and BEHOLD IS NOT TAKING THE COUNTRY DOWN IN FLAMES,and actually helping the "fabricated by facists" economic indicators.-CUT the unnecessary payments and gaff to greedy govt agencies-AND MAKE THE GREEDY CORPORATE HAWGS PAY THIER FAIR (or at least negotiated share). The loopholes are ridiculous-especially for those organizations that send our work overseas-by greedy deals like Mitt Romney-thats why he got laughed out of the election:even the dumb Mexicans you see with thier i-phones could figure out they werent going to help anyone but themselves:and Ryan turned on a dime as far as "We will help these people quote: Romney" Good luck in the elections-they arent rigged.Sorry-Off the tangent-I think Laffers basic tennents almost echo the tax deal Obama (and a cast of many ) were trying to get done-Basically tax the rich some-and they can damn well afford it,and Quote; Laffer "Help the people in need".My take on his ideas which I go along with pretty well: IS THAT IF EVERYONE GOT TAXED 10%-loopholes were out the window-other than homeownership-which will remain the backbone and survival of the US-Then-problem solved-NOT in one month-not on the shoulders of one man and all that sh6789t-But it allready is teetertottering towards the beginning of a recovery-AND I SURE AINT GONNA BLAIM THE REPUBLICANS OR CONGRESS for that O0


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
for some reason, people don't want to pay tax, rich or poor, yet they want services.  for some reason, the poor do a better job at not paying taxes and getting more services per dollar earned on a percentage basis.

that's why everyone should pay and we won't need full time legislators, just part time to deal with more important stuff the federal government is supposed to be doing and giving responsibility back to the states.  we shouldn't need government to spread around money to shift it from people who work to those who don't.  for the one's that can't, that's a different story.  there are simply too many who can that won't that is ruining it for the one's that can't.  work is becoming less and less valued with each generation.



Well-known member
Jan 10, 2010
Central Texas
Xbar you'll show all your messages to everyone why don't you show them ours that you won't respond too?

In reference to the first couple of pages I am 17 years old 5 foot 7 and for the life of me can't get a response from mrs chandler. And considering we live in the same state I can not wait to meet such a fine human being

I think I should post them I feel like some boys on here would enjoy them


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
Centerburg, Ohio
When one is 17 years old, does it do any good for a adult to argue ? Nope. I remember when I was 17. I had it figured out. Couldn't tell me nothing. Time sure has taught me a lot. I was hell on wheels. Xbar is a good guy. I respect him for standing his ground and explaining why he feels that way with facts. I think he will build a smokin set of shorthorns soon.


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2010
Central Texas
trevorgreycattleco said:
When one is 17 years old, does it do any good for a adult to argue ? Nope. I remember when I was 17. I had it figured out. Couldn't tell me nothing. Time sure has taught me a lot. I was hell on wheels. Xbar is a good guy. I respect him for standing his ground and explaining why he feels that way with facts. I think he will build a smokin set of shorthorns soon.

I'm ready to see one, he's in Texas and claims to be a commercial cattleman yes I'm 17 but a 12 year old knows shorthorns in Texas aren't the cattlemans claim to fame because the contractors won't take them and the salebarns crucify you for them (yes I'm 17 and yes I know that) they have a market as show cattle that's funneled down to a select few breeders

But we hate show cattle around here so we call them commercial cattle or "real world cattle" show me a real world salebarn/contract style cattleman in Texas that uses purebred shortys with no crossbred at all and makes a living and ill show you a liar.

I'm ready to see this set and see some credentials from someone who has never won anything at a show and is unheard of in the commercial world but yet degrades everyone's animals, character, and political views as if he doesn't put his pants on 1 leg at a time

Yes im 17 but I'm not stupid

And he chooses to target members specific to state, so we will target shorthorns in Texas


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
Centerburg, Ohio
I hate to tell ya but That's the rap on shorthorns pretty much all over just not Texas. I've talked to xbar many times. We have the same goals as breeders. This doesn't happen in a year or five years. Gavin Fallon suggests the fruit of a breeding program could take 120 years. IMO xbar gets that better then most people. And I'll bet ya there is no tougher critic on his cattle then him. So take him for what he is. If you don't like him, who cares. Get used to it. Life is full of people who drive you nuts. I get a kick out of him. The haters hate because they can't debate on his level. Bottom line. I'm 38. He's more informed then me. I don't mind saying it. I may not agree all the time but he makes me think. Like a few others on here. It's good to get your feathers ruffled every once in awhile.


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2010
Central Texas
trevorgreycattleco said:
If you don't like him, who cares. Get used to it. Life is full of people who drive you nuts. I get a kick out of him. The haters hate because they can't debate on his level. Bottom line. I'm 38. He's more informed then me. I don't mind saying it. I may not agree all the time but he makes me think. Like a few others on here. It's good to get your feathers ruffled every once in awhile.
I agree I don't mind getting the ol feathers ruffled, but there's a point where it goes from productive Input to deliberate trolling on everyone who you have any sort of disagreement with

You said it best if you don't like him, you, or myself, nobody cares. But everyone is also entitled to call it like they see it and entitled to the consequences and rebuttals, personally I embrace them even if I'm only 17 and you don't feel I'm worthy of carrying on a conversation on this forum

Keep in mind this site is steerplanet, showing steers is a jr project majority of the time meaning youth under 18- the target of this whole industry is kids and for anyone on here who ignores the kids or fills their reading up with arguing and personal blows

Remember what the driving force behind this site and the ShowCattle industry is, the youth

Personally it doesn't bother me a bit because I think half the folks on here are full of it anyways, being anyone lacking the fortitude to message me back in a casual conversation. It's hard to respect someone who's only praise in the business is self praise


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
Centerburg, Ohio
Yep. I think you are very well spoken for a 17 year old. Keep doing what you are doing. Yes this is a show cattle site mostly but show cattle are a niche. Nothing more. A hobby for most. A select few make a bank roll off it and others see that and think they can do the same. Well cowboy up, put the coffee on and get ready to bust your ass. I hope you reach the top. You're off to a good start.


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2010
Central Texas
Thank you sir, for the conversation and friendly debate you made my evening and I actually do follow alot of your posts and I think alot of you and your views.

I feel discussions such as this are vastly productive and I appreciate you taking the time to have it with me! <cowboy>


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
had an interesting conversation with an insurance person today.

he has a 4 step plan.

get rid of workers comp, roll it into insurance.
mandate insurance from companies down to 10 employees. under that, exempt.
get rid of programs like medicare, medical and all the rest and just have insurance.
somehow mandate, encourage more consistent pricing which is probably the toughest to do.

added bonus.
allow purchase of other coverages including long term assistance coverage.
encourage the market to work.

mark tenenbaum

Well-known member
Mar 23, 2009
Virginia Sometimes Iowa and Kansas
Having finally gotten catastrophe (big deductible) insurance I see one posistive thing out of all this-The big fat insurance companies are going to have to compete:and tho its tuff even at $188 per month (for me)-its alot better than close to $1000 when I could no longer keep it up. Insurance companies gouge people more than any other industry other than perhaps the llegal -and banking businesses. And I think the preassure on them is defintely justified-ESPECIALLY the pre-existing conditions smoke screen-where they then charge way more to cover ANY condition. O0


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
"She said, 'I was all for Obamacare until I found out I was paying for it,'" Kehaly said.

no kidding.,0,2756077.story#axzz2iwNK2RPG

Fullerton resident Jennifer Harris thought she had a great deal, paying $98 a month for an individual plan through Health Net Inc. The cheapest plan she has found will cost her $238 a month. She and her husband don't qualify for federal premium subsidies because they earn too much money, about $80,000 a year combined.

They frequently cite assurances given by Obama that Americans could hold on to their health insurance despite the massive overhaul.

Lopez says he's willing to absorb that one-year jump if it means the government can rein in future rate hikes. one year increase?  he's an idiot, the increase stays there.

"I'm hoping with this reform," Lopez said, "we won't see big increases year after year."  and when it doesn't?

i bet you their monthly increased premium they will still vote democrat.

what are they willing to give up in purchase price?