Pedigree-O-philes start your engines - the hunt continues

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Joe Boy

Well-known member
Jan 31, 2007
I am in agreement with you.  The one imported cow keeps coming up, too.  Universe 15 could be a culprit.  We have always thought that too.

On Polleroid we have to remember he could be, but probably not.  Paramount only has a few that have been tested that are carriers.

I cannot understand why all the bulls have not been submitted for test and the results posted at AMAA.  I am appreciative of SEK Genetics.

WE have a neighbor who is advertizing his auction to commercial buyers and he used DP and his sons and guess what, NO MENTION of PHA.... He sold 100's of them last year and I do think he was getting rid of the heifers....... not too many in the sale this year..... WHY?


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
Dallas, Texas
Yes, Joe Boy, both Polleroid and Midas would be hard to fathom as carriers.
I've always  been off base when trying to figure out the culprits. Logic at this point in time
tells me it might be coming from  Bar UJ Allen. Maybe from the bottom of his pedigree and not the Cette- La cow?

What is interesting , those high profiling Midas offspring go back to  Bar UJ Allen cows--
You'll find that combination in Draft Pick, the 224X  and the 251X cow. I know the paternal
side of Draft Pick is clean, but there is even a shot of Paramount in the top side of DP's pedigree along with Midas and the Bar UJ Allen bull.

Could it be, Univers 15 genetics compliment the PHA genetics, phenotypically?

As DL knows, I get obsessively analytical when trying to find these culprits through pedigree, but find it enjoyable.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
Big thing, has Roots be parentaly verified? I just keep wondering if we're barking (dog) up the wrong tree by the pedigree not being right?
Telos- have you exchanged any info w/ XXCC lately? He is always so good at the little inside things on this.



Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
Dallas, Texas
Hi Red-- No, haven't heard much from XXCC lately. He'd probably be familiar with BAR UJ Allen.

You can view RSCC Roots 100P under Cattle Breeders web site. Then go to Truline Maines.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
red said:
Big thing, has Roots be parentaly verified? I just keep wondering if we're barking (dog) up the wrong tree by the pedigree not being right?
Telos- have you exchanged any info w/ XXCC lately? He is always so good at the little inside things on this.


Actually it was XXCC who told me about the bull - he was apparently interested in buying him until he was told about the status. Don't know if he was parentally verified or not - the whole industry is based on the honesty of the players....Polleroid is now in the hands of the USPS - time will tell....


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
I'll bet a wheelbarrow full of rainbow beefpaca poop that Polleriod is clean!
Any takers on the bet?
You know beefpaca poop is the most benifical manure out there. Plus you don't need any flowers since it's already brightly colored!

Red ;D


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
Gardner, KS
I'll agree on that one, the picture of the stocking legged cow I posted is a Polleroid out of a LLND Kimberly/Polled Pursuit mating.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
Telos, I wondered where you went.This is aj. This is a pretty cool site. Does anyone know about the pha status of the Shorthorn Vortec bull? ???


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
Hi aj - welcome aboard - we have had a pretty good time on this planet! Can't help you with Vortex but I saw an awesome Aviator heifer ....

Jill and Red - In regards to the bet  - I am always up for a good bet even if it looks like there is no chance in heck I'll win (remember - I am from BFLO and we did go to the superbowl 4 times and came home without a ring!) n- I 'll betcha beefpaca poop and a years supply of purple tube tops! dl

Joe Boy

Well-known member
Jan 31, 2007
I don't think he is a guilty party but I would not bet against it...... I was shocked that Paramount was...... I had bid on his son who is too at an auction and he brought more than I wanted to give for him.....


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
Dallas, Texas
AJ, what took you so long to find us?  Good to see you!

DL has introduced us to a new PHA culprit who doesn't quite fit the profile of some of the others. No Paramount, Stinger or Payback. Yes, another piece of the puzzle.

All the original "amigoettes" are here along with a growing pack of followers.

Joe Boy is and avid member, too. He'll probably will have to give us a lesson in "forgiveness", after we track down all the PHA carriers, so we won't go out and ring some seedstock producer's necks.


Well-known member
Mar 21, 2007
Hey, I want to get in on this deal - only I don't have any rainbow beefpaca stuff - can I substitute Alien Poo Pellets?  I don't think I'll be losing though cuz, I think Polleroid is clean.  I bet the pedigree is "wrong".


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
I have raised Shorthorns for about 30 years I guess. On the th deal I know I had a th calf with one side of the pedigree free of the Improver bloodline. I think an honest mistake was made way back somewhere. I think I read somewhere that there are mistakes in 15% of pedigrees. This is due to bulls jumping fences, breeding dates that were wrong, purposefull screwups and on and on. I will never use a bull again that is not th or pha tested regaurdless of pedigree. It is to easy to test a bull not to. ;D


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
Telos said:
So now it looks like we're back to more of the elimination routine.

Get Polleroid and Midas tested. If clean, then you'd probably have to look at Bar UJ Allen.
Both RSCC Roots and Stinger are connected through PTR Epinal 81E and PTR Epinal 83E.
Yes, back to the Cette-La cow.

I thought Dr. Beever tested 81E and 83E, but they're not listed on the AMAA site of genetic abnormalities.

telos - it all seems so long ago - it may have only been 84E that was tested or maybe noe of them - Ill check....


New member
Apr 12, 2007
I've been following the discussion about 224X, ZTA Miss Black Duffy 251X etc.
As one of the former owners of Polleroid and 224X along with 10 other ZTA cows all by Midas, I might shed a little light on the subject of PHA . Strictly looking at numbers. 224X was flushed to Draftpick, Blackdice, Polleroid, Cunia, Revive(Polleroid son)  with somewhere around 50 calves here. Never had any TH or PHA calves out of any breeding. ZTA Black Ruby 312Y a full sister to 224X was also flushed many times to Draftpick with no abnormalities. ZTA Miss Black Duffy 256X (MidasX Magnum44) was flushed to Draftpick with 6 calves born with no TH or PHA. ZTA Black Lucy 594A (Midasx Magnum44) was also flushed to Power Plant and Fear This with no problems. POlleroid was flushed to several of the ZTA cows but never had any PHA or TH calves.  Of course, all of this doesn't prove anything but it would be a great surprise if 224X  or Polleroid were either a carrier.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
Thanks Jerry! I have a wheelbarrow full of beefpaca manure riding on the bet that he is clean!!!


Glad you joined us!!



Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
Dallas, Texas
Jerry -- It's quite an honor to have you on board.  I've followed your program for a number of years and also Russ's. That Roots bull looks clean according to pedigree, compairing to the other PHA carriers. I know those cows were flushed heavily.  Draft Pick and Backdraft would have been a good marker for any kind of genetic defects out of those  cows if they were carriers. I've suspected Univers 15 genetics could be a culprit, but  he may complement PHA genetics, only?  I do know that Salton flushed Draft Pick and Backdraft to those those cows with many being sold and apparently no problems.

What is the possibility that Salton's Backdraft son out of 224x, which he promoted in Denver one year, is the sire of that 251X calf of Trulines?  Just a crazy theory.

P.S. I still think that Polleroid x 224X mating was one of the best flushes in the Maine breed. I liked Heat Stroke as well as any of the full brothers.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
jerry said:
I've been following the discussion about 224X, ZTA Miss Black Duffy 251X etc.
As one of the former owners of Polleroid and 224X along with 10 other ZTA cows all by Midas, I might shed a little light on the subject of PHA . Strictly looking at numbers. 224X was flushed to Draftpick, Blackdice, Polleroid, Cunia, Revive(Polleroid son)  with somewhere around 50 calves here. Never had any TH or PHA calves out of any breeding. ZTA Black Ruby 312Y a full sister to 224X was also flushed many times to Draftpick with no abnormalities. ZTA Miss Black Duffy 256X (MidasX Magnum44) was flushed to Draftpick with 6 calves born with no TH or PHA. ZTA Black Lucy 594A (Midasx Magnum44) was also flushed to Power Plant and Fear This with no problems. POlleroid was flushed to several of the ZTA cows but never had any PHA or TH calves.  Of course, all of this doesn't prove anything but it would be a great surprise if 224X  or Polleroid were either a carrier.

Hey Jerry - I sure have been wondering where you have been hiding! I thought I'd see you at Expo. You didn't get into the Albaca or Beefpaca business did ya?  Member that heifer you tried to "steal" from me?  She is a 7 year old cow with a bunch of Midas and Pollstar babies dotting the county - I also flushed her to Midas and have (finally) a heifer from that mating.

Did you ever test Direct Deposit of Golden Portrait for PHA? While your info sure points to Polleroid not being involved we now know a fair number of these calves are aborted early (which is probably a good thing!) -- if you have a spare stwar of either ship it along to Dr b.

Are you back in the cattle business or did your herdsperson say it was time for a few vacations? dl


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
At the risk of being crucified has anyone had any ph calves through hs nobodies fool line. She was probably clean but she was close up to the paramount ph carrier bull by reported pedigree.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2007
aj said:
At the risk of being crucified has anyone had any ph calves through hs nobodies fool line. She was probably clean but she was close up to the paramount ph carrier bull by reported pedigree.

aj - we would never crucify you! We might dump you in a pile of Beefpaca poop! I remember this came up before - let me do a little hunting....It is my understanding that she is dead (yes?) and was never tested - but maybe there is DNA on file - of course this would require that the owners request a test........