afhm, being a permanent city dweller I don't run anymore cows. Have always partnered on cows with other breeders in the past. I have a very small interest presently with one cow. She's the best one I've ever come across and I just could not pass her up. She does about everything right. ZNT who comes on this site, bred and manages her. She's the mother of our Triple X bull and had three really good Heat Waves out of a flush. Her only HW steer will be showing at the North Texas State Fair, I think Aug. 18 on a Saturday. I can't wait to see him. The two heifer mates were THC and sold very well also. The steer was never tested, but did not have the hair the two heifers had, but I thought he was pretty close to ideal in muscle and conformation. She's due back to calve to Hard Core for the 2nd time and her 3rd calf .She's a Chi- Maine out of Eldon Starr's Success bull and goes back to a purebred Maine cow which ZNT owned. The heifer I had on my icon before the steer and the Hereford crosses is her. She won the North Texas state Fair as a calf so it will be nice to see how her baby does there.