Top 5 short red bulls for sale this year

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Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
Would it be tax deductable? Is there a special exemption for th cattle. Kinda like cash for clunkers. Kind of a social engineering deal?


Well-known member
Nov 21, 2009
r.n.reed said:
I heard that A.J.was going to hire Sugarland to do a concert by his stalls but he figured he'd get more traffic if he brought a TH bull.

Funny you say that because I was on the fence about going, but I pulled up flight info today and penciled it into my calendar because there is just too much that I need to see for myself!!!


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2010
aj said:
Would it be tax deductable? Is there a special exemption for th cattle. Kinda like cash for clunkers. Kind of a social engineering deal?
aj said:
Make sure you check out the th carrier bull that is not for sale.Thanks GM
AJ if you work this right your pen will be overflowing with people! The banner could read " Make sure you check out the th carrier bull that is not for sale but is going to feed (insert appropriate charities)
In Canada that donation would tax deductible! Never had occasion to use it but my Dr. brother-in -law did! (thumbsup)


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
I was emailed an idea. I would make up a banner that read Sodhouse Charlie 802-th carrier- syndicated 20,000$ and have a bunch of names of owner on it. Then watch frosbite walk by. Would that be mean?


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2010
What part of it's " AJ's reputation"  as a TH free commercial bull producer are you missing?  ???

thats funny

Well-known member
Aug 21, 2008
South Dakota
This has nothing to do with this topic, but how about we all take a vote to kick aj off of steerplanet because all he ever says is worthless,idiotic, retarded stuff, and thinks he has the world figured out.  like all you people ever say, just my two cents.


Active member
Jul 21, 2008
i would gladly vote a.j. off. he has ran alot of good people away from this board with his mean spirit.  trever could go too, both must be very insecure.


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2010
sue said:
aj said:
What are the top 5,mainly red polled, bulls to sell this year. I spose jungels pen might have a couple. These bulls would have a bwt of 102# or less. Shorthorn.Thanks in advance.

One of the top 5 will be a SUll deal .... out of one of these two females: SBR Dora 342 or DRC 4108.
2 of the top 5 will sell privately .... one is in Kansas and the other just west of me alittle here in Mi
3rd will come out of PA... really he is a cool dude.
5th will be in the Whos your daddy sale, Canada .... solid red Bonanza or a solid red Buster decendent.....
Wait I see a Black Shorthorn moving into the 5th spot...

How did I do... I know at least one of my guesses is right.

I don't know about the US but there will be top bulls At Who's Your Daddy and I'm guessing the Ramrod's will be in demand.
The first Bender Bull Sale will see the largest group of solid red polled bulls offered and a lot will sell for high prices and most will sell to commercial breeders just like their consignments to Yorkton the last couple of years. Then there will be some high sellers at both the Alta Cedar Sale, the Sun Country Sales, Eionmor Bull Sale and Bignalls.Actually there will be a lot of different bloodlines to choose from.


Well-known member
May 1, 2007
Come on be specific: Solid REd and under 102# BW. ... you're right about Ramrod, I liked him the yr he sold .  What are my solid Red options in Canada ... if was to purchase a "high seller"?


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
I'm going to Lovings here shortly to look for a bull. If I sold the th bull for 5,000$ and donated it to the "Canadian chapter of Wayward Women against aj" would that be OK? Oh lord forgive me.


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2010
sue said:
aj said:
What are the top 5,mainly red polled, bulls to sell this year. I spose jungels pen might have a couple. These bulls would have a bwt of 102# or less. Shorthorn.Thanks in advance.

One of the top 5 will be a SUll deal .... out of one of these two females: SBR Dora 342 or DRC 4108.
2 of the top 5 will sell privately .... one is in Kansas and the other just west of me alittle here in Mi
3rd will come out of PA... really he is a cool dude.
5th will be in the Whos your daddy sale, Canada .... solid red Bonanza or a solid red Buster decendent.....
Wait I see a Black Shorthorn moving into the 5th spot...

How did I do... I know at least one of my guesses is right.
sue said:
Come on be specific: Solid REd and under 102# BW. ... you're right about Ramrod, I liked him the yr he sold .  What are my solid Red options in Canada ... if was to purchase a "high seller"?
Well I didn't put a black one in and you were not being very specific!(which makes sense if you are in the market especially for a SULL bull, they can be pretty pricey) I haven't been through any of these bulls yet this year but was just going off the programs. Saw a small preview of some at Agribition.Of course I'm one of the fools that doesn't believe we have a calving problem and single trait selecting worries me. No doubt when I'm looking for a bull next spring, the one I like will be white, horned and have105# birth weight and I'll haul him home and try him. Before you gag on your coffee some of the best cows in my herd are by a white horned bull!


Well-known member
Jun 15, 2007
Thats going to be quite the scene at aj's pen. Sugarland playing up on the cat walk while picketers from SBATH (Shorthorn Breeders Against Tibial Hemimelia ), CCSFTH ( Club Calf Showers For Tibial Hemimelia ) and finally TTBFC (Three Tooth Breeders For Choice) walk around.
Oh ya each group would be stuck like glue.


Well-known member
Jul 18, 2007
Oakville, ON. Canada
Sun Country Shorthorn Bull Sale April 16, 2010 Kisbey, Sk
Over 60 bulls on test by McBeth, Uluru, Horseshoe Creek and Poplar Park

I have a sneaky suspicion that there will be one or two real good solid red THF bulls out of this bunch for sale.

Scot you have too much time on your hands.



Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
Centerburg, Ohio
tucker said:
i would gladly vote a.j. off. he has ran alot of good people away from this board with his mean spirit.  trever could go too, both must be very insecure.

It's Trevor with a "o".
Heaven forbid somebody disagree with all the people drinking the same kool aid. Maybe if I would have bought a syndicate share of some super duper bull I could be cool.
Next time I go to a cattle deal, I will announce it to you tuck and I will gladly meet you. I will guarnatee you I will say the same stuff to your face as I would on this board. I don't hide and you can find me real easy. Check my profile.

AJ sell that bull for as much as you can. At least you are up front and honest about it. Thats rare today.


Well-known member
Jan 9, 2010
coyote said:
Thats going to be quite the scene at aj's pen. Sugarland playing up on the cat walk while picketers from SBATH (Shorthorn Breeders Against Tibial Hemimelia ), CCSFTH ( Club Calf Showers For Tibial Hemimelia ) and finally TTBFC (Three Tooth Breeders For Choice) walk around.
Oh ya each group would be stuck like glue.

(lol) (clapping) (clapping) (clapping)


Well-known member
Sep 12, 2009
pilger saskatchewan
can someone fill in the blanks about the Dover cattle , not registered for years and now in? Are these not graded-up stuff? thanks


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2010
scotland said:
can someone fill in the blanks about the Dover cattle , not registered for years and now in? Are these not graded-up stuff? thanks
I have copy and pasted some info on Dover that Justintime posted a while back. Rolly in Canada we have a regulation that when we import an animal they will treated as though bred and born in Canada. So the Dover cattle are treated like the reclaimed cattle that went in our herd book in the 70"s and the original ones without papers were given 3/4 status. You almost need a math degree to assign percentages on them up here as every line on a pedigree is a different percentage!I know A&t Captain Obvious is out of  DRC 244MU and Cpatain's offspring out of purebreds are purebred in Canada. So DRC 244MU had to be 31/32 or higher. Some Dover cattle are just above the 3/4 level here. Our registars have a lot of figuring to do with Maine influenced cattle as well as the Maines are put at 0%. If we ammended our rules to allow Maines Ag Canada would probably not allow it as we have a Maine Anjou registry and to be in a purebred book you need at least 7/8 blood.
In the US a lotof Dover cattle have gone in at 100%.. We also recognise the SFA animals from Australia the same way. Recently GLENELL IMF B90 was registered in the US with 100% status and I think here he might make 7/8. It gets a bit confusing.

Following byJIT
Bob... I have been to Dover Sindelar's ranch at Billings, Montana several times over the years. This is one of the oldest ( if not the oldest) Shorthorn herds in the US. It was founded by Dover's grand father in 1881 and the first purebred Shorthorns were purchased in the 1880s. It is a beautiful ranch and a beautiful setting. It is located on the Yellowstone River just a few miles outside Billings. The ranch is operated by Dover and his son Frank.

The herd consists of over 300 cows, all red in color, moderate framed and very trouble free. I have never seen a poor udder in this herd. They calve the cows and heifers in a very tight calving period. They have bred their cattle for low birth weights, easy fleshing ability and to be trouble free. The cows look like someone cloned an entire herd from one or two animals. They are very uniform. For many years they closed the herd and only used bulls raised on the ranch, but they have purchased some herd bulls in the past decade or more. The herd is intensely line bred to LR Randolph 14th, who was a son of Remitall Randolph, and he was bred by Wendell Lovely, Wilsall, Montana. In the mid 90s they purchased a couple sons of Millbrook Ranson G9 from Sutherland Farms in Kentucky. I saw both of these bulls there and they were doing a good job.They also used some herdsires from the late Don Hoyt's herd in Wyoming, which had some Weston bloodlines in them. This herd would be a complete outcross to almost all Shorthorn bloodlines today.

Dover Ranch quit registering their cattle several years ago as they were keeping all their females for their own herd replacements and also using the top end of their bulls in their own herd. They also supplied bulls to the large Padlock Ranch in Wyoming for many years. I think Padlock had about 12,000 cows at one time. I stopped there once and it is not often that a ranch has it's own town, with it's own school, stores and everything else required for the ranch staff . In recent years, there has been renewed interest in the Shorthorns at Dover Ranch and they have started to bring most of the herd back to fully registered status. They were able to do this as they have an incredible set of records that verifies every animal on the ranch.

You do not have to go back into the background of the cattle in this herd , to see bloodlines from the 50s and 60s. LR Randolph 14th was born in the early 60s. He was a horned bull and there is a lot of horned breeding in the background of this herd. I remember Randolph `14th very well and I would love to find some semen from this bull. I know there was semen from him many years ago, but I have not heard of any being found for a long time. He was a very good bull... about as structurally sound as any bull could be.  

The Dover Ranch is 10,000 - 12000 acres in size. They have a beautiful well planned set of pastures. One part is seeded to tame grass and is divided into about 25 different pastures. They have trenched and laid over 15 miles of water pipe to take water to all the pastures. It is a well managed operation and the cow herd has sustained the family for over 120 years.




Well-known member
Jul 18, 2007
Oakville, ON. Canada
I have a cow from Captain Obvious that that I bought from sue that has been registered in Canada at 100%
She is out of a Hub's cow