Who raised this shorthornplus...?

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Well-known member
Aug 17, 2010
Olson Family Shorthorns said:
outspoken said:
Olson Family Shorthorns said:
That heifer is an Ace of diamonds x fortune, so she's fairly outcross to most of the stuff winning right now too.

I didn't know that a AoD/ Improver 57/ T90/ Trump/ Rodeo Drive-- was 'fairly outcross' to anything- let alone what's winning.  Fortune is a Improver 57/ T90--- isn't that virtually every pedigree of the sire of every show winner at Louisville?

Just what does 'outcross' really mean?  Does it mean different for 3 generations- 5?  Completely different on the reg paper, but the same ole same ole off of it?  Completely different throughout?  Does it mean just use genetics from 30 years ago? 

The only way to get outcross I guess- is crossbreed. 

Haters. Gonna. Hate. For real though, I've had it with this site. For a while again. If anyone cares to talk to me, pm me or you probably have my number. This place is a joke anymore with all the hate of success and shorthorns that aren't obscure, irrelevant animals.
I wouldn't quit the site because a couple of people get their kicks out of bashing and criticizing anyone that has some success. One of them even advocated shooting a cow rather than taking the time to bring her in and assist her with calving ??? That is wrong on so many levels and then he expects people to take him seriously. Most SP users probably just try ignoring the constant negative posts but there are a few that seem to find it entertaining, sort of like the crowds that gather round the school yard bully.


Well-known member
Dec 15, 2008
Industry, IL Ph #: 618-322-2582
You better go back and read- but I'm pretty sure he called me out- and offered a dueling match.  

I have no idea who foil is-- but I'd sure like to find out...

And shroder-- he can pi$$ off, and continue trying to play SP God again.

Show stopper 95 said:
score for Jody, way to do your part on killing a forum, now Jeff schroeder can take the picture of your red bull and label it as the "most hated calf on the planet" as opposed to the roan one you used ot hide behind... first you want to stir a pot with the original intent of the topic. it fails, then you call out a well respected member by saying you have better cattle (when everyone knows youve never accomplished anything in the cattle business) that fails... so then you get your buddies lined up to form yet another attack on the patience of steerplanets finest..... the exact reason you have the bad reputation that you do... kudos though, it takes a special, ignorant person to be as much of a dick as you are

outspoken said:
foil said:
To the point of the OP, this kind of stuff happens all the time.  Whether it was on the up and up or a shady deal, how would anyone be able to prove it one way or the other.  As many have said, how does it affect your marketing of your product?  Most that b**** and complain on here about Sully, really don't have a thing to do with his business and those types of cattle.  Let SULL, CF, CYT, and the rest trade banners, and if the rest of the Shorthorn breeders would just create stock that makes money for you, your neighbors/customers instead of trying to chase the aformentioned group's type of cattle, that would be a step in the right direction.

To the sideshow that has hijacked this thread, Justin, can someone come to Hoopston tomorrow(or are you showing her at the state preview show?) to see the Crystaleen heifer?  Jody, you stole my thunder on Justin's perception of outcross.  It seems the idea of outcross is thrown out there when something needs to be sold, especially something sold to someone that buys based on salesmanship rather tha
Olson Family Shorthorns said:
outspoken said:
Olson Family Shorthorns said:
That heifer is an Ace of diamonds x fortune, so she's fairly outcross to most of the stuff winning right now too.

I didn't know that a AoD/ Improver 57/ T90/ Trump/ Rodeo Drive-- was 'fairly outcross' to anything- let alone what's winning.  Fortune is a Improver 57/ T90--- isn't that virtually every pedigree of the sire of every show winner at Louisville?

Just what does 'outcross' really mean?  Does it mean different for 3 generations- 5?  Completely different on the reg paper, but the same ole same ole off of it?  Completely different throughout?  Does it mean just use genetics from 30 years ago?  

The only way to get outcross I guess- is crossbreed.  

Haters. Gonna. Hate. For real though, I've had it with this site. For a while again. If anyone cares to talk to me, pm me or you probably have my number. This place is a joke anymore with all the hate of success and shorthorns that aren't obscure, irrelevant animals.

jody, once again you are sucessful in pissing every person on this site off


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
outspoken said:
Olson Family Shorthorns said:
Idk. I'm one of those chore boys, and id put my outcross cattle up against yours any day of the weeks.

here I bumped this down for showstopper95, notice the few bolded words.

State Champion Poster


Reply with quote


And what does "works for him" mean?  Is he on payroll, or just chore boy at the shows?

You need to go back a little father and see that you posted the first slam, that working for someone was a bad thing. Which it is not, you can learn a lot from older people, that hae been there and done that and if your smart learn to not make those mistakes they have. Or be llike yourself and think you all ready know everything and your way is the only way and the correct way.


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2007
Cottontown, Tennessee
frostback said:
And what does "works for him" mean?  Is he on payroll, or just chore boy at the shows?

You need to go back a little father and see that you posted the first slam, that working for someone was a bad thing. Which it is not, you can learn a lot from older people, that hae been there and done that and if your smart learn to not make those mistakes they have. Or be llike yourself and think you all ready know everything and your way is the only way and the correct way.

I agree Frostback. I say good for him on 2 counts. 1- that he has a job period. 2- that his skill level is good enough that an outfit like CYT would hire him. Once again it just amazes me the amount of negativity and jealousy in some people. I don't feel as sorry for them as I do the people that are around them constantly.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
I think some conversations like these can be interesting. The average show cow herd lasts what....7 years? Then it is disbanded. I always thought this was just long enough for the newcomer to get worked over cause they didn't know the ropes. Do these conversations help expose things that a newcomer is not aware of?


Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
Doc said:
frostback said:
And what does "works for him" mean?  Is he on payroll, or just chore boy at the shows?

You need to go back a little father and see that you posted the first slam, that working for someone was a bad thing. Which it is not, you can learn a lot from older people, that hae been there and done that and if your smart learn to not make those mistakes they have. Or be llike yourself and think you all ready know everything and your way is the only way and the correct way.

I agree Frostback. I say good for him on 2 counts. 1- that he has a job period. 2- that his skill level is good enough that an outfit like CYT would hire him. Once again it just amazes me the amount of negativity and jealousy in some people. I don't feel as sorry for them as I do the people that are around them constantly.

I also agree with showstopper 95,Frostback and Doc. I cannot comprehend the negativity some people bring to this forum, and surround themselves with. I have learned to just shake my head in disbelief at some of the statements outspoken posts, but what bothers me is the fact that I know of many people who have left this forum because of his ( and a couple other people's ) antics. It seems these people are not happy with themselves unless they are ridiculing other people. To me this is the really sad part of what they do. When you consider that each one of us only has 1 life to live, I find it very very sad that negativity has such a control on them. I also feel sorry for the people that have to be around them constantly.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
aj said:
I think some conversations like these can be interesting. The average show cow herd lasts what....7 years? Then it is disbanded. I always thought this was just long enough for the newcomer to get worked over cause they didn't know the ropes. Do these conversations help expose things that a newcomer is not aware of?



Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
Negativity? Don't you mean that anyone that questions the showring part (joke) of the cattle industry. I think it is very uncomfortable for show ring people who think alot of themselves.......wjo consider theirselves to be showring cattle leaders of the industry.......to find out that theier show ring cattle are worthless to the beef industry. I think that this part of the deal. I think tough questions need to be asked once in a while.


Well-known member
Dec 15, 2008
Industry, IL Ph #: 618-322-2582
frostback said:
outspoken said:
Olson Family Shorthorns said:
Idk. I'm one of those chore boys, and id put my outcross cattle up against yours any day of the weeks.

here I bumped this down for showstopper95, notice the few bolded words.

State Champion Poster


Reply with quote


And what does "works for him" mean?  Is he on payroll, or just chore boy at the shows?

You need to go back a little father and see that you posted the first slam, that working for someone was a bad thing. Which it is not, you can learn a lot from older people, that hae been there and done that and if your smart learn to not make those mistakes they have. Or be llike yourself and think you all ready know everything and your way is the only way and the correct way.

First slam?  Seriously-- go back and re-read it Frosty...  That question was in regard to someone who everyone kept saying 'works for SULL, but didn't say what he does-- however someone who lives in OH or IN or wherever, is going to have a hard time working day to day operations when the boss and his cattle are in western IA. 


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2008
I am the first one to reply to this thread and I hate that I did. 1.  I didn't recognize the ever changing screen name. 2. I didn't see how this was anything but an honest inquiry into who raised the animal. But if I had known who it was I would have known nothing good could ever come of it.  So I apologize to the community. If we all would STOP posting and reacting to these few morons that inhabit this place, all this would stop. It's called "Feeding the Trolls" and all of us are guilty of continuing to do it. This particular individual shows what level of humanity he is on not by his ever-present jealousy of those who succeed in what ever their chosen endeavor, but in the constant ridiculing of children and young people who post and ask questions. Jason allows these people to continue to spread their manure here because it drives up posts by everyone responding to the crap these few stir up. Where that theory goes wrong is that these people drive more people away from here that would post than the number of posts they generate. The Golden Rule prevails in most things in that those with the gold make the rules. When we stop responding to this crap and the advertisers whom they try to denigrate complain enough to the ownership or refuse to advertise here because of these people, Jason will get rid of them. It is difficult for me not to defend those that either aren't here to defend themselves or are bullied into not saying anything. But in the best interest of the whole community, I would urge you to restrain from any comments regarding posting by these individuals and then allow nature to run its course.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
I am the first one to reply to this thread and I hate that I did. 1.  I didn't recognize the ever changing screen name. 2. I didn't see how this was anything but an honest inquiry into who raised the animal. But if I had known who it was I would have known nothing good could ever come of it.  So I apologize to the community. If we all would STOP posting and reacting to these few morons that inhabit this place, all this would stop. It's called "Feeding the Trolls" and all of us are guilty of continuing to do it. This particular individual shows what level of humanity he is on not by his ever-present jealousy of those who succeed in what ever their chosen endeavor, but in the constant ridiculing of children and young people who post and ask questions. Jason allows these people to continue to spread their manure here because it drives up posts by everyone responding to the crap these few stir up. Where that theory goes wrong is that these people drive more people away from here that would post than the number of posts they generate. The Golden Rule prevails in most things in that those with the gold make the rules. When we stop responding to this crap and the advertisers whom they try to denigrate complain enough to the ownership or refuse to advertise here because of these people, Jason will get rid of them. It is difficult for me not to defend those that either aren't here to defend themselves or are bullied into not saying anything. But in the best interest of the whole community, I would urge you to restrain from any comments regarding posting by these individuals and then allow nature to run its course.

Deal  (thumbsup)