We have one that is outstanding for other reasons. Brahma's always have a bad reputation and the fact is, typically they're not hateful until you cross them. As a general rule, the full bloods are as docile as can be and this is why I had to prove this fact to my husband. He was totally against us raising brahma's but when our only son, 7 at the time decided he no longer wanted to raise crossbred's, he wanted brahma's we almost died! We did everything we could to talk him out of it but no go so hence, that is how we ended up with them! And we don't regret it!
This summer, the hottest day of July we had our first calf born on our place out of our bull and a first time heifer. All of our heifers have been halter broke to show and we brush them regularly while in the pasture. People are amazed they're that gentle, to us that is. So Darla calves while we're gone to a farm show and we come back to find a calf drained from the hot kansas sun and heat almost dead. We picked that calf up took her under the barn, with mama in our back pocket. We put her in a stall in the barn. Now keep in mind we purchased this place last year from a 90 year old couple who hadn't maintained it in at least 20 years. Bad fences, no head gate or chute, nothing just some panels to keep them both in.
The calf was too weak to nurse, could barely stand, hadn't had any colostrum that we knew of. My husband props her up between his legs with mama watching and we hand milk that mama on a 5 gallon bucket, no halter, no chute just loose in the pen. First time heifer folks! she never even winced. Gave that calf a good shot of colostrum and some glucose and within about 3 days she was up and running.
But the incredible thing was that mama. She stood there while we would sneak up with the calf and put her on, we stood underneath her, milked her and fed that calf. She survived and is thriving quite well. Everytime my husband talks about how good she looks, I remind him that she wouldn't be here if I hadn't worked with those cattle like I have! ;D
(Just a note, they are gentle for us but ask the neighbor boy who tries to sneak to our pond and fish, he knows just exactly how fast he can make it to the pond and just how fast the bull can. He no longer fishes.) ;D