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  1. barngoddess

    Steer is not eating...again

    I'm a big believer in the BioZyme/VitaFerm products and they've always worked for us. At this point it wouldn't hurt to try, especially with your jackpot coming up soon. You can either use the paste or the drench, but administer it to your steer as it directs. Hopefully, he'll start to pick back...
  2. barngoddess

    Why does he do this??

    We had a bull that did that this year, he'd take a few steps and then just flop over. It was funny for a little while... ;) Honestly I think it was just because he was lazy and didn't want to keep working. Try walking him with another animal if possible? Maybe this will keep his attention more...
  3. barngoddess

    "Slow and Steady" or "Show him who's boss"?

    Seen some great advice on here but here's what I like to do with the hot headed cases (had 2 this year...most we've had in a while!) I like your idea of the slow and steady approach...we always try that first when breaking babies straight from the field. But obviously that's not working out...
  4. barngoddess

    Interesting Article

    Love this article. We all know about the politics that go on at shows. It's a breath of fresh air to have a judge that is for once judging the cattle and not the person on the halter or who's tailing it in. I agree with this last can you be fulfilled looking at a Grand Champion...
  5. barngoddess

    Show Steer Eating Issues

    Had the same problem with a steer last year during the heat and my new calf started off a little rocky but is now a great eater. My first suggestion, take it or leave it, is get some VitaCharge from Biozyme. I use the top dress powder. However, I wouldn't use that until he starts to eat his feed...
  6. barngoddess

    Question about registering ShorthornPlus

    I have a steer calf that I'm not sure if he is able to be registered as a Shorthorn Plus or not. He is a Walks Alone out of a purebred shorthorn cow. I looked at the charts and if I'm reading them right he is Shorthorn Plus. Not familiar with the shorthorn registry much at all so help is...
  7. barngoddess

    Any trick to harden/wear brand new halters?

    Just bought some new rope halters to use on the cattle at our next show but not sure if I'll be able to use them or not. I just can't seem to get the slickness worn out of them. Is there any trick out there? Anything to soak them in? Or is it just going to take time? Thanks!
  8. barngoddess

    Lowering cattle's internal body temp

    What are some natural minerals/additives that will lower cattle's internal Body temperatures? I've heard seaweed does it-- will adding a 500mg seaweed pill with their feed everyday help? Thanks
  9. barngoddess

    steer wont walk

    I agree with the above poster! I've had this issue with a few of my steers as well and food or alfalfa cubes does the trick. Also a lot of patience....sometimes beating them and twisting their tail will only make them hate the walk to the wash rack even more. Stay calm and be persistent, make it...
  10. barngoddess

    Joint Supplements?

    Thanks everyone-- we've looked at some others but decided we're just gonna try pure MSM and see how that goes just to save a little $$$  8)
  11. barngoddess

    Joint Supplements?

    Bump- just ran out of the cetyl M today....looking to get another tub or trying something new ASAP. Thanks.
  12. barngoddess

    Dying cattle

    That sounds great-- might have to try that next time.
  13. barngoddess

    Dying cattle

    Just wondering what methods you all have used for dying your cattle? We've tried black velvet and box hair dye from the store. We have found that we get the best results by mixing up a couple boxes into the spray bottle and only diluting it a little bit with kleen sheen, whereas before we had...
  14. barngoddess

    Joint Supplements?

    We've never had any issues with stiffness in our steers joints until this year, 2 of them started to act a little stiff. One we do believe is just a structural issue while the other we have concluded needs walked every day because he's lethargic otherwise and makes himself stiff. We decided to...
  15. barngoddess

    Can you teach a calf to eat more aggressively?

    You can try the 20 min thing but if the steer just doesn't have a great appetite it won't care how much time it has. We start all of our calves that are finicky and slow on Vita Charge (NOT the sullivans appetite igniter) from biozyme, the makers of sure champ. We use the powder that you mix...
  16. barngoddess

    Question about Sim/Angus crosses

    I'll search and see if I can find it. Thanks for the info! Most of our shows around here have AOB classes that I could show the calf in, and there are a few shows that have sim solution classes. I'm looking to have the calf have a blaze so of course I like the bulls with more white on them...
  17. barngoddess

    Question about Sim/Angus crosses

    I'm not very familiar with simmys or the way their association works, but if I were to breed a PB angus to a PB simmy, would the calf be able to be registered with the simmental association as a a SimAngus or whatever they are calling them? There's so many..Sim Plus, Sim Solutions, I get...