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  1. B

    Bull purchasing "Non-negotiables"

    Had a very good discussion yesterday with a group of cattleman about purchasing bulls.  Opinions varied on what was "not up for discussion" or was considered "non-negotiable".  Since the bull purchasing season is in full swing, or soon will be, I decided to inquire what everyone considers their...
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    Looking at drones

    I am looking into purchasing a drone to check fences, check cattle, scare the poo out of trespassers, etc..... Does anyone on here have experience with them?  (Ok, and to have fun with!!) I have found a few in the $350-500 range that have a real time camera that you can hook up to the computer...
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    Red Cattle Art Prints/Photo's Wanted

    I have been searching high and low for red angus water color prints, black and white prints, or red angus photographs.  They need to be frame-able, but I have a frame. Does anyone know of where I might find any art print dealing with red cattle? Thank you
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    I am thankful for:

    Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.  I hope everyone has plans to be with their loved ones, and that the weather allows for safe travel. Here are my "I am things I am most thankful for": 1. Family 2. Friends 3. My Mayo Dr's 4. Our Military What are you most thankful for? 
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    Farm Rental questions

    A couple of questions for those of you that are the renter or the rentee: 1.  If you rent a farm (crop ground and pasture) does that include grain storage bins?  Machinary storage barns? 2.  If you rent cattle pasture, does it go from fence to fence or is it just the cleared open ground in that...
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    Cattle prices - Your area and Predictions

    Am trying to get a feel for the cattle market in the country. 1. What are COMMERCIAL spring bred cattle bringing in your area? 2. What are Registered spring bred cattle bringing in your area? 3. What are COMMERCIAL replacement heifer calves bringing in your area? 4. What are registered...
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    Article on youth programs - good read Thought this was a really interesting read.....  lots of good points on both sides. Everyone thoughts?
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    Judge selection for major shows

    I do not have a dog in the fight, but a recent trip to the Iowa State Fair red angus show got me thinking.  How do other state fairs or major shows, select a judge?  Is it by blind selection, suggestions from breed reps, a list? Seems odd that a red breeder with several VERY close ties to some...
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    Announcement from Tyson Foods

    Just saw this on facebook: Fairview Salebarn: Bulletin---This is a breaking story and this is what we’ve heard so far. Tyson has announced that it no longer accept slaughter cattle that have been in the show ring this summer. If one even looks like it has been shown, Tyson does not want it in...
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    Vaccination and pregnancy

    A few cattleman were discussing vaccinating cows this morning. Seems there was some disagreement on if you should vaccinate cows in early pregnancy. A few said that vaccinating even with killed vaccine in early pregnancy (now through 90 days) might cause absorption of the embryo.  Others said...
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    Something killing calves

    My friend has had 2 calves killed and no one seems to know what is getting them, so I thought I would throw it out here to see if anyone has experienced the same. 1st calf - Born during night, found the next morning with no cow around. Had a opening between the navel and scrotum where all the...
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    Water in California not for ag??

    Just heard a few news blurbs about how California is not allowing farmers to use water for irrigation or livestock. While I fully understand that water is at a premium and I certainly do not know all the details, but are car washes still operating? Lawn irrigation? Filling swimming pools...
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    On Farm Test Results - Wrap Vs Twin

    Let me stress this was an ON FARM TEST. I used equipment that a typical farmer has.                                                     Grass/Pasture Hay    1st Cutting Alfalfa      2nd cutting Alfalfa      3rd cutting alfalfa        Mixed Alf and Grass      Corn Stalks             Twine...
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    Propane vs beef

    Just thinking out loud: If the gov't is stepping in on the private propane industry to lower the prices, when will the gov't step in to lower beef prices?  What EXACTLY is the gov't roll in manipulating prices in private industry? (Seems this will be right up Chambro's and Telo's alley!)
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    Alpha 7 not missing

    Jus thought I would tell everyone that I ordered 250 doses of apha 7 a few days ago.  I received it two days ago, so I am not sure why others have not been able to find it.
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    Really people, get a life (Not cattle related)

    For all those that are raising holy cane about their Christmas gifts being late due to UPS and FedEx.... Get a life. It is not UPS and FedEx's fault you procrastinated and ordered late, expecting people to work Christmas Eve just because YOU ordered late.  In fact, you should be THANKING UPS and...
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    Remember anti-ag supporters while shopping

    Just a friendly reminder when you are purchasing gifts that several BIG companies are BIG supporters of petaa and hsuss (misspelled on purpose). Please feel free to add to this list. North Face - Donate millions to petaa. Why support a company that does not support our industry?
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    Go Miss ST! (College Football)

    I am a college football junkie..... Must admit, I love the big 10 and hate the SEC and I really do not like Alabama.... GO MISS ST!!  How is bama #1, when Miss St is giving them all they want? (Miss St should be winning, but have missed a field goal from 22 yds, and didn't take advantage of 2...
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    Wash Rack Ideas - Good and Bad

    I am in the process of designing a wash rack. So I am seeking the "best ideas" for a wash rack, and the things that do not work out. The rack will be used for approximately 50 head of cattle, and up to 10 "at a time". What dimensions? Concrete up how high? Wood or metal? I know when I am out...
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    Meat quality question

    As I mentioned before, I just had to haul a 17 month bred heifer to the locker due to a broken femur. She has been out on pasture since Mid June and getting grain only once in a while when the herd came up to the lot. She is/was a BCS of 6 and weighing 950-1000.  Her leg was broken Wed night...