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    I have used natural stride and, in my opinion, it works. The two that we have used it on showed a substantial difference. I truly feel that it made the difference between a champion and 6th or 7th place calf on one. I agree with the MuSe or BoSe, but I haven't had that rapid of a result. We...
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    too late to breed?

    This is great advice in my opinion. We AI everything and we have a gomer bull at both farms. Cows and heifers stand for different amounts of time. Last year we had some cows that stood as few as 8 hours and we had one Angus heifer that stood for close to 30 hours. I very much agree that it is...
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    overdue cow

    If the cow always has small calves, I wouldn't worry to much. However, if you fear a big calf and are absolutely sure she is AI'd I would induce her. We have induced over 12 in the past four years and have never had a problem. Some as early as three days over, usually Heatwaves. In my experience...
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    Linking Website Opinions

    Thanks,   My intial thoughts were and . I never thought about the trading links part as mentioned in the second post. Those are a lot of good ideas that I will look at. I can see where tracking the traffic would be very beneficial. Thanks for the input and I...
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    Linking Website Opinions

    What are some opinions on which sites it would be best to link our new website to? I wanted to link it to one or two and see what kind of response that we get. Cost vs. Effectiveness is a consideration for me when chosing. Anyone have any experience with this? Thanks in advance for any feedback...
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    buying cattle with an environment change

    I think all of these statements are accurate. I have even had trouble bringing in cows from Indiana and Western Ohio to Southern Ohio. I think the statement on fescue is very accurate. I have had less trouble  in the past few years, but I think that this is due to having added a lot of clover to...
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    Looking for a Clubby Bull that will increase frame size and create great fronts

    I think that Hannibal will do the things that you are asking. If your cows are smooth shouldered I would also recommend Hired Man. I know he has a terrible set of front shoulders on him, but most of his calves that I have seen don't show this. Might also try Manchild if your cows are good on...
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    A Breeder That Stands Behind Their Cattle

    That is truly great. These guys deserve a lot of credit. If I were you I wouldn't look to much farther than there to buy a cow. I buy cattle out of sales every year. I always try to buy only those that are AI "guaranteed". This is because I like to know when they are due, and we only AI and ET...
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    Shockwave babies

    We had three and all of them were on time or early. However, everything we have had for the exception of one Sunseeker has been early. Some as early as 16 days before due date. So I wouldn't want to call a gestatation date based on our experience. I will say that the Shockwave's are nice sound...
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    Alias - Red Carrier

    We got a red one out of a red cow.
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    Breech Births

    In my experience, there is some very good advice on this topic. One thing that I do when I see a breech is to put the cow in the chute and basically push the calf back in until I am sure that she is dialated. I belive this keeps the cord from breaking prematurely. Then I hook the chains and jack...
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    Dirty Harry on heifers?

    Red, In my limited experience I would say that he is okay for most heifers. We had a 750lb  Hairy Bear calve at 21 months with only the slightest assistance. Calf weighed in at 73lbs. Gestation early but that has been the case with everything this year. We are planning on using him on...
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    What bulls are you using this spring

    Jimmy the Greek, Heatwave, Sunseeker, Jigsaw, Johnny Walker Red, Golden Child, Shockwave, Milkman, Invincible, Hannibal, Manchild, Paddy O'Malley
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    Recip Cow Question

    We are going to flush a couple of cows and put thier eggs into some of our other cows. The donors in this case consistently have large calves from the matings we are going to use. (100-130) These cows have very little trouble with this size of calf. However, I am worried about the size of some...
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    Cattle lot help needed

    I have a similar, not as bad situation. If it were me, I would first dig a french style drain or two. Then I would buy some of the black fabric that people put under gravel roads and place that up against your barn, out as far as you have mud. Make sure to over lap it. After this I would put...
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    Star Power - NOT CALVING EASE. story inside

    I totally agree with this. The most frustrated I have been with my cattle, involved a C-section and a 70 lb  pale face calf out of a 1000 lb Neon heifer.
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    Star Power - NOT CALVING EASE. story inside

    I would say that Rusty was feeding her pretty good, and don't forget that Bleeding Purple is a Heatwave son. I have heard several reports of Star Power not being as consistent as some would like. I'm glad everthing turned out okay.
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    The Joys of calving!

    I agree that the cow has a lot to do with it. I also believe that you just get a freak occasionally. For example, we had four Paddy O'Malley calves this year. Three of these had BW's 64 to 73. The other one was 148 and backwards. Really hard pull, and it died a day later. The cow was a Direct...
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    Im new and wanted to share a few of our calves

    Thanks, we really like the Paddy heifer. BW on our Paddy's were 64, 68, and the heifer was 73 out of a Boysel Sturdy cow. I am a little slow to reply over the weekend because we don't have internet at home.
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    Im new and wanted to share a few of our calves

    We calve all of our cows in the barn and we like to feed them. Most of our herd is 6-11 years old and 100 lb calves are very common for us. I don't consider Shockwave a hard calver. We have had around 20 Heatwaves over the past 3 or 4 years and the only  three C-sections we have done were on...