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  1. upthecreek

    Anyone around Fort Myers, FL

    My family and I are in Orlando, FL now and will be in the Fort Myers area next week. I would like to show my girls a nice "show cattle" or purebred shorthorn operation. Is there anyone in the area who welcomes visitors?
  2. upthecreek

    4-H speech

    Working on 4-H speeches. Yay!  :'( Mine's about prodcing quality beef. (cow)                                        Little Up the Creek
  3. upthecreek

    Who will be at Agribition Nov. 22-24

    From Nov 22-24 Vanridge and I will be at Agribition with our 4-H club.  Who will have cattle there and would be willing to help out with a "scavenger hunt"?  What I would like is to get an interesting fact from each farm that the only way to find out what it is is for the members to talk to...
  4. upthecreek

    New arrivals

    Here are the new arrivals at our place.  These where taken as they came off the trailer on Sunday.  The red is sired by Hatfield Govenor and the red and white is by Ultrawash 30U.  It will exciting to see how they develop.  And the girls are looking forward to using them as their 4-H projects...
  5. upthecreek

    Thanks for the Tour

    A big thank you to Okotoks and Coyote for showing us their cattle.  We had travelled for 9 days and had only seen a couple of Shorthorn cow in the pastures.  I was very happy to get to see so many good cattle and meet such great people.  <party> From Little Up The Creek
  6. upthecreek

    Planning the 4-H year

    We are starting to plan our 4-H year and I am wondering what do other people do for activities, fund raisers and guest speakers.  Please share your ideas.  Thanks
  7. upthecreek

    need help with a John Deere tractor

    I have a 1979 or 1980 2140 John Deere tractor that has a hydraulic problem.  It was working fine when I shut it daown but when I started it up a couple days later the hydraulics were very slow and had no power.  I changed the filter and it inproved slightly but is still very slow.  Does anyone...
  8. upthecreek

    Thanks for the Hospitality

    Yesterday we had the opportunity to inspect some great cattle in southern Saskatchewan and most of all meet some great people!!  We got a tour of JIT's herd first and a very nice visit with Grant and Chris, then went down the road to the Hilltop herd for another tour and visit.  The family and I...
  9. upthecreek

    Ugly Cows

    I know everyone has at least one cow in the herd that they hope the nieghbors never see but always has a fantastic calf.  Let's have some fun and post some pictures of them.  This is the ugliest cow I have ever owned and her bull calf sired by Shadybrook Scotty.
  10. upthecreek

    Getting ready for the show

    Here are a couple pics of my girls getting the steers ready to go to the fair.  We are way behind as it has been so wet we can't work with the animals but they are coming along now.
  11. upthecreek

    Looking for activities for 6 to 8 year olds

    I know this has probably been covered in the past, but with slow internet it is hard to do a detailed search.  We are looking for something to entertain the cloverbuds with.  We want it to be educational and mostly cattle related.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.  Thanks in advance.
  12. upthecreek

    kids and cattle

    I will try to attach a  couple pics of my daughters(ages 5 and 7) with their steers.  Their goal this year was to hit the show ring without help from Dad and they were successful.  Even though they did not win any ribbons they had a great time with the cattle.  The white shorthorn weighed 1430...
  13. upthecreek

    Need help with cane codes

    I recently bought a semen tank at a farm auction, it has about 60 units in it and i have no idae what they are.  Any help would be appreciated.  Also most or all of it will be for sale, located in southern Manitoba. 1 unit 90AN4248 1 unit 7AN178 10 units 114AN0380 10 units 114MA0142 1 unit 4041...
  14. upthecreek

    Royal Manitoba Winter Fair

    Thanks to Kirk Stierwalt for the excellent job of judging in Brandon,MB last week.  The interaction with the kids was great.  I was unable to attend the clinics earlier in the week but I am sure they were well done also.  From a 4-H parent and leader thanks for a job well done!!!  (clapping)
  15. upthecreek

    Hair Loss and Flaky skin

    I have a steer that is loosing hair, he has not been washed and has been treated 3 times with Ivomec in the past 3 months but the hair keeps falling out.  He is eating free choice grass hay and a rolled barley ration and free choice minerals.  I am wondering what could be causing the hair loss...