Help Me Vote Obama Out

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Well-known member
Mar 24, 2008
-XBAR- said:
Tell em, Z !   All individuals should be sovereign over their own lives and no one should be forced to sacrifice his or her values for the benefit of others.

What you really mean is that no one should have to have any values at all, isn't it?

All individuals should have the right to exercise sole dominion over their own lives, and have the right to live in whatever manner they choose, so long as they do not forcibly interfere with the equal right of others to live in whatever manner they choose.

That'd be great if we all lived in a vacuum. But the fact is that your poor behavior effects others and/or puts others at risk.

People kill people.  Not guns; not drugs. 

I also find it odd you question my values and morals.  I suscribe to the highest moral principle, that of self-ownership.

About the guns and drugs I agree 1000%. That doesn't mean that the people who use either one  effect no one but themselves.

Judging only from what you write, it's safe to say you find many  things odd.


Mueller Show Cattle

Well-known member
Oct 26, 2010
Glenrock, Wyoming
Gonewest I support you and your posts. You see with all these drug issues is BS, these people have no clue. I was enforcing laws before they were even in high school. If you think crimes are bad now, legalize the drugs it will go through the roof. You see I was a homicide investigator for the ST. Louis Major Case Squad in St. Louis before I moved to Wyoming, yes I have credentials to show as I still have my ID. I have talked with many people who had committed murder and now is behind bars for life all cause they got wrapped up into drugs and are actually decent people off the drugs. Yes the people kill other people but drugs cause people to kill. Have any of you seen these people high on PCP or LSD, Well I have as I have wrestled with them and arrested them with lots of others officers. There is no reasoning with these people when there on the drugs, the fight is on and have super human strength on these drugs. Then people say shame on the police when we taze them and they end up dieing because there heart can't take it as they are hyped up on these drugs and yes I have seen this 1st hand here in Wyoming, the guy was completely naked in the street yelling profanity, of ya I guess we should not do anything about that either. You see I am currently also a Drug Court Officer now that I deal with drug offenders. Saying that drugs don't effect crimes is 100% false, you see if you don't know what drug courts are, look them up. I have talks with these drug offenders almost daily and they committed crimes to support there drug habits or addiction, you think hard core addicts work? Cause again they commit crime such as stealing, burglary and yes robbery to get money fast to get their fix. I can go on and on, you think the DUI problem is bad now, legalize drugs will be 100 times worse. I am also a Senior Intoximeter Operator which means I testify in most DUI cases, drug related DUI's are way worse than alcohol. You see I have seen the effects of drugs and alcohol (yes it is a drug but legal) and yes I do drink but can say I do it smart and don't get behind a wheel after drinking any alcohol at all. I have pulled dead people killed by drunk drivers, have you guys? My guess if you had you would have a different perspective on this. Also my sister was killed by a drunk driver and you? So any of you remarks will NEVER change my mind as far as the legalizing drugs go, I have way more experience then you will EVER have dealing with people on drugs. Sorry for the long reply, just had to reply to these false comments. I have the experience and can show it, can you show what experience you have dealing with people on drugs?


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
south webster ohio
Big M Show Cattle said:
Gonewest I support you and your posts. You see with all these drug issues is BS, these people have no clue. I was enforcing laws before they were even in high school. If you think crimes are bad now, legalize the drugs it will go through the roof. You see I was a homicide investigator for the ST. Louis Major Case Squad in St. Louis before I moved to Wyoming, yes I have credentials to show as I still have my ID. I have talked with many people who had committed murder and now is behind bars for life all cause they got wrapped up into drugs and are actually decent people off the drugs. Yes the people kill other people but drugs cause people to kill. Have any of you seen these people high on PCP or LSD, Well I have as I have wrestled with them and arrested them with lots of others officers. There is no reasoning with these people when there on the drugs, the fight is on and have super human strength on these drugs. Then people say shame on the police when we taze them and they end up dieing because there heart can't take it as they are hyped up on these drugs and yes I have seen this 1st hand here in Wyoming, the guy was completely naked in the street yelling profanity, of ya I guess we should not do anything about that either. You see I am currently also a Drug Court Officer now that I deal with drug offenders. Saying that drugs don't effect crimes is 100% false, you see if you don't know what drug courts are, look them up. I have talks with these drug offenders almost daily and they committed crimes to support there drug habits or addiction, you think hard core addicts work? Cause again they commit crime such as stealing, burglary and yes robbery to get money fast to get their fix. I can go on and on, you think the DUI problem is bad now, legalize drugs will be 100 times worse. I am also a Senior Intoximeter Operator which means I testify in most DUI cases, drug related DUI's are way worse than alcohol. You see I have seen the effects of drugs and alcohol (yes it is a drug but legal) and yes I do drink but can say I do it smart and don't get behind a wheel after drinking any alcohol at all. I have pulled dead people killed by drunk drivers, have you guys? My guess if you had you would have a different perspective on this. Also my sister was killed by a drunk driver and you? So any of you remarks will NEVER change my mind as far as the legalizing drugs go, I have way more experience then you will EVER have dealing with people on drugs. Sorry for the long reply, just had to reply to these false comments. I have the experience and can show it, can you show what experience you have dealing with people on drugs?

Scioto County Represent


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
Big M Show Cattle said:
Gonewest I support you and your posts. You see with all these drug issues is BS, these people have no clue. I was enforcing laws before they were even in high school. If you think crimes are bad now, legalize the drugs it will go through the roof. You see I was a homicide investigator for the ST. Louis Major Case Squad in St. Louis before I moved to Wyoming, yes I have credentials to show as I still have my ID. I have talked with many people who had committed murder and now is behind bars for life all cause they got wrapped up into drugs and are actually decent people off the drugs. Yes the people kill other people but drugs cause people to kill. Have any of you seen these people high on PCP or LSD, Well I have as I have wrestled with them and arrested them with lots of others officers. There is no reasoning with these people when there on the drugs, the fight is on and have super human strength on these drugs. Then people say shame on the police when we taze them and they end up dieing because there heart can't take it as they are hyped up on these drugs and yes I have seen this 1st hand here in Wyoming, the guy was completely naked in the street yelling profanity, of ya I guess we should not do anything about that either. You see I am currently also a Drug Court Officer now that I deal with drug offenders. Saying that drugs don't effect crimes is 100% false, you see if you don't know what drug courts are, look them up. I have talks with these drug offenders almost daily and they committed crimes to support there drug habits or addiction, you think hard core addicts work? Cause again they commit crime such as stealing, burglary and yes robbery to get money fast to get their fix. I can go on and on, you think the DUI problem is bad now, legalize drugs will be 100 times worse. I am also a Senior Intoximeter Operator which means I testify in most DUI cases, drug related DUI's are way worse than alcohol. You see I have seen the effects of drugs and alcohol (yes it is a drug but legal) and yes I do drink but can say I do it smart and don't get behind a wheel after drinking any alcohol at all. I have pulled dead people killed by drunk drivers, have you guys? My guess if you had you would have a different perspective on this. Also my sister was killed by a drunk driver and you? So any of you remarks will NEVER change my mind as far as the legalizing drugs go, I have way more experience then you will EVER have dealing with people on drugs. Sorry for the long reply, just had to reply to these false comments. I have the experience and can show it, can you show what experience you have dealing with people on drugs?
You would think if your family was so tragically effected by drugs, that you wouldn't be a user.  



Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
buckeye said:
Looks like I will be Voting Obama come November!

All Christians have a religious obligation to re elect Obama.  At least he proclaims to be Christian; Romney is a practicing Mormon.


I usually don't post on political stuff on steer planet but oh well.

It all comes down to what the tax payers of our country are paying for.Obama is the most left wing radical president we have ever had and wants to fundamentaly transform (Change) our country.
With gay marriage the government is saying that our tax dollars have to fund the benefits of a homosexual's partner. By doing this, government takes a stance that homosexuality needs to be encouraged and rewarded just like a heterosexual marriage with kids is encouraged and rewarded by our taxing system. So it's not an equal rights issue IMO, it is an issue of whether or not a behavior should be encouraged and rewarded because of it's benefit to society. If two people want to get a pastor to marry them, put rings on their fingers in front of their friends and family, and say they are married, nobody is stopping them. Also, this is not something that should be decided by the courts. Judicial activism is running rampant. The Supreme Court decided against polygamy in the 1800's because it did not meet the definition of marriage. Now we have judges that are ignoring that precedent and making their own laws. The people, all citizens, through their representatives make laws, not three people on a circuit appeals court panel.
As far as the drugs go, I personally was in the hospital twice in my teenage years for drug use. I know first hand how drugs damage a person. Marijuana is mentally addictive and is definitely a gateway drug. This is fact, been there, done that. I've seen 13 and 14 year old kids totally screwed up in their head for weeks in the hospital from only smoking marijuana. Now you're gonna say, well it was laced with pcp or something. NO, the marijuana out their today is strong enough to psychologically mess someone up. In my circumstance it was stronger drugs. So after being diagnosed the first time with drug induced psychosis and the second time with Bi Polar Disorder, with God's grace I was eventually healed from all of my afflictions and have been doing awesome for over 12 years now! I gave my life to Jesus Christ and he set me free.

Mueller Show Cattle

Well-known member
Oct 26, 2010
Glenrock, Wyoming
Zach said:
have you ever had one of your best friends murdered, Mr Police Officer homophobe? I have.
And how does that have anything to do with legalizing drugs, do you think before you respond? And to me, my sister was murdered cause someone choose to drink and drive, ever heard of vehicular HOMICIDE? Sorry to hear that but my cousin was killed by a drunk driver in 1988 and then my sister in 1994, those are all murders (homicide) and my family. XBAR do you have any better comment than that, makes you sound like the user.

Mueller Show Cattle

Well-known member
Oct 26, 2010
Glenrock, Wyoming
JTM said:
I usually don't post on political stuff on steer planet but oh well.

It all comes down to what the tax payers of our country are paying for.Obama is the most left wing radical president we have ever had and wants to fundamentaly transform (Change) our country.
With gay marriage the government is saying that our tax dollars have to fund the benefits of a homosexual's partner. By doing this, government takes a stance that homosexuality needs to be encouraged and rewarded just like a heterosexual marriage with kids is encouraged and rewarded by our taxing system. So it's not an equal rights issue IMO, it is an issue of whether or not a behavior should be encouraged and rewarded because of it's benefit to society. If two people want to get a pastor to marry them, put rings on their fingers in front of their friends and family, and say they are married, nobody is stopping them. Also, this is not something that should be decided by the courts. Judicial activism is running rampant. The Supreme Court decided against polygamy in the 1800's because it did not meet the definition of marriage. Now we have judges that are ignoring that precedent and making their own laws. The people, all citizens, through their representatives make laws, not three people on a circuit appeals court panel.
As far as the drugs go, I personally was in the hospital twice in my teenage years for drug use. I know first hand how drugs damage a person. Marijuana is mentally addictive and is definitely a gateway drug. This is fact, been there, done that. I've seen 13 and 14 year old kids totally screwed up in their head for weeks in the hospital from only smoking marijuana. Now you're gonna say, well it was laced with pcp or something. NO, the marijuana out their today is strong enough to psychologically mess someone up. In my circumstance it was stronger drugs. So after being diagnosed the first time with drug induced psychosis and the second time with Bi Polar Disorder, with God's grace I was eventually healed from all of my afflictions and have been doing awesome for over 12 years now! I gave my life to Jesus Christ and he set me free.

Glad you posted up JTM, to me words straight from the horse's mouth about drug use, glad everything worked out well for you, Amen    (angel)


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
south webster ohio
Big M Show Cattle said:
Zach said:
have you ever had one of your best friends murdered, Mr Police Officer homophobe? I have.
And how does that have anything to do with legalizing drugs, do you think before you respond? And to me, my sister was murdered cause someone choose to drink and drive, ever heard of vehicular HOMICIDE? Sorry to hear that but my cousin was killed by a drunk driver in 1988 and then my sister in 1994, those are all murders (homicide) and my family. XBAR do you have any better comment than that, makes you sound like the user.

One of my good friends in was murdered last year at the age of 19 by drug dealers. If they were legal, he would still be alive.


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
Big M Show Cattle said:
JTM said:
I usually don't post on political stuff on steer planet but oh well.

It all comes down to what the tax payers of our country are paying for.Obama is the most left wing radical president we have ever had and wants to fundamentaly transform (Change) our country.
With gay marriage the government is saying that our tax dollars have to fund the benefits of a homosexual's partner. By doing this, government takes a stance that homosexuality needs to be encouraged and rewarded just like a heterosexual marriage with kids is encouraged and rewarded by our taxing system. So it's not an equal rights issue IMO, it is an issue of whether or not a behavior should be encouraged and rewarded because of it's benefit to society. If two people want to get a pastor to marry them, put rings on their fingers in front of their friends and family, and say they are married, nobody is stopping them. Also, this is not something that should be decided by the courts. Judicial activism is running rampant. The Supreme Court decided against polygamy in the 1800's because it did not meet the definition of marriage. Now we have judges that are ignoring that precedent and making their own laws. The people, all citizens, through their representatives make laws, not three people on a circuit appeals court panel.
As far as the drugs go, I personally was in the hospital twice in my teenage years for drug use. I know first hand how drugs damage a person. Marijuana is mentally addictive and is definitely a gateway drug. This is fact, been there, done that. I've seen 13 and 14 year old kids totally screwed up in their head for weeks in the hospital from only smoking marijuana. Now you're gonna say, well it was laced with pcp or something. NO, the marijuana out their today is strong enough to psychologically mess someone up. In my circumstance it was stronger drugs. So after being diagnosed the first time with drug induced psychosis and the second time with Bi Polar Disorder, with God's grace I was eventually healed from all of my afflictions and have been doing awesome for over 12 years now! I gave my life to Jesus Christ and he set me free.

Glad you posted up JTM, to me words straight from the horse's mouth about drug use, glad everything worked out well for you, Amen    (angel)
Do some research on "vulnerability" and its association with drug induced psychosis.

I'm glad you've accepted the fact that it wasn't a drunk that committed the murder, but in fact an irresponsible drunk driver.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Sex is addictive.

Ban sex.

Actually everything is addictive.

What word should straight people be allowed to describe themselves.

Maybe we should ban being straight.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
How can anyone do drugs or drink and drive...........when it is illegal to do such things.


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2011
North East, Missouri
aj said:
How can anyone do drugs or drink and drive...........when it is illegal to do such things.
How can anyone steal or murder........ when it is illegal to do such things.  Shall we legalize and poof problem solved?
Maybe an official poll should be taken of current, past, would like to be drug users and see who wants it legalized, of course all voters would need to be registered, and of course their identities would be kept confidential (we could even throw in a poll for the show cattle industry on defect carrier users- just for you AJ)
Better yet maybe we should poll current, past, drug users families and see what they think about drugs and their loved ones on them or off them.
Why do drug users become former drug users? 

Knabe - circular you say  ;)

Vote Obama out ( I am totally for)
Vote for?


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
I used to be an All State 3rd baseman, now I'm a former ball player.

I used to run my gun dog in hunt tests, Odie was a GRHRCH, now I'm a former dog handler.

I used to party for days on end, now I'm high on life, and a former party liason. 

There's a lot of recreational activities I once indulged in, that I got burned out on, and now I'm a former...

And now my quest raising premier seed stock has begun - because life is full of adventure, and I defend each person's right to engage in any activity that is peaceful and honest, and welcome the diversity that freedom brings.  Individuals should be free to follow their own dreams in their own ways, without interference from government or any authoritarian power. 


Well-known member
May 1, 2011
Big M Show Cattle said:
JTM said:
I usually don't post on political stuff on steer planet but oh well.

It all comes down to what the tax payers of our country are paying for.Obama is the most left wing radical president we have ever had and wants to fundamentaly transform (Change) our country.
With gay marriage the government is saying that our tax dollars have to fund the benefits of a homosexual's partner. By doing this, government takes a stance that homosexuality needs to be encouraged and rewarded just like a heterosexual marriage with kids is encouraged and rewarded by our taxing system. So it's not an equal rights issue IMO, it is an issue of whether or not a behavior should be encouraged and rewarded because of it's benefit to society. If two people want to get a pastor to marry them, put rings on their fingers in front of their friends and family, and say they are married, nobody is stopping them. Also, this is not something that should be decided by the courts. Judicial activism is running rampant. The Supreme Court decided against polygamy in the 1800's because it did not meet the definition of marriage. Now we have judges that are ignoring that precedent and making their own laws. The people, all citizens, through their representatives make laws, not three people on a circuit appeals court panel.
As far as the drugs go, I personally was in the hospital twice in my teenage years for drug use. I know first hand how drugs damage a person. Marijuana is mentally addictive and is definitely a gateway drug. This is fact, been there, done that. I've seen 13 and 14 year old kids totally screwed up in their head for weeks in the hospital from only smoking marijuana. Now you're gonna say, well it was laced with pcp or something. NO, the marijuana out their today is strong enough to psychologically mess someone up. In my circumstance it was stronger drugs. So after being diagnosed the first time with drug induced psychosis and the second time with Bi Polar Disorder, with God's grace I was eventually healed from all of my afflictions and have been doing awesome for over 12 years now! I gave my life to Jesus Christ and he set me free.

Glad you posted up JTM, to me words straight from the horse's mouth about drug use, glad everything worked out well for you, Amen    (angel)

Grate post JTM WE can't out give GOD,thanks for post (angel)


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
Didn't Pat Roberts or Billy Grahmn or some religous leader recomend legalize maraujuanna? Is it better than meth? From what I've heard meth is like the modern moonshine........and very adictive.