VOTE obama OUT !

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Well-known member
Apr 25, 2007
Rhome, TX
Gargan said:
DBL J1 said:
buckeye said:
I helped to paint my state BLUE .... Thats right I voted for Obama and PROUD OF IT.... thank you
All i can say as a Texan and damn proud of it , i wish Texas would just Cecede !! We don't need BO and his policies !
if yall do cecede, can u help me find a farm? cause i will be texas bound. i dont like the way this country is heading!!  <beer>

If Texas secedes, I will have a farm for sale.  I am an American, and if Texans do not want to be Americans, then they can do it without me.  There are 49 other states that really do love their country.  I guess anyone, or any state that is ready to cut and run, then never was truly invested in making America work in the first place. 


Aug 16, 2012
PLKR said:
buckeye said:
I helped to paint my state BLUE .... Thats right I voted for Obama and PROUD OF IT.... thank you


I will keep you informed beginning Thursday on how many people in my county who will have their homes foreclosed upon that have paid for them 10-15 years because they have no jobs appreciate it too. I so appreciate you re electing an administration that states it wants gasoline prices to be at European levels ($10 a gallon). All the people that will lose their jobs due to cuts in military spending will soon be writing you thank you letters as well so go buy a bigger mail box. We can thank you enough for the income tax increase coming in January or the devaluation of our money that gives us 25% less buying power than we had Jan 20, 2009. I just don't know how to thank all the people in OH and IA for doing this for us. But one way I promise to thank them is to remember when I go to buy calves or tell people where to get calves, I will be conveniently forgetting that OH and IA even exist.
While I agree with many of your opinions GONEWEST, to penalize club calf producers in IA and OH due to Romney's inability to win those states makes no sense. I would guess the majority of ag people in both states voted "R". While I'm frustrated with the outcome of this election as well, I think your decision to "boycott" IA and OH cattlemen is a bit over the top. There's plenty of blame to go around for this loss....

I agree with that. But it's my view that the people in those states are responsible for more than voting. If they don't have the passion to care enough about their country to work and convince others then I don't have the passion to buy from them or send people to them. The resident moron mentioned something incoherent about the quality of cattle in those two states. There are LOTS of good cattle in LOTS of places. There were really only a very few people that could have decided this election. People in those states are among them. It's my view that they didn't take this task seriously enough to change the outcome.

Don't hate on the cattle people of Iowa because in my county we voted Romney!! It is hard to win a state when all the big town counties for democrat. So city slickers win again. Not the ag peoples fault!


Well-known member
Mar 31, 2007
North central -- Nebraska on highway 183 - 30 mi
Hey don't be so hard on the Republicans ,they are battling and open border that brings ,drugs ,illegals ,handouts to all ,labor unions ,this isn't good old America any more ,their fighting organized crime think this is bad wait till they come in your homes to take your guns away .....It won't matter whether your in IOWA or ohio ...


Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
Watching this election  from outside the US ( well, 30 miles from the US border) it struck me as being one of the strangest elections I have seen in a long time. Why did so few of the real issues never get discussed? Like the financial cliff your country is teetering on? In the last 4 years your deficit has doubled to over 10 Trillion dollars. It was about 5.8 Trillion when Obama took office a short 4 years ago. What will the deficit be in another 4 years.... 20 Trillion? As an outsider who lives close to the US, I often wonder how big the deficit has to be before a country is basically bankrupt? Many European people never dreamt their countries would be in the straits they are today.

It seemed to me no one wanted to discuss the real issues and decided it was probably just too depressing to think about them. Big Bird got discussed more than any of the economy.. which is beyond stupid! The Republicans have to figure out what they can do to gather non white voters. I hate to say that the election was race based, but I really doubt if Romney got more than 5-7 % of the non white vote. The Republicans also got to get a lid on some of their outspoken party supporters who probably chased many voters away. Donald Trump is probably the best known of these and some of his statements were ... well, as polite as I can put it.... just plain stupid and insulting to many ordinary voters. IMO, he loses many more votes  for the Republicans than many others gain. He is becoming even more proof that they should not allow dumb people to make as much money as he has!  Another major issue is that you have to figure out some way to get the vote out on election day. I heard today that only 72% of the white voters showed up at the election polls. Unless some of these things are fixed before the next election, I really think is another unwinnable war. When you see a map of where each party won the vote, it almost looks like it was an Urban vs Rural vote. By land mass, Romney probably won close to 90% of the country, but the city living populations saved Obama's hide.

I was really hoping for a change on November 6th, however, everything virtually stayed the same. Over 95 % of the incumbents running for office were re-elected. The election cost America 60 Billion dollars. I have to wonder if you got enough for your money.

It is really not my place to critize what has happened in your country, but quite frankly, what happens to you also affects me, and all other Canadians. The big worry now is that the US could fall into another deep depression and believe me, if it does, Canada will follow suit even though our economy is many times better off than yours. The next few days could be critical to whether the US slides into another depression. The stcok markets showed huge losses today, and we will have to watch what happens in the next few days. I better stop as I am even making myself depressed!


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
people are fools if they don't think obama isn't after guns.

Hours after U.S. President Barack Obama was re-elected, the United States backed a U.N. committee's call on Wednesday to renew debate over a draft international treaty to regulate the $70 billion global conventional arms trade.

The treaty would require states to make respecting human rights a criterion for allowing arms exports.

islam is against human rights.

good luck with that liberals.

The Un-United States has denied it sought to delay negotiations for political reasons, saying it had genuine problems with the draft as written.

yeah sure, obama never does anything for political gain.

get ready for more fun.

democrats didn't compromise when bush was in office, why should republican compromise.

divided government is the key and is a key protection of the individual from the collective.

people just don't get it.  divided government works.  words of compromise are quickly forgotten within one week of an election.

Brian Wood of Amnesty International said: "After today's resounding vote, if the larger arms trading countries show real political will in the negotiations, we're only months away from securing a new global deal that has the potential to stop weapons reaching those who seriously abuse human rights."

yeah cuz china, south korea, russia, and islam are so for human rights.  what a joke.  the consequence of democracy is tyranny.

finally, to show you how little support romeny had and what a weak candidate he was, John Kerry Had a Million More Votes Than Mitt Romney.

a million more votes.  republicans continue to be idiots electing loser after loser in line for the right to lose against weak candidate after weak candidate and refuse to set up a ground game that can be used by the party.  they refuse to talk about opportunity and mobility in the economic system.  they refuse to create an atmosphere for anyone from anywhere EQUAL opportunity and instead allow prioritized immigration based on race and proximity.  they should practice their message on 5th graders, just like democrats.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
Dallas, Texas
The Republican Party has become way too conservative. Romney was at the wrong place at the wrong time. Too narrow of a base. Insulting diversity (perhaps the 47%) will not work anymore.

They will need to take a lesson in the social economic wows many Americans face. That is if they want to become a force.

I think people are generally good and willing to work hard. Insinuating that people want hand outs is the main reason Romney lost. I suspect many of these people felt they were being thrown to the back of the bus or under it and people would just rather be poor then carry around that feeling.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
I wonder if Obama would have/will pardon the blind sheikh, bashir or anyone at guantonomo and who else is on his list.



Well-known member
Dec 23, 2008
If Texas secedes, I will have a farm for sale.  I am an American, and if Texans do not want to be Americans, then they can do it without me.  There are 49 other states that really do love their country.  I guess anyone, or any state that is ready to cut and run, then never was truly invested in making America work in the first place. 

Told myself I was not going to reply to this thread any longer but can't help it.  ZNT, we're close enough here in Texas to be neighbors but your remark about 49 other states that really do love their country ruffles my feathers a bit.  I'm an American, have been since I hit the ground 59 years ago.  I'm also a Texan, been one for 59 years.  I love America.  I also loveTexas with an allegiance that runs just as deep as my allegiance to the US.  I'm not going to "cut and run".  I'm pretty sure the remark by another poster about secession was not serious, maybe just spoken out of frustration, which I can certainly understand.  My love for America has never been stronger, I'm just sad that the America that I grew up in is no longer here.  My grandkids will not experience America the same as I have.  I recognize lifestyles, circumstances which we find ourselves, and environments change.  Most of the time change is good.  Sometimes it is not.  I'm lucky to live in a state that strives to discern what mandates from federal government are not beneficial to its residents and acts accordingly.  That does not lessen my allegiance or love for the US.  That does make me blessed to live in Texas. 


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2008
Who knows what kind of damage he will do to this country during his next 4 years .


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2007
Skeeter -

I think some folks get tired of the bluster from Texans about secession. Honestly I do too, especially when it comes from someone running off at the mouth like our Governor did a while back.  I really don't even think its funny. 

I don't like the election results one bit, but we all have to remember compromise requires both parties to give some.  All of the off the cuff comments here, Facebook, etc really work to get people stirred up and want to take the "I'm going to gather my toys and go home" approach, when in reality the opposite approach - by those in elected office - is needed.

When we all have the itch to think the world's going to come to an end, don't overestimate the power of the presidency.  There ain't that much he can do without both houses of Congress playing along.  Regardless of how liberal we think the president and Democrats in general are, they are a lot less liberal than Canada and almost every country in Europe.  There is no where "better" to go.

I'm more worried about the long-term slide than I am the next four years.  Fixing the long-term is going to require some change from both sides.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
south webster ohio
Hey don't blame all of Ohio. Blame Franklin county, cuyhoga county, Hamilton county, and Meigs county. That's Columbus, cincy, Cleveland, and Athens.


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
If you look at allot of the state like Ohio, Iowa, and even California, the rural area are red, the cities are blue.
Allmost all of the Cal coast is blue, the inland counties are red, just to many people in the cities who want their free stuff.
San Diego also had a 70% turnout by the hespanic vote. San Diego ran red for along time, that is even changing.


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
Untill a secular conservative runs, the democratic party will continue to run this country.  Very few identify with the extreme religious right, why does the Republican party continually choose to embrace them?


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2007
At least when my kids didn't get something they wanted they quit whining after about an hour, this has been going on almost 2 days now. I bet you already have your "Don't blame me, I voted for Romey" bumperstickers printed up. Why don't you do a comb over and march on the White House with the Donald.  Lets move on. Why is everything Obamas fault? I've had people tell me that Colorado and Washington legalizing weed is his doing, along with the gay marriage issue. I bet he was even responsible for 9 11 an was probably at the book depository on the day in Dallas. I'm done. See you when Steer Planet gets back to normal.


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
Stick, if you didn't click on a subject that you didn't want to read you wouldn't have to read it, I don't know about your computer but I can select the subjects I want and not have to read the subjects I prefer not to. You might want to try that.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2011
vc said:
If you look at allot of the state like Ohio, Iowa, and even California, the rural area are red, the cities are blue.
Allmost all of the Cal coast is blue, the inland counties are red, just to many people in the cities who want their free stuff.
San Diego also had a 70% turnout by the hespanic vote. San Diego ran red for along time, that is even changing.

(clapping) These are people (urban areas)  who couldn't even tell you where a tomato comes from (ask them and they will say Krogers) and they elected our president. What every happen to not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your county (JFK). Sold our country out for a free phone. :eek:


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2011
stick said:
At least when my kids didn't get something they wanted they quit whining after about an hour, this has been going on almost 2 days now. I bet you already have your "Don't blame me, I voted for Romey" bumperstickers printed up. Why don't you do a comb over and march on the White House with the Donald.  Lets move on. Why is everything Obamas fault? I've had people tell me that Colorado and Washington legalizing weed is his doing, along with the gay marriage issue. I bet he was even responsible for 9 11 an was probably at the book depository on the day in Dallas. I'm done. See you when Steer Planet gets back to normal.

This is not a game! We didn't lose, our children and grand children and their children lost. That's why the rural community is not just giving up. We are trying to do whats right for the country and future generations. 2 days, that's nothing considering  what is happening now will take 2 generations to repair. We can not take another 5 t in debt. This country is no further in debt than what every single American makes. If every American was to pay 100% in taxes for 1 year our debt would not be paid off. No sir, this is not a game with any winners.


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Pottsboro, TX
J2F said:
vc said:
If you look at allot of the state like Ohio, Iowa, and even California, the rural area are red, the cities are blue.
Allmost all of the Cal coast is blue, the inland counties are red, just to many people in the cities who want their free stuff.San Diego also had a 70% turnout by the hespanic vote. San Diego ran red for along time, that is even changing.

(clapping) These are people (urban areas)  who couldn't even tell you where a tomato comes from (ask them and they will say Krogers) and they elected our president. What every happen to not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your county (JFK). Sold our country out for a free phone. :eek:
Anyone have any statistics on avg household income in urban vs rural counties?  


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
you would be surprised the mix is relatively even, at least in California.