A couple of new females I am thinking about purchasing (For Blue Roan Breeding)

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Well-known member
Mar 9, 2008
Truth, if you would take the time to read the post on this site on a consistant basis, you would realize people are managing and marketing these cattle quite responsibly.  Most test all their stock and know the status of thier cows, calves, and bulls they use.  If you have a clean shorthorn herd congratulations.  I am sure that is a great selling point.  It isn't you opinion I have a problem with.  If all  cattle were clean from all genetic defects it would be great.  It is you attitude and rude behavior that is the problem.  If you had made one posative post on this entire site I may have respect and listen to your side, but you haven't.


Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
Blue Roan heifer out of reg. Angus cow &  Sin City.


  • 2007 calves Sept. Sin City Heifer.jpg
    2007 calves Sept. Sin City Heifer.jpg
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Well-known member
May 7, 2008
North Texas
Hey The Truth,

Maybe you could Hope for Change, because change is good.Because if nothing changes it stays the same. I've got an idea. Why don't you sell all of your Shorthorns, because the Club Calf Industry has ruined your breed.( Also they are not as rugged as you think. They don't do well in Texas where we have some harsh conditions. You could take all the money that you got from your herd. Which would not be much because you don't care about making a profit and the Club Calf business has ruined your breed.) You could buy some Hope or you could Hope for Change. Maybe you could move from this awful country and start a herd where there aren't any cow shows. You should do this in a timely manner so you aren't here when this nation destroys itself. Good Luck! I would also venture to say most people on this site are raising show cattle to be with their family, teach their children responsibility and if you win or get some awful ribbon it is icing on the cake.

Does this make you fell better?
Sounds to me like your a Obama Bin Laden supporter, I here Afghanistan is great this time of year.


Well-known member
Feb 13, 2008
TheTruth said:
  This is a prime example of nothing more than typical American Arrogance and GREED.  That is exactly what it wrong with this country today.  

Greed for lack of a better word, is good.


Well-known member
Feb 3, 2008
Champaign, IL
if you don't love it leave it

Greed is right, greed works. Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit. Greed, in all of its forms; greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge has marked the upward surge of mankind. And greed, you mark my words, will not only save Teldar Paper, but that other malfunctioning corporation called the USA


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2007
NW Arkansas
Rustynail said:
Apparently you do not have the mental capacity to understand what a good quality animal is. 

Do you know what else shows a low mental capacity?  Here is a small list.

1.   Going to a website dedicated to show cattle and telling everyone how much you hate show cattle.   People here manage their cattle they way they choose.  Nobody cares if you don't like it.  It would be like me going to the American Onion Grower website and complain about the taste of onion.  Then expecting them to quit growing them because of  my complaints.

2.  Attacking the ethics of a group of people on an internet site, who go out of their way to be helpful, give advice, share what their doing, help young people who are just starting out showing, and care for each other on and off the computer.

3.  Going on self rightous rants, using vulgar language, and then justifying by acting like you trying to save  a breed.  You aren't impressing anyone.   You are just voicing you opion (which we all know,  You don't care about the ring,  show cattle suck,  bla bla bla on and on)  louder and more obnoxious every post you make.  Go find a site or start one.  Here are some names you could use   Ihateshowcattle.com ,   Iwilltellyoutherightwaytoraisecattle.com,    mycattlearebetterthanshowcattle.com,   goodcattlewontgoinashowring.com,  or howtorantlikeaselfrightoushillbilly.com

Seriously you need to lighten and relax.  A lot of cattle who have success in the ring have success in commercial operations.  Good cattle are good cattle.  Also good people are good people.   Most people on here have helped me with opinions, advice and information.  They are good people.  Maybe you should start treating them with the respect they have earned.   Heck they have even put up with your crap for a few months,  the must be saints.

And I need to learn to spell check, i know.
Why is it, any time in this business, whether talking about any type of cattle (show or performance, either one), if someone from hilly, rocky,  Fescue country in the Midsouth, Southeast, or Lower Midwest ( Ozarks & Appalalchia) speaks their mind at any type of forum (NCBA, Breed Ass'n, BIF, etc.) the word "Hillbilly" always has to pop up?

I noticed this same thing in national and regional collegiate events ( Alpha Gamma Rho, Block & Bridle, Judging Team, etc) 18 years ago.

Tired of this crap, & by the way, I'm still pissed at your ancestors for what they did to my ancestors ( The Fancher Party @ Mountain Meadows).



Well-known member
Jan 20, 2008
North Central Iowa
Interesting observation--at least to me!!

Why is it that the people on SP who are always picking fights and generally disagreeable(not only "the Truth") all hide behind their so called patriotism, and use phrases like "I have strong opinions", "I'm not politically correct", and "I only speak the truth" when it is obvious that they are more interested in riling up others, arguments, and self promotion than really solving any problems.  Also isn't it interesting that even though its obvious by their comments that they are old enough to be adults they actually act like children with their whining and negativity and will never truly reveal who they are.  It takes a lot more courage to let people know who you are and then make a strong statement than to hide behind your anonymity and throw out your hyper emotional statements, cheap shots, and personally degrading remarks.  I know that in the time of the internet not everyone wants to reveal where they live, etc.  but why is it that those who are most argumentative never tell us any real facts about themselves.  If I wanted to buy some of your wonderful, fault free cattle, Truth, where would I find you?? 

If you really want to know " the Truth" people are tired of your negativity, degradation of others, and vast, self proclaimed knowledge.    In fact, you don't speak the truth but merely state your exaggerated opinions.

Perhaps you should try out a new moniker like "Speaks loudly, but with no depth", "The Truth According To ME",  or even "Legend in my own mind".   

We've read enough of your acidic rants!  The young people on this board don't really need any more demonstrations of your negativity and spiteful attitude! 

My response will be to just skip over anything with your identification on it!


Well-known member
Dec 8, 2007
Oh, I hate to think of the grief that getting involved in this is going to cause me, BUT

I have had it with the name calling and bullying that is going on in this thread. The Truth, if you don't like the other poster's ways of life, cattle production, selection, ect. then you are entitled to your opinion. By everyone else isn't. There are probaly many folks who don't agree with your operation. I know that I don't agree with my neighbor's operation, but I don't tell him this, I'm not rude to him, and I don't tell him how he is a corrupt and bad person for doing business the way he chooses. Stating that you prefer the less show orientated cattle is not a big deal in most cases, if said in a nice "this is my opinion" manner, but choosing to flat out dog the people on STEERPLANET (an oviosly show oriented sie) about having show cattle, it's just looking for a fight. Showing cattle provides an excellent way for families to bond and for people to get off the couch. Many club calf producers see the need for young people and adults alike to have a show animal. They produce the cattle that give 4Hers the opportunity to have the Grand Cahmpion Steer or Heifer.If we are out at a calf show, then that helps keep some kids that would other wise have nothing else to do from making bad choices. Good club cattle are just as good as any animal. it all depends on what you are looking for. In general, any breed's  animals who win in the shows are the wide based, bold sprung, stouter and more complete animals. I've heard countless judges place an animal down for structural integrity, so the champion cattle are not always cripples. In my opinion, Its hard to beat a good simmy cow for mothering abilitys, but I prefer that she also have the quality to produce calves who will compete in the showring and make attractive real world bulls for my customers. if someone wants to do this idea with maines, shorthorn, chi, angus, herefords, limo, char, gelveigh, or commercial cattle, they should be praised rather than tormented for "ruining a breed".

No one on this forum either for club calf production or against should be allowed to curse, name call, or bully no matter if YOU are right or not. Lets all be a little more considerate of others feelings before we call each other rednecks, hillbillies, or Bin Laden supporters, and remember that if we like it or not, each and every one of us posts on this forum for a love of producing CATTLE.Period. We all have our quirks, no one is perfect, but leave people to their business decisions for whatever reasons they have. They must have found something that works for them, and everyone wants to find their niche in cattle production.

Please noone hound on me for this. I really don't want to be downed. This is just my opinion stated in as kind and straightforward of a way as 16 year old me knows how.



Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
For anyone else out there who is considering not to vote this time, think of this.... by not using your democratic right, you have chosen to act like " the Truth". That should make you head for the polls, as fast as your little legs will carry you.

In my world, anyone who chooses NOT to vote has absolutely no right to comment on any topic about the society he lives in. Period. Anyone who doesn't vote deserves whatever government they get, and they have no right to complain about any government policy that comes their way.  Anyone who chooses not to vote, is having a direct hand in the harming their country.Anyone who chooses not to vote in a major election as the one this fall, is in my mind at least a traitor to the beliefs and hard work of generations before them , who have made the US the country it is today.

I am not an American, but I think I hold the same view as many others, of chronic complainers who do nothing to change the wrongs they see, other than simply name call and complain. No society is perfect, but it is the right, privilege, and duty of ALL to do their part to direct the direction of a country in any way they wish it to go.  The Taliban say they will take over the world one birth at a time. If you don't like where your country is going, it is your duty to change it.... one vote at a time.

God help us all if we ( ie: that live in the free world) just sit back and let attitudes like those expresses by The Truth, take over our nations. I really don't care what or who you vote for, as that is your right in a free land, but I have absolutely no use for people who do nothing but complain, and do not use the single most important free right our countries provide to all of us..., that being the simple "X " on a ballot.



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
the truth appears to be no longer.  alert the moderator rather than responding in a thread.

Show Heifer

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2007
Darn just when it was getting good!!!  Can anyone say "BW"????

Anyway, glad you picked the right one shortie_junkie!!!  I thunk you did good!!!  ;D


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
Show Hef, not sure about your reference but as your profile says sometimes you need to take a stand. although I didn't pull the plug I supported the decision. Hatred & name calling has no place on this board. Many of us have hijacked threads but this was getting personal & mean spirited.

Shorthorn junkie- you did good!



Well-known member
Dec 17, 2007
Thank You Red.  You were there just when SP needed you!  The conversations were getting to the point of verbal abuse and harassment.  It was not pretty, or necessary.

Show Heifer

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2007
I didn't read all the post.....lost interest and lack of time...but did notice the few that are left make no sense due to the ones that were removed....don't know who did it, don't care (honestly didn't think it was you red, I thought you were still recuperating) and I am not even saying they should not have been removed, just thought it was odd....kinda like china's media, one day it is there, next day it is gone. This will be surely be noted!!!

Liked red said shortie; You done good (trying to sound hillbilly-ish).  ;D ;D


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
LaRue, Ohio
still recuperating but hurt so bad today thought getting on would take my mind off things.
I agree, the remaining posts make everything confusing. especially when trolls pop up in posts.

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