Sullivan's Sale Results

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Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
How about this many people does it take to buy a hc Timeline bull?


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2010
sheps & shorthorns said:
aj said:
How about this many people does it take to buy a hc Timeline bull?

nobody knows, cuz they're all too dumb to count, and none are smart enough to know when too much is too much. <rock>

How many Shorthorn bulls have you boys raised between you that have got as much attention as Timeline? Produced as well as Timeline? How many bulls (commercial or Durham red) have you raised that are worth talking about? Craig, Jody have either of you seen the Timeline bull in the flesh? I recommend you do before you publicly call his syndicate owners dumb for investing in him.  I also recommend you see photos of his dam the Presto cow if the bull doesn't have a great dam he is not a bull worth using in my opinion.  Presto was one of the great cows of the breed, one of the females that I will be babbling about for many years to come.

I don't use Timeline genetics myself and probably never will  as we are a appendix free operation, but a good animal is a good animal whether it fits in your program or not. Part of the cattle industry is learning to appreciate other peoples programs not trash them. If you don't like it don't use it! Timeline is working for his owners and in the end isn't that what matters? When a breeder sells a animal at any price the utmost concern should be that the buyer(s) make a profit and remain happy if you don't fulfill this you lose the chance of new customers and repeat customers.  


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
I guess in my failed attempt at humour delt with the Timeline being a 20,000$ bull born in 2007. And has 18 registered calves in Canada as of now. Thats 6 calves a year. Calves in 5 different herds.Never mind.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
And you are right...I have never raised a 20,000 $ bull. One thing the Canadians could learn(Nixon learned it in the United States) that sometimes the cover up is more painfull then the original event.Oh gawd.......please don't start posting pictures on here......just kidding. ;D


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2010
aj said:
And you are right...I have never raised a 20,000 $ bull. One thing the Canadians could learn(Nixon learned it in the United States) that sometimes the cover up is more painfull then the original event.Oh gawd.......please don't start posting pictures on here......just kidding. ;D

I wasn't talking about the price of your cattle I was more curious on if you had produced a bull that has excited people (aside from the Sodhouse Charlie bull whose THC status raised quite the negative uproar), as you didn't answer the question I took the time to go through the American Shorthorn Association and I have found that you have produced very few bulls that have been used and even fewer that have been transferred.  If you like I could post my findings I have the capabilities of using jpg or good old fashion typing. What I have learned is very interesting as you are one of the harshest critics regarding other Shorthorn breeders and what excites them yet you  have little to nothing to show for your own program.  Perhaps this is a case of sour grapes more than anything else? 


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
jaimiediamond said:
aj said:
And you are right...I have never raised a 20,000 $ bull. One thing the Canadians could learn(Nixon learned it in the United States) that sometimes the cover up is more painfull then the original event.Oh gawd.......please don't start posting pictures on here......just kidding. ;D

 Perhaps this is a case of sour grapes more than anything else?  

Maybe its him liking a case of fermenting grapes then posting?


Well-known member
May 6, 2007
aj said:
I guess in my failed attempt at humour delt with the Timeline being a 20,000$ bull born in 2007. And has 18 registered calves in Canada as of now. Thats 6 calves a year. Calves in 5 different herds.Never mind.

Aj I thought it was funny. But then again I have the ability to laugh at myself and my cowherd currently lives in a nitrogen tank. The only joke I think is funnier is about the shorthorn breeder from western Kansas who used a Warhorse grandson and a Suds son then goes on internet forums claiming to know what commercial cattlemen want.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
Jammie I don't give a damn what you do. I heard there was a private investigator in town checking in on me.......I assume this is your deal. I will not back down from the fact that I think the bulls 20,000$ status was a false. I didn't advertise him as a 20,000$ you guys did. They story was that he was bought by 6 commercial guys and one registered guy. Then the story was 5 registered guys and two commercial guys. I don't give a damn who bought him. But then you guys started belittling me. I wasn't Jesus Christ like jit was. So lets get it on. hc timeline was a 20,000$. List the the 5 owners of the bull on here. I don't want a damn syndicate name. I want the names of 5 OWNERS. I don't give a damn if they are Peter Paul and Mary Magdeline. Jesus Christ raised the bull I know that. Why is it that a 20,000$ bull that is owned by 5 major herds registers 6 calves a year? Us low lifes that live in the lowly United States of America dont understand the economics. How can a 20,000$ dollar bull that is owned by major herds be advertised by 2 herds only. Why isn't there semen for sale on the bull if he is a 20,000$ bull. Why didn't ABS buy him? Why didn't Genetic horizons buy him? He is your bull not mine. Since you are apparently jits spokes person for bull lets hear spin on the bull. Why aren't the 5 owners of the bull standing up and yelling.....WE own part of the Timeline bull! He is the greatest bull in the history of man kind. I just want to know more about the bull. How many calves has he sired. What are their registered names and number. Give me the damn names of the 5 owners of your bull. 5 Names of the owners. Its not that hard. Us lower echelon breeders need help in understanding how a 20,000 bull has the influence of a pimple on a Angus's bulls butt. 5 names. Lets see a copy of the check. Lets see a photo of the bulls sire and dam and great great grandsire and every one of timeline calves being shouldn't be to tough. I'm not sure why you got involved in the mystery but thank god you did. thanks in advance.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2006
western kansas
ITK I'm glad that you and your family has worked through your embezzlement case. To bad it brought your moms daycare deal down and the herd also. Good luck to you in the future.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
believe it or not, there are bigger problems with people on this site than what amount of money decided to pay for cattle.

how much traffic is the gorilla marketing generating?


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2010
I think Frostie is right, aj honey you need to stop getting into the fermented grapes, I might add anything fermented.

You obviously have a psychological problem and for whatever reason JIT triggers it.  It is like you have a obsession with him or something :p.  As for the PI I wouldn't waste my money spying on you everything I need to know I have found out from the Denver Pens reports, and your posts that show someone who is so insecure he has to pull other people down. HC Timeline has some pretty impressive young cattlemen backing him give it time and I am sure everyone will see the results, funnily enough not all of them are on steerplanet which does make it hard for them to post "I own part of Timeline and he is the best thing since sliced bread". 

As for your program I am not bashing it, I just find it amazing that you can sit on your pedestal and knock other peoples programs when your program has very little to show.  Another interesting point is almost none of your cattle would be registered in Canada just recordable which ranks you as a commercial man with high Red Angus influence according to my herd book.  So the calving issues you preach could stem from other breeds (food for thought).  Moreover none of your bulls have had 18 registered calves unless you would like to include Valiant the Red Angus. 


Well-known member
May 26, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
First of all, I really wonder what Timeline has to do with the Sullivan sale results, which is what this thread is supposed to be about.
Secondly, I was not going to even comment on aj's comments here, but he has not only called my integrity into question ( again ... for probably the 20th time or more!!) but he has cast doubt on the integrity of the group of cattlemen who decided to buy Timeline in our bull sale. I take great exception to your remarks, and quite frankly find your rudeness completely out of line. There is absolutely nothing to hide here. There was absolutely no conspriacy and the bull sold for what he brought. I wonder why you don't take a break and harp on the countless other bulls of several breeds that have sold for $20,000 or more. Without much thought I can count 8 bulls that sold last spring within 100 miles of here that sold for $20,000 to $87,000. I suppose each and every one of these sales was a fixed deal as well!

The buyers involved in Timeline are public knowledge, and if you took a bit of time to look it up you would know who they are. Since I know you won't do this, here they are:
1) Dixon Farms, Vermilion, AB  -
2) Huberdale Farms, Lipton, SK
3) Shantz Superior Livestock, Carstairs, AB
4) Buffalo Lake Shorthorns, Stettler,
5) Shady Lane Shorthorns, Mortlach, SK
6) Paragon Land and Cattle Co. Qu" Appelle, SK
7) Little B Land and Cattle Co., Alameda, SK
8) Horseshoe Creek - my farm, as I kept an equal share in him so I would be able to use him in our herd.

I am proud to have these firms as my partners, as each and every one of them are good cattle producers of very high integrity. IMO, they are as proud of their integrity as I am and for that reason, I am going to ask you one more time to stop with this BS. It is totally uncalled for, totally insulting and totally wrong. You have absolutely no grounds to make the claims you have and quite frankly, you are hurting your own reputation far more than mine, but obviously that doesn't bother you. While I have your attention I will also say that you have quite consistently brought a negative aire to the Steerplanet site. There are many intelligent people who have left this site, simply because of the negativity that you ( and a few others) bring here. I will be the first to say that debate is good, and we don't have to agree on an issue. Good debate helps all of us learn more and see things from a different prospective.  That is not what you bring when you make accusations that are totally wrong.

I'm really excited as I was able to use Timeline naturally this year for the first time and he got 30 of my best cows. I am really excited as I have been super impressed with his calves. Timeline does something that I really like and that is he has been siring calves of both sexes that are better quality than he is... and doing it consistently. I have flushed several of my best donors to him, and I plan to flush more to him. I have attached a picture of Timeline taken on pasture this spring and also a picture of Shady Lane Rockstar, who is a Timeline son. I felt that Rockstar was the best bull I have seen that was born in 2010, and I purchased a 1/2 interest in him from Jamie ( shady lane on here). You should see Rockstar's baby sister. She is an absoluite knockout!  I only had two Timeline calves this year, both ET bulls and both are in our show herd. I think both are exceptional quality and I have had interest in them both from two countries other than Canada and the US.  

I could care less if you don't like Timeline or any of his offspring. That is your right. What I draw the line on is your liablous accusations that call my honesty and my integrity into question ( as well as all my partners in the bull). I do my best to remain positive on this site, but I simply cannot allow you to continually call my integrity into question. You are dead wrong my friend, so for the umteenth time.. give this a break and stop this nonsense! I, for one, refuse to allow you to pull me down to your level of debate.

I apologize for messing with the topic of this thread, but I felt I could not let aj's insanity on this issue continually through doubt in the thing I value the most...that being my integrity.


  • HC Timeline 17T ET 15-05-11SM.jpg
    HC Timeline 17T ET 15-05-11SM.jpg
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  • Shady Lane Rockstar sm.jpg
    Shady Lane Rockstar sm.jpg
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Pleasant Grove Farms

Well-known member
Sep 19, 2011
whew, thank you so much for clearing all of this up Justintime....
as I was reading this thread I was just thinking of the shorthorn bull Asset and how he was born in 1995; now that he stopped producing all of a sudden, he seems to be so valuable but what I wondered as his semen skyrocketed now that he won't produce was why did it take this long (to do the math, he is now 6 years old) to figure out that he had the ability to sire awesome babies?

Instead of posting slanderous and insulting rumors on a public forum, I asked one of the owners of Asset when he came out here to look at calves why that is and got the real answer;
the bull was a very poor semen producer from the start; took several years to build up a semen bank even for his owners then he was offered to the public for a short time and then he suffered a permanent injury that makes it very likely he will never freeze again. 

shit happens; perhaps Timeline had problems with freezing or who knows what, just because he doesn't have a stellar number of calves registered in the books means NOTHING....really is $20,000 so unbelievable for a selling price for a good bull?  If it is, then how can you believe all of the $20,000 STEERS that have sold this fall?  There will never be a calf registered to them..NEVER. does that mean each of them were a put up deal?

all of the slanderous information that has been put up here by one poster in particular is so ridiculous.  I KNOW there are pple on this forum that need to attend much more closely to their own business and stop worrying excessively about others and we would all be better off; aj is not the only one.