Votes for sale in Congress/Senate N/C (Way to go Nebraska!!)

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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
JbarL said:
a woman who smokes a pck of cigs a day...and eats pretzels and beer, hasnt been able to get insurance in theis great country for some time.....jbarl

that is an outright lie.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2010
[/quote]The racisim will never end.  My job, if your white and a male, your almost screwed.  It's a minority's word or a woman's word against yours, and theirs is gold.  sorry gals, i know this isn't always the case.  But the truth.  I have co-workers who will not come to work on days when set to work with a female or minority.  Their job is at stake if they are accused of anything.  It's not worth  a days pay.  Something is wrong here.    Obama in everthig he has done has befited the unemployed person sitting on the porch not wanting a job.  college tuition, cap and trade, health bill,

who is the war benefiting?  try looking into the western oil companies and military industrial complex.  he promised to end it and has not.  why?  all of Iraq's oil fields have been divided up by western oil companies and they have also now put themselves on the oil board of Iraq.  1.3 million Iraqis have now been killed.  Men women and children.  Iraq never attacked us.  thus, Obama is just another puppet for the people that control our fiat currency. 


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA

when people are purchasing something with (what is perceived to be) other people’s money, it’s understandable that they don’t pay much attention to cost.

now, factor in not paying anything for some health care recipients and lack of tort reform, it's logical there are NO cost constraints.

it's disgusting that progressives and their voters (hint, the vast majority who pay no federal income tax as well as government unions who have guaranteed jobs and benefits), and particularly those who don't pay income tax on cash income don't understand this.  but of course, they won't admit they don't pay taxes or are overpaid.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2009
Pumpkinville, OH
a woman who smokes a pck of cigs a day...and eats pretzels and beer, hasnt been able to get insurance in theis great country for some time....if peoples lifestyles and economic situations distract  you that much should private  practice in washington or hollywood...unless you still have some government subsidized loans to pay off....that says it for me.....jbarl

This is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever read, we're all a little simpler for even reading it!  It sure sounds like she has insurance, but since she's getting it on our dime she doesn't have to try and change her lifestyle one bit!  And nobody in Washington is going to make her....because if they do, it will be one less vote they are able to buy.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
the individual is dead.

good one nasc.

my fav isthe truncated version, "the fountainhead"

i particularly like the line in the move when gary cooper says something to the effect of "if you wanted to meet me, why didn't you say so."

a trashier version is when clint eastwood is walking across the street and a lady of the evening purposely bumps into him.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
a woman who smokes a pck of cigs a day...and eats pretzels and beer, hasnt been able to get insurance in theis great country for some time....if peoples lifestyles and economic situations distract  you that much should private  practice in washington or hollywood...unless you still have some government subsidized loans to pay off....that says it for me.....jbarl

This is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever read, we're all a little simpler for even reading it!  It sure sounds like she has insurance, but since she's getting it on our dime she doesn't have to try and change her lifestyle one bit!  And nobody in Washington is going to make her....because if they do, it will be one less vote they are able to buy.
i think you should ask a woman who smokes a pack of cigs a day, and is 30 lbs over weight and has a job/ but not the money to pay the premium.......most of the minorities refered to by the good doctor,( who noticed the gold tooth)...have no idea what its like to have insurance or any other kind of regular medical care, ....the emergency room is the only health care they have ever known...what do you expect ??....and its not just miniorities....a college graduate( without a job....or gold tooth)  this year looking for insurance may find the 4 to 9 thousand dollar price tag, a little hhigh and they may wish not to expend 25% of there earnings either....hes ridin your dime too....when thats all ya got.. its allya got....just like folks who grew up in the depression..." we never even new we were poor".....several generations of not affording medical care.....  aint gonna change over or white  jbarl


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
JbarL said:
i think you should ask a woman who smokes a pack of cigs a day, and is 30 lbs over weight and has a job/ but not the money to pay the premium.......most of the minorities refered to by the good doctor,( who noticed the gold tooth)...have no idea what its like to have insurance or any other kind of regular medical care, ....the emergency room is the only health care they have ever known...what do you expect ??....and its not just miniorities....a college graduate( without a job....or gold tooth)  this year looking for insurance may find the 4 to 9 thousand dollar price tag, a little hhigh and they may wish not to expend 25% of there earnings either....hes ridin your dime too....when thats all ya got.. its allya got....just like folks who grew up in the depression..." we never even new we were poor".....several generations of not affording medical care.....  aint gonna change over or white   jbarl

stupid analogy.  a pack a day for a year is over $1500/year.  the food leading to being 30lbs overweight is some more money.  they could get catostrophic for less than that and pay out of pocket for minor stuff which i do with a health savings plan.

you, on the other hand, want it all for free, paid for by me, instead of from revenue from cash based business.

if it's my dime, i get to say no cigarettes.  and no fast food.

every plan you and the democrats come up with ADDS to the cost of health care, but you are too giddy providing means testing for the wealth, but refuse to means test the rest.  typical class warfare. 

change overnight would be competition and incentive for personal responsibility, both of which you are against.  with reimbursements to doctors being less and less each year, you will by logic, have to reduce the requirements to be a doctor because to become one will cost too much which of course you will solve with subsidies, and then you will lower standards. 

every one of your solutions increases cost and decreases quality and decreases personal responsibility, all of which you refuse to pay for through fair taxation of your income.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
knabe said:
JbarL said:
i think you should ask a woman who smokes a pack of cigs a day, and is 30 lbs over weight and has a job/ but not the money to pay the premium.......most of the minorities refered to by the good doctor,( who noticed the gold tooth)...have no idea what its like to have insurance or any other kind of regular medical care, ....the emergency room is the only health care they have ever known...what do you expect ??....and its not just miniorities....a college graduate( without a job....or gold tooth)  this year looking for insurance may find the 4 to 9 thousand dollar price tag, a little hhigh and they may wish not to expend 25% of there earnings either....hes ridin your dime too....when thats all ya got.. its allya got....just like folks who grew up in the depression..." we never even new we were poor".....several generations of not affording medical care.....  aint gonna change over or white   jbarl

if it's my dime, i get to say no cigarettes.  and no fast food.

add nudey books/chocolate/ and bibles while your at it...( since it is you after all)...and you could be the new president of iraq....


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2008
Well hopefully on these subsidized plans their is still some out of pocket cost at the doctor's office instead of zero.  If zero it will be like the coffee shop for welfare mom's .  At a clinic to get a swine flue shot, in which i donated my fair share for the shot,  i've sat beside these people with tatoo's from one end to the other, and yes both with a cell phone, chains to their knees, their ass of their jeans down around their knees.  guy sits there tellin someone on the other end of the phone he needs that 20 bucks, he says he needs to buy dipers, cigs, and beer, all in the same breath.  If these people have to spend even 10 bucks at the doctor for pmt they won't be there, lets just hope it aint zero..


Well-known member
Feb 13, 2008
I've health insurance through my employer ever since I got out of college.  I have never used it.  The couple of times I have gotten truly sick(bad head cold/chest cold).  I've gotten antibiotics from the local vet.  Thats all the doctors office is going to give you and they're going to charge a lot more for the office visit and for the drugs... If I didn't have insurance through my employer I wouldn't buy it on my own.  I'm in my mid twenties, I'll take the chance.  Whats going to kill me in my mid twenties?  Cirrhosis of the liver?  And that would be my own fault.  Not my neighbor's.  He shouldn't have to pay for it.....  If we all believe that when we die we will go to eternal paradise...  Why are we all so terrified to go?


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
JbarL said:
add nudey books/chocolate/ and bibles while your at it...( since it is you after all)...and you could be the new president of iraq....

now you are getting the picture.  when you pay for someone else, you get a say in how your money is spent.

you still refuse to address taxes on cash income.

if those who are able, pay their own way, that leaves a small amount of the population, coupled with competition for health insurance, co-pays so users have some attachment to costs, and you get controls.

but all you ever offer is infinite spending of other people's money.  you have no solution for catastrophic insurance with out of pocket options for minor health care issues.  you basically have no solutions, ever except expecting everyone else to pay while you favor hiding income.

a typical liberal.  liberal with my money, but conservative with yours.  with no restraint on spending, there eventually is none.  add in illegal immigration and we have a big problem fast, with of course you favoring hiding income.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Dusty said:
 Why are we all so terrified to go?

it has nothing to do with that.  it's just another scheme to guarantee equal outcome because people don't deserve to be rewarded for their work unless they hide their income with a cash based enterprise, because laws after all, are only for those who have money and are a redistribution of wealth mechanism as well.

more boiling is necessary to see through all these schemes.  all one has to do is read the communist manifesto to understand the democrat party.

also, no one knows who the fellow travelers were either, or mary sanger and eugenics.


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2008
Dusty said:
I've health insurance through my employer ever since I got out of college.  I have never used it.  The couple of times I have gotten truly sick(bad head cold/chest cold).  I've gotten antibiotics from the local vet.  Thats all the doctors office is going to give you and they're going to charge a lot more for the office visit and for the drugs... If I didn't have insurance through my employer I wouldn't buy it on my own.  I'm in my mid twenties, I'll take the chance.  Whats going to kill me in my mid twenties?  Cirrhosis of the liver?  And that would be my own fault.  Not my neighbor's.  He shouldn't have to pay for it.....  If we all believe that when we die we will go to eternal paradise...  Why are we all so terrified to go?
You've maybe been sippin too heavy on the wine at the alter, Dusty.  No insurance, in your 20's, you have a mamma cow totally maul you in a stall to nothin.  Your close to death.  Your family finds ya and hauls your to the emergency room.  After 5 days in the hosital, 5 broken ribs and a torn liver you leave with a 100,000 dollar bill.  Who's gonna pay it.  If you ain't got a hell of a job a small payment won't cover the interest.  Those with insurance pay.


Well-known member
Feb 13, 2008
farwest said:
Dusty said:
I've health insurance through my employer ever since I got out of college.  I have never used it.  The couple of times I have gotten truly sick(bad head cold/chest cold).  I've gotten antibiotics from the local vet.  Thats all the doctors office is going to give you and they're going to charge a lot more for the office visit and for the drugs... If I didn't have insurance through my employer I wouldn't buy it on my own.  I'm in my mid twenties, I'll take the chance.  Whats going to kill me in my mid twenties?  Cirrhosis of the liver?  And that would be my own fault.  Not my neighbor's.  He shouldn't have to pay for it.....  If we all believe that when we die we will go to eternal paradise...  Why are we all so terrified to go?
You've maybe been sippin too heavy on the wine at the alter, Dusty.   No insurance, in your 20's, you have a mamma cow totally maul you in a stall to nothin.   Your close to death.  Your family finds ya and hauls your to the emergency room.  After 5 days in the hosital, 5 broken ribs and a torn liver you leave with a 100,000 dollar bill.  Who's gonna pay it.  If you ain't got a hell of a job a small payment won't cover the interest.  Those with insurance pay.

A person can do what-if's all day long...  I guess in a scenario lilke that a person could have a high deductible say $5000, and could get a plan at a pretty reasonable price that woud be there to cover something catastrophic like that or car wreck etc...  Its people that use health insurance as a maintainence plan are what are breaking the system.



Well-known member
Apr 14, 2008
Dusty said:
farwest said:
Dusty said:
I've health insurance through my employer ever since I got out of college.  I have never used it.  The couple of times I have gotten truly sick(bad head cold/chest cold).  I've gotten antibiotics from the local vet.  Thats all the doctors office is going to give you and they're going to charge a lot more for the office visit and for the drugs... If I didn't have insurance through my employer I wouldn't buy it on my own.  I'm in my mid twenties, I'll take the chance.  Whats going to kill me in my mid twenties?  Cirrhosis of the liver?  And that would be my own fault.  Not my neighbor's.  He shouldn't have to pay for it.....  If we all believe that when we die we will go to eternal paradise...  Why are we all so terrified to go?
You've maybe been sippin too heavy on the wine at the alter, Dusty.   No insurance, in your 20's, you have a mamma cow totally maul you in a stall to nothin.   Your close to death.  Your family finds ya and hauls your to the emergency room.  After 5 days in the hosital, 5 broken ribs and a torn liver you leave with a 100,000 dollar bill.  Who's gonna pay it.  If you ain't got a hell of a job a small payment won't cover the interest.  Those with insurance pay.
Your right , we could use what if's all day, but in a life time i would say it would be exremely rare not to need some sort of health care.  Anything is possible, you get drunk , accidently go in the neighbor's house, they think it's a burglar, that kind of stuff.  People with insurace can't pay for other peoples gambling on nothing happenig.
A person can do what-if's all day long...  I guess in a scenario lilke that a person could have a high deductible say $5000, and could get a plan at a pretty reasonable price that woud be there to cover something catastrophic like that or car wreck etc...  Its people that use health insurance as a maintainence plan are what are breaking the system.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
knabe said:
JbarL said:
add nudey books/chocolate/ and bibles while your at it...( since it is you after all)...and you could be the new president of iraq....

now you are getting the picture.  when you pay for someone else, you get a say in how your money is spent.

my dime goes in with yours...and his and hers and theres....thats why  we   elect politicians to represent the constituants wishes for...smoker or non smoker....drinker or non cheat or honest tax paying citizen...everyone cant do what knabe whats done just because you may think your dimes a little bigger than the rest of us.......your dime goes in with mine...your vote just happened to turn out to be your waterloo....sorry about with a smile...lose with a smile.... ;)  jbarl


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
farwest said:
No insurance, in your 20's, you have a mamma cow totally maul you in a stall to nothin.   Your close to death.  Your family finds ya and hauls your to the emergency room.  After 5 days in the hosital, 5 broken ribs and a torn liver you leave with a 100,000 dollar bill.  Who's gonna pay it.  If you ain't got a hell of a job a small payment won't cover the interest.  Those with insurance pay.

that's why there is catastrophic insurance.  what is so hard to understand about that?  it's a lot cheaper.  in the late 30's, my dad had catastrophic when he farmed.  why should it be any different today?

if one wants more coverage and the "guarantee" they will have to pay less out of pocket, but more in premiums, why not offer that choice?

of course the only choice democrats are for is death for unborn babies.

both sides don't understand choice.  both sides suck.  why can't anyone understand that?  both sides absolutely hate freedom.  but no, we can't vote them out because our representatives bribe us with our own dollars with 30% taken out to fund a permanent ruling class who have no accountability to the public as our elected officials represent the government infrastructure and not the people.

it still amazes me people can not understand choice.

i guess choice is dead.