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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
free thinkers have been called many things in our history....revolotunaries....confederates.......slaves......hippies....uninonizers......independents......seems you dont become a patroit untill you set aside your ideas....and ideals......and think like your told to.....ironic that the tools they have been recently ( ( created to assure your doing / and thinking what your supposed to is called  " the patriot act"......and the army in place to enforce it is called " the office of homeland security"...........maybe if they'd just shot some more college kids back in the 70's for the same kinda thinkin' and talkin'.......or maybe  just shoot all the gitmo prisoners now.....maybe this "fear" that seems to be promoted..... will finally kick in and we will all just shut up.....( or huddle up..... ;)   )  jbarl


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
congress is merely a means to reconcile differences, with the president also elected by the people, as a check on power against an institution (congress).  the court is appointed by the president with more influence from the people rather than an institution.  i strongly favor disagreement in government and that less get done, than more (through government).  we still blame the federal government for katrina and obama is using this for floods now, rather than a progression through local, then state, then federal for disaster relief.  i believe clinton was the one who started the transition that the federal government was responsible for direct assistance by presence rather than access to money by local resources.  of course no one noticed.  typical.

free thinkers can come from any side, but ultimately they have the responsibility to garner support.  charles manson could be considered a free thinker, the aztec's, head hunters etc.  this is one of my biggest flaws, i don't garner support well, and by default it is always a higher hurdle to overcome (independence) when one can vote for government handouts (dependence).

both obama and mccain will tax job creation by lamenting "obscene" profits.  both of their  funding comes through money managers where profit margins are 10 fold the oil companies (5-8%).

course you won't see that on the nightly news, as they get their payback through airing commercials by those institutions.  there isn't even the remotest whiff of a free thinking network on OUR airwaves, with NPR being the worst, followed by CBS, then a tie between ABC and NBC, then followed closely by fox which is 20% owned by arabs.  what a joke.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2008
North Central Iowa
Has anyone ever heard of a "Post Turtle"??

I thought I'd pass along a story one of my friends sent me yesterday.  It sums up my feelings pretty well in a really simple way!!


  • Post Turtle.doc
    24 KB · Views: 123


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
both mccain and obama are post turtle's when it comes to the economy.  if mccain thinks 5% profit is obscene and he needs to investigate speculators to see if they are speculating and obama thinks he can create more economic activity and crate incentive for business by taxing it rather than inactivity of recipients of mandates by reducing them, they should start a company selling ANYTHING rather than being a gatherer of money for no activity and then get back to the american public.  america is about freedom of enterprise and we will decide, the seller and the buyer, what a fair price is.  when the government mandates profit margins, costs only go up with less to go around for everything else not mandated by the government.  those on the left can only see an entirely managed economy to get rid of unequal distribution of outcome rather than opportunity.  even mccain is drifting that way with a hemi. 



Well-known member
Mar 24, 2008
Knabe,  I've always agreed with the fair market system as well as the overwhelming majority of your views.  But we no longer operate in a fair market system. With things like Nafta and sister accords, tarriffs on raw steel, but not steel parts, imports from other countries that are subsidized either directly by their governments or indirectly through manipulation of the value of their currency, it is no longer a fair market. Our governments policies have led directly to the continuing shrink of the middle class due to the loss of higher paying jobs. A good blue collar job like my father had was one generation away from the touted education that you espouse. Not many of those around any more. Lots of $15 an hour manufacturing jobs and $7 an hour service jobs. I realize in CA the values are higher, but so is the requirement to live. Fortunately I am able to work for me. Last time I applied to get a job two years ago, similar to the one I lost because my company moved it's operation to the Philippines, they wanted to pay me what I was making in 1994.

As  far as oil company profits go, you put a nice spin on that profit figure.  5% of $100 is not an obscene profit. But 5% of a gazilliontrillion is an obscene profit. To tax them would be asinine since they would only pass that along to us and of course we would pay the tax. But to cap a price of a gallon of gas would force them to quit under utilizing their facilities and become more efficient. As far as I am concerned 1/10 of 1% of what they make is an obscene. If  government policies can take away good paying jobs, why can't it help those who it has hurt by limiting the price the oil companies can charge for a gallon of gas. If nothing else, the money that was used in that ridiculous farm bill that just passed could have helped more farmers and all Americans by using that money to subsidize the oil industry.

Oh and yes your vote for Ralph Nader or Alfred E. Newman is a wasted vote. You may not FEEL like it is because they may match your values more closely, but voting for someone who has no chance to win is a waste. Or worse yet, a vote for Perot was a actually a vote for Clinton. Which is exactly what I did, just as you.

And JBARL, while it is true the security of Israel is not related to its relationship with the US, I would infallibly argue that the security of the US is related to it's relationship with Israel. That fact alone is enough reason not to vote for some one with a freakin' Muslim name. And btw, I am very proud to be a redneck, hillbilly, or what ever else you deem us poor ol' uneducated, back woods Southern inbreds to be.

As far as the voting goes, it's obvious that McCain is much more popular with the vast majority of folks here, which of course live mostly in rural areas which still make up the  majority of land area in our country. However, the larger cities where more people live are largely for Obama. This is a product of the vastly different values of rural people and those who live in more densely populated areas. The electoral congress was set up by the founding fathers because at that time, they felt the public was too scattered geographically and  too ignorant to make a wise decision. Isn't it ironic now that people who claim to be so well informed and highly educated, the so called elite of our society,  are the ones who want to vote for Obama?

I am not a fan of our current President by any means, although I voted for him. But if you think he is bad, wait until which ever one of these guys get in. Although the real problem lies in Congress. The only way to turn our government around is to have term limits for Congress and that ain't gonna happen.  America has become apathetic since WWII because we have had it so good and so easy. Those times are on their way to a halt. There is nothing  to keep the price of fuel from continuing to climb, there is nothing to keep more good paying jobs in our economy, there is nothing that is going to ease the credit crisis the economy faces, there is nothing to keep health care costs in check (although the elimination of illegal immigrants would solve the health care crisis in an instant, not to mention my property taxes). Every one of the issues I mentioned is a direct result of government policy. In the next ten years things are going to get bad in our country. Maybe then the public will get off it's duff and take an interest in who it sends to make the policies that dictate not only our ability to pursue happiness, but life and liberty itself.

Show Dad

Well-known member
Jul 7, 2007
1 AU from a G2 yellow dwarf star
Not to disagree with GW but we have never had a fair market system but a free market system. Free of government but that has seen increasingly government interference.

Just take agriculture, how many of us take a government payment?

Government proper role in the market is to provide security. Including security of access for all with success or failure being left up to the individual. No guarantees. I know sounds harsh but that's what works best.

Government that "helps" to eliminate the pain just ends up creating more pain. Then creates a new program to "help" with the new pain. And so on and so on.

What we need is less government and more individual responsibility. Which will give us better community.

Now which candidate is going to do that?


Well-known member
Feb 13, 2008
SD said:
Not to disagree with GW but we have never had a fair market system but a free market system. Free of government but that has seen increasingly government interference.

Just take agriculture, how many of us take a government payment?

Government proper role in the market is to provide security. Including security of access for all with success or failure being left up to the individual. No guarantees. I know sounds harsh but that's what works best.

Government that "helps" to eliminate the pain just ends up creating more pain. Then creates a new program to "help" with the new pain. And so on and so on.

What we need is less government and more individual responsibility. Which will give us better community.

Now which candidate is going to do that?

Ron Paul would have done that.  But, he wasn't going to give any away anything to any "special" groups so he wasn't very popular.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
Knabe,  I've always agreed with the fair market system as well as the overwhelming majority of your views.  But we no longer operate in a fair market system. With things like Nafta and sister accords, tarriffs on raw steel, but not steel parts, imports from other countries that are subsidized either directly by their governments or indirectly through manipulation of the value of their currency, it is no longer a fair market. Our governments policies have led directly to the continuing shrink of the middle class due to the loss of higher paying jobs. A good blue collar job like my father had was one generation away from the touted education that you espouse. Not many of those around any more. Lots of $15 an hour manufacturing jobs and $7 an hour service jobs. I realize in CA the values are higher, but so is the requirement to live. Fortunately I am able to work for me. Last time I applied to get a job two years ago, similar to the one I lost because my company moved it's operation to the Philippines, they wanted to pay me what I was making in 1994.

As  far as oil company profits go, you put a nice spin on that profit figure.  5% of $100 is not an obscene profit. But 5% of a gazilliontrillion is an obscene profit. To tax them would be asinine since they would only pass that along to us and of course we would pay the tax. But to cap a price of a gallon of gas would force them to quit under utilizing their facilities and become more efficient. As far as I am concerned 1/10 of 1% of what they make is an obscene. If  government policies can take away good paying jobs, why can't it help those who it has hurt by limiting the price the oil companies can charge for a gallon of gas. If nothing else, the money that was used in that ridiculous farm bill that just passed could have helped more farmers and all Americans by using that money to subsidize the oil industry.

Oh and yes your vote for Ralph Nader or Alfred E. Newman is a wasted vote. You may not FEEL like it is because they may match your values more closely, but voting for someone who has no chance to win is a waste. Or worse yet, a vote for Perot was a actually a vote for Clinton. Which is exactly what I did, just as you.

And JBARL, while it is true the security of Israel is not related to its relationship with the US, I would infallibly argue that the security of the US is related to it's relationship with Israel. That fact alone is enough reason not to vote for some one with a freakin' Muslim name. And btw, I am very proud to be a redneck, hillbilly, or what ever else you deem us poor ol' uneducated, back woods Southern inbreds to be.

As far as the voting goes, it's obvious that McCain is much more popular with the vast majority of folks here, which of course live mostly in rural areas which still make up the  majority of land area in our country. However, the larger cities where more people live are largely for Obama. This is a product of the vastly different values of rural people and those who live in more densely populated areas. The electoral congress was set up by the founding fathers because at that time, they felt the public was too scattered geographically and  too ignorant to make a wise decision. Isn't it ironic now that people who claim to be so well informed and highly educated, the so called elite of our society,  are the ones who want to vote for Obama?

I am not a fan of our current President by any means, although I voted for him. But if you think he is bad, wait until which ever one of these guys get in. Although the real problem lies in Congress. The only way to turn our government around is to have term limits for Congress and that ain't gonna happen.  America has become apathetic since WWII because we have had it so good and so easy. Those times are on their way to a halt. There is nothing  to keep the price of fuel from continuing to climb, there is nothing to keep more good paying jobs in our economy, there is nothing that is going to ease the credit crisis the economy faces, there is nothing to keep health care costs in check (although the elimination of illegal immigrants would solve the health care crisis in an instant, not to mention my property taxes). Every one of the issues I mentioned is a direct result of government policy. In the next ten years things are going to get bad in our country. Maybe then the public will get off it's duff and take an interest in who it sends to make the policies that dictate not only our ability to pursue happiness, but life and liberty itself.
GW...i'm afraid " poor ole uneducated backwoods southern inbreds" is a quote from someone else...not me......seems my use of the the word "hillbilly"  has been misinterputed by several here....agian....i am a hillbilly....both sides.....paternal born and raised in left hand wva....maternal ....oxford wva..(.richie / doddgidge co.).....i was born in wood co. wva.....and for all of you who dont no what a redneck is ....well i seem to resemble that remark as well....rednecks were union organizers that marched ( regamented) from charleston wva...over the the mountain to the west side of the state to kill some folks that were causing peril and unfair traement to there citizens and fellow workers.... they wore red bandanas on there necks so they didnt kill each other in all the fightin'.....my father helped organize  union carbide in 1965 .. ocaw local 3639......i was elected to represent the same local in 1988....i guess that is where i put my racism aside.....my relatives in appalachia were card carrin' racists.....as were most of the folks in the region in the 50's /60's/70's........i understand the mood points the applacians have been raised with......i are one.....my point about the "applacian" attitude and the results of this election, is that wva,  and ky  residents ( historically democratic) will finally have a direct impact on the future direction of the country.....(coupled with the obvious ohio support) ......mcaine "has" to be a shoe in.....not democratic president has ever one an election without carrying wva.....thats a fact.....82%  of the exit polls after the primaries, said  that applacians would not vote for a barak obama cause he is black.....dont shoot the messanger here.....as much as i love applachia, and "all" its folks, and the type of lifestyle they represent......i also no they mean what they say.....democrats will not carry wva......simply because of his name/color/religion.....and that goes for more than applacians.....looking back over the posts on this topic ......i see the words like  fear...scared to death......color/.......religion, ...at least 20 times, and only a small part of those seem to be applacian....ive heard no one say one reason why they are voting for mcaine....but everone's got 2 or 3 reasons for   "not" voting for the black guy.......so be it.....no presidential election has never affected me in any way ........except richard nixon.....his signature to end the draft affected me .....to what extent i'll never no.....but it most definately affected my life.....i was perfectly willing able and ready to go....my grandfather had fought....my father had fought.....and now it was my turn in vietnam......i didnt realize the signifigance at the time....it was simply excepted as something that every generation had done.....as much as i hate to see any president elected out of fear/ or race ............i am stickin to my roots and voting as my appalacian kin,  and its not because i dont like black folk.....or am i afraid of his name or any religion..shoot im not even a republican.......i simply respect the insight the appalacian folks have gained by there ability to say what they think ......and do what they think is right.....i have been "several places"...i have lived in only a few.........but applacian life is by far our highest proioity to return to.....hence the cattle and farm preps of the last 2 yrs for us........were tryin' to simply live out where we lived up.....i could  care less whos the president......now or next year....and again i ask you check and make sure it was me who you think referenced/ said or elluded to you as "po ole' uneducated, backwoods inbreeds"....i take a bit of offense to that.....i think you may have confused me with the vice president of the united states.... dick chaney and the public comments he made about  10 days ago.....thank goodness he and his kind will be gone soon....jbarl


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
Knabe,  I've always agreed with the fair market system as well as the overwhelming majority of your views.  But we no longer operate in a fair market system. With things like Nafta and sister accords, tarriffs on raw steel, but not steel parts, imports from other countries that are subsidized either directly by their governments or indirectly through manipulation of the value of their currency, it is no longer a fair market. Our governments policies have led directly to the continuing shrink of the middle class due to the loss of higher paying jobs. A good blue collar job like my father had was one generation away from the touted education that you espouse. Not many of those around any more. Lots of $15 an hour manufacturing jobs and $7 an hour service jobs. I realize in CA the values are higher, but so is the requirement to live. Fortunately I am able to work for me. Last time I applied to get a job two years ago, similar to the one I lost because my company moved it's operation to the Philippines, they wanted to pay me what I was making in 1994.

fair market is subject to interpretation of what's fair.  one wouldn't want to protect farm labor rates of the 1940's that were eliminated by mechanization?  oops FDR did that and extended the depression.  improvement always has a cost. that's why education is important.  education need not be obtained through school.

As  far as oil company profits go, you put a nice spin on that profit figure.  5% of $100 is not an obscene profit. But 5% of a gazilliontrillion is an obscene profit. To tax them would be asinine since they would only pass that along to us and of course we would pay the tax. But to cap a price of a gallon of gas would force them to quit under utilizing their facilities and become more efficient. As far as I am concerned 1/10 of 1% of what they make is an obscene. If  government policies can take away good paying jobs, why can't it help those who it has hurt by limiting the price the oil companies can charge for a gallon of gas. If nothing else, the money that was used in that ridiculous farm bill that just passed could have helped more farmers and all Americans by using that money to subsidize the oil industry.

who allowed the oil companies to consolidate?  if we just had one company in america, like the soviet union (not really, as 25% was capitalism, but no one admits it).  capping the price is a tax, just ask FDR and look what happened, the depression was extended.

Oh and yes your vote for Ralph Nader or Alfred E. Newman is a wasted vote. You may not FEEL like it is because they may match your values more closely, but voting for someone who has no chance to win is a waste. Or worse yet, a vote for Perot was a actually a vote for Clinton. Which is exactly what I did, just as you.

i guess betting against big brown was a waste?  betting against america during the revoution was a waste?  after the crossing of the delaware it was a waste?  only 30% of america was betting on america.  how do you think groundswells in opinion happen?  that's how gay marriage happened.  used to be less than 5% of children were born outside a traditional family.  now, with blacks, it's about 70%, hispanics 50%, whites 28 or 38% i can't remember.  numbers have a way of changing and if no one changes, the public will be changed.

And JBARL, while it is true the security of Israel is not related to its relationship with the US, I would infallibly argue that the security of the US is related to it's relationship with Israel. That fact alone is enough reason not to vote for some one with a freakin' Muslim name. And btw, I am very proud to be a redneck, hillbilly, or what ever else you deem us poor ol' uneducated, back woods Southern inbreds to be.

i'm not of redneck heritage, but hillbilly on both sides.  to me, this is why it's important to stick up for israel, a quote from wwii.
First they came for the Communists,
  and I didn’t speak up,
    because I wasn’t a Communist.
Then they came for the Jews,
  and I didn’t speak up,
    because I wasn’t a Jew.
Then they came for the Catholics,
  and I didn’t speak up,
    because I was a Protestant.
Then they came for me,
  and by that time there was no one
    left to speak up for me.

As far as the voting goes, it's obvious that McCain is much more popular with the vast majority of folks here, which of course live mostly in rural areas which still make up the  majority of land area in our country. However, the larger cities where more people live are largely for Obama. This is a product of the vastly different values of rural people and those who live in more densely populated areas. The electoral congress was set up by the founding fathers because at that time, they felt the public was too scattered geographically and  too ignorant to make a wise decision. Isn't it ironic now that people who claim to be so well informed and highly educated, the so called elite of our society,  are the ones who want to vote for Obama?

other than a few obvious positions such as the war, abortion etc, there isn't much of a dime's difference of change between mccain and obama.  both have no clue what a business is, in spite of the fact that mccain's wife is in the alchohol distribitorship business.

I am not a fan of our current President by any means, although I voted for him. But if you think he is bad, wait until which ever one of these guys get in. Although the real problem lies in Congress. The only way to turn our government around is to have term limits for Congress and that ain't gonna happen.  America has become apathetic since WWII because we have had it so good and so easy. Those times are on their way to a halt. There is nothing  to keep the price of fuel from continuing to climb, there is nothing to keep more good paying jobs in our economy, there is nothing that is going to ease the credit crisis the economy faces, there is nothing to keep health care costs in check (although the elimination of illegal immigrants would solve the health care crisis in an instant, not to mention my property taxes). Every one of the issues I mentioned is a direct result of government policy. In the next ten years things are going to get bad in our country. Maybe then the public will get off it's duff and take an interest in who it sends to make the policies that dictate not only our ability to pursue happiness, but life and liberty itself.

innovation keeps good jobs in our economy.  with collectivism the desire of most countries except china, it's pretty much a guarantee that good jobs will be here.  the credit crisis will pass, it was overenterered based on bad fundamentals and when we allow that to correct (unlike fdr who extended the period to correct) we will be much better.  with america as overweight as it is, it's pretty much a given that the health care crisis will only get worse.  illegal aliens use of the system is a much lower cost per visit than overweight clogged arteries americans.  it's one reason i went to the comapny i'm at now, it's pretty much an expanding market (cardio problem prediction).  natural gas has doubled since last year and we are converting our electricity infrastructure to it meaning this puts more pressure on the taxpayer to pay the govt to give handouts for heating for the poor who have had their jobs exported, again why education is important.  the best thing to keep health care costs intact as a whole (not individually) is to be healthy, but we are only getting worse as a population.  there is indication that things are changing already.  we don't need to wait for the govt to help us.  opinions have already changed dramatically for offshore drilling, no one is buying full size suv's anymore, and as china and india convert to low efficiency energy infrastructure, we will have an advantage as efficient energy comes on line and some manufacturing may shift back to america.  just as in the depression, there is opportunity for those not extended living on credit.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Blue Rapids, Kansas
Knabe, Amen and pass the peas!

If Condi Rice would run for president with Colin Powell as her running mate, I and 100,000,000 other "rednecks" would vote for them.

"Jbarl, help me up on my horse so I can lead the charge!" 


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2008
Jbarl I wasn't quoting anyone. But that was what you insinuated anyone was who disagreed with your opinions. and thanks for the dissertation that was completely off the topic of the security of the US and Israel.


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2008
SD said:
Not to disagree with GW but we have never had a fair market system but a free market system. Free of government but that has seen increasingly government interference.

Just take agriculture, how many of us take a government payment?

Government proper role in the market is to provide security. Including security of access for all with success or failure being left up to the individual. No guarantees. I know sounds harsh but that's what works best.

Government that "helps" to eliminate the pain just ends up creating more pain. Then creates a new program to "help" with the new pain. And so on and so on.

What we need is less government and more individual responsibility. Which will give us better community.

Now which candidate is going to do that?

I am in complete agreement. But the problem is that the government has already interfered to the point that to do nothing now, leaving the policies in place that got us here, is a recipe for disaster.



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
wow, 3 concise well written responses in a row, i'll see if i can follow suit using the ELBEE method.

change the representation in government starting at the local level which is where the parties generate their power.

the easiest way to start is to reward unsubsidized/unmandated job creation, which usually leaves out developers as they enjoy government mandates for growth of about 5%, which virtually guarantees infrastructure strains.  a stable population is prosperity.  an increasing one leads to quicker resource conflict and pressure to tax one's self into prosperity which won't work, so war is resorted to.

oops, too long already.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2007
30deg 17' 11.73 N 81deg 35'59.94&q
Jbarl I wasn't quoting anyone. But that was what you insinuated anyone was who disagreed with your opinions. and thanks for the dissertation that was completely off the topic of the security of the US and Israel.
oh i forgot...i got a bit light headed way up there on my soapbox......the security of the us and israel is in gods hands....period...no one is going to hasten or prolong the proficies of the bible and/or  the distrubution date of goods promised.........jbarl

Show Dad

Well-known member
Jul 7, 2007
1 AU from a G2 yellow dwarf star
Dusty said:
SD said:
Not to disagree with GW but we have never had a fair market system but a free market system. Free of government but that has seen increasingly government interference.

Just take agriculture, how many of us take a government payment?

Government proper role in the market is to provide security. Including security of access for all with success or failure being left up to the individual. No guarantees. I know sounds harsh but that's what works best.

Government that "helps" to eliminate the pain just ends up creating more pain. Then creates a new program to "help" with the new pain. And so on and so on.

What we need is less government and more individual responsibility. Which will give us better community.

Now which candidate is going to do that?

Ron Paul would have done that.  But, he wasn't going to give any away anything to any "special" groups so he wasn't very popular.

Ron Paul is an isolationist. It was that line of thinking that lead up to the Depression. We are a world engaged power and to retreat from that would only hurt the country not help. No matter how great it sounds.


Well-known member
Feb 13, 2008
SD said:
Dusty said:
SD said:
Not to disagree with GW but we have never had a fair market system but a free market system. Free of government but that has seen increasingly government interference.

Just take agriculture, how many of us take a government payment?

Government proper role in the market is to provide security. Including security of access for all with success or failure being left up to the individual. No guarantees. I know sounds harsh but that's what works best.

Government that "helps" to eliminate the pain just ends up creating more pain. Then creates a new program to "help" with the new pain. And so on and so on.

What we need is less government and more individual responsibility. Which will give us better community.

Now which candidate is going to do that?

Ron Paul would have done that.  But, he wasn't going to give any away anything to any "special" groups so he wasn't very popular.

Ron Paul is an isolationist. It was that line of thinking that lead up to the Depression. We are a world engaged power and to retreat from that would only hurt the country not help. No matter how great it sounds.

I have a hard time believing that Ron Paul's policies would be anything other than a boon to America's economy.  Lower taxes, less regulation, SMALLER GOVERNMENT.

I am anxious to hear your theory on what caused the great depression.  Especially the part on how it was somehow caused by american isolationism.


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2008
air market is subject to interpretation of what's fair.

Knabe, everything is subject to interpretation, that's why we are having this discussion. Everyone of us sees things through his own set of situations, experiences  and values. If you believe it's fair to compete with state subsidized products imported to this country, or currency manipulated values, that's fine. But it's not true in my geographic location or experience. If you believe it's fair to place tariffs on raw materials needed for our manufacturing but not on competing finished goods, that's ok. But it's not here. If you believe the correct thing to do is allow the executives from the oil companies  to make an obscene amount money at the expense of working Americans who can't afford new automobiles, that's fine. But it's not by my values. If you want to vote for Alfred E. Newman that's fine by me. But not in three of your lifetimes will there be enough "groundswell" support to elect him. Maybe in CA, there was "groundswell" support for gay marriage, but that's not how it happened. It has happened due to the decisions of a VERY few liberal judges, who are appointed, not elected. The vast majority of the country does not support gay marriage. The "few" positions that the candidates differ in are dang important ones. But the most important issue is the type of judges that the next President will appoint. If that's not an important issue to you, I'm ok with that. But it is to me. Perhaps innovation is taking place in CA at the rate that they just can't pay people enough in their jobs. But here, Delta just laid off 3,000 more employees. It is estimated it will take 10,000 jobs of the type currently available to have the same  impact those Delta jobs had on the local economy. Maybe in CA fat people are a huge strain on the health care system. But here I live in a county of about 120,000 people. We have two large hospitals that serve a much larger geographical, mostly rural area. The cost of indigent care for illegal aliens and their new born American citizens  for our county hospital in 2007 was 339 million dollars. This shortfall is paid by higher prices for goods and services charged to those who are insured as well as higher property taxes for all county land owners. Here, when the fat people have their by pass surgery, their insurance companies and employers pay for it as well as for others who are breaking the law by being in this country. Certainly, all of the ills that beset us will pass and a new set will occur. But when? The disproportionate cost of transportation of goods will not change in our lifetime. The credit crisis will not change in our lifetime. Even to begin drilling now will not change anything in the next ten years. It's fine with me that you are prosperous enough that none of that matters, as a matter of fact, I am glad you are.  Fortunately I am prosperous enough that I can get by. But here, I am in the minority. There were those who prospered during the great depression. That doesn't mean it's ok with me from an ethical standpoint to go through another one just because some can prosper.

The point is we all see things through our own filter. Doesn't make it right or wrong for anyone else. But the apathy of the American public will have to change before government sets new policies that enable us all to prosper and then gets out of our way.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2007
Hollister, CA
to me, the depression was caused by an increase in money supply by the fed, very similar to the situation we are in now, except on a bigger scale.  it seems the depression was caused by british loyalty.  we did that three times in 1900's and paid for it each time.  at least we got it back with the gold pool, although that's probably debatable by some as we went off the standard with nixon to hide our debt.

perhaps one of my biggest wishes is for an accurate accounting of all the worlds gold over the last say 50 years, even 30 years would be interesting, even 5 years.  will anyone do it?  some have tried through congress to of course no avail.

there's a decent summary on

including a mention of mises (the father), whose son? is the one who caused a mini skuffle for ron paul

REMEMBER, fdr killed 4 million pigs and other such nonsense such as destroying other foodcrops and it took till the 70's to detangle some of this, with lots more to be untangled including social security, medicare, medicaid etc, but we keep adding to it, and paying for it on the backs of illegal aliens.  some will be shocked i said that.

the fed and the federal government created a vacuum in the real estate market of today by reducing the requirements for home loans.  this had a double whammy effect, perhaps evena triple whammy. 

one, it raised prices of houses,
two, making people desparate to buy now
three to keep market moving, requirements were lower

this was repeated several times with redlining (victimization) to blame as usual.  anytime the government identifies a victim, you can bet prices for the services "needed" for those victims will go up

on a similar note, the state of CA has a program one of my employees chose to participate in where you give up your house for govt money to take care of elderly for a defined benefit from the government with ever increasing regulations and program requirements that of course outstrip your investment.  they just cut this program 25% since the taxpayers refuse to be taxed, which itself is shocking in CA.  they want to pay for stuff, but with someone else's money.  typical.

sorry gonewest i had this posted before i say your reply.  i will respond to that as you make some good points.