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  1. H

    Notification from Houston Livestock Show that Zilmax is Banned This Year

    Okay just as long as you can still pump in the wash rack. KewKew
  2. H

    Composite Charolais Heifer

    <cowboy>That there is a flashy show heifer. Gunna be fun in the AOB division. Keep us posted i wanna see how she pans out.
  3. H

    County Show = Popularity Contest

    Lulz hell no xbar hasn't competed in a county show and if he did you know he probly got last and made some snide remark about how his animal was on pasture only. Who cares anyway these county show are run by old white folks embezzleing money for their own.  So your numbers are down and you...
  4. H

    Please let me know what you think

    Category    Grade HAIR            A Muscle          C FINISH          D PHENOTYPE  C You have done a great job these scores are representative of your animal today and where it needs to be. He is more of a lanky thing so that's why he is getting knocked on. Keep pushing him and im sure your...
  5. H

    Nervous steer

    Is this your calf?
  6. H

    First Cattle Show

    Okay here we go first you should worry about is clipping your steer, get that dude looking good that whats really important. Wear what you want just dont tuck your jeans into your boots while in the show ring. Its pretty disrespectful to the judge and merica, so don't do it ummmkay. As far the...
  7. H

    benefits of fitting

    So you spent all this money on a calf, feed, show supplies and your questioning if you should hire a fitter. Heck yea you hire a fitter because you want your animal to look its best. Swallow your pride and just face it you can't clip and neither can your Ag teacher. If your going to a major show...
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    Semen Questions??

    Throw the AR SU LU Kool in the trash.  8)
  9. H

    WHR Lone Star 2013 Results

    I signed this for whoever gets me the sale results.
  10. H

    New 4h Calves. Opinions??

    They look like what they should after being weaned. Looks like you got the gentics, the facilites now its time to do the hard work. keep the updates coming im sure they turn out to be good ones
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    YOUR opinion -thanks

    nice calf really nice
  12. H

    CF Trump

    i have a shorthorn that has cf primo for her grandfather and the cow family is the cs reba rose i have read that i can't buy CF trump ,but would you breed her to one of his son's or what are some bulls i could use on her.
  13. H

    Starting a new Shorthorn Association for Cattle Breeders

    Was there a World Grand Champion Bull show? Did i miss something?  (lol) Hey Ryan aka Xbar can you explain to me the awesome of these cattle you sold? Cause they look pretty crappy to me.